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Everything posted by BrisbaneDemon

  1. How forward and back line coach need to go, Massive question marks over Jennings, he was supposed to be the mastermind behind how we play. Absolutely pathetic behind the ball and going forward.
  2. Itleast the co captain Viney is happy with how the game is progressing ?‍♂️.
  3. I am of the opinion we will make a bit of a statement in this game and have an easy win... If Gawn gives silver service to our mids, good luck with the run on the outside Saints. Dee's by 42
  4. He needs to be put out to pasture much like his beloved black caviar.
  5. Channel 7 are so frustrating to listen to, i lost count on how many times they swapped between Swans are just hanging on, Melbourne are just clinging to their lead. There was 14 points in it at that stage.
  6. The scary thing is mate, I actually think he is, it’s hardbto forgot his kicking out of the back line
  7. The scary thing is T.Mac is a worse defender then he is forward
  8. Tonight’s observations: Tom McDonald looks like he has concrete in his boots, He looks like a poor mans Pederson/ Dawes opposition teams must lick their lips at Frost and Omac in the back line. God they’re dreadful footballers ANB is the new iron hands of the team Totally out of form: Hibberd, Jones, Tmac, Petracca, Fritesh, struggling with form: Jetta, Viney, Melksham we’re so unfit it is staggering. I might give the next few weeks a miss
  9. The part I find frustrating is, I’m not a professional footballer, every couch potato including myself, knows that the cats thrive on teams that long bomb out of the centre, the always create a two on one, always have a man spare in defence. Even with 666, it appeared on t.v last night that they had a spare man back. The bring bring the ball to ground and have great crumbing defenders who rebound quickly. Last night at every opportunity we won the hit out and bomb it front and centre to an out numbered forward, not once did we look left or right to a wing men who has worked to the 50. Our forwards were never deep enough on most occasions. we played directly into the hands of the way the cats love to play. It appears we just thought round 1 was a mulligan, we’ll fire up around the ball and problem solved. Our defensive game is appealing, I lost count of the number of times we were ball side of our players, we’re easily the worse 18 defensive team in the competition and last year we struggled with teams who picked us apart. 2 weeks in a row we we’re convincingly out couched.
  10. This is atrocious, a cannot believe how many of our top players are out of form. Good night all
  11. I’d like them to throw Lewis forward, he’s a great kick for goal.
  12. I think a lot of people are missing the point that May is a strong bugger who can really engage one on one with the big power forwards, when he has them tied up and wrestling, it allows Lever and Hibberd to cut across and intercept. OMac does get pushed out out position by the big forwards at times.
  13. If Adam Treloar, Bryce Gibbs are worth two first round picks. Jesse Hogan is ? % worth two first rounders. To say he isn’t is short sighted and clearly haven’t seen many of his games.
  14. What happened if May came out and requested a trade to Melbourne? would that force GCS hand to do the best possible deal. It isnt very often a club refuses to deal these days, players get to where they want to go (which i dont agree with, unless they want to come to us of course).
  15. Peter "Jive Turkey" Bell. I stand by my previous comment. Lets get creative to still bring in May. I hope Hogan kicks 10 on them next year.
  16. It’s better then being on the glass pipe and suggesting ridiculous trades like Freo are at the moment. They’re in La La Land. Send in Angry Todd, imagine being on the other end of him breathing fire down the phone at you, Neale to Lions for pick 5, 5 and 11 to the Dee’s and an apology from P.Bell for being s jive turkey.
  17. Josh needs to get a few beers into a fired up Todd Viney and hand the phone to Todd with Peter Bell on the other end. A few home truths to the garden gnome should get things moving.
  18. I wouldn’t put this past Freo, they have leaked this to the media to try and scare the Dee’s into off loading him for cheap, as we’re after May. this isn’t over I don’t believe....
  19. The biggest knock on Hunt is his foot skills, you want your outside mid to kick efficiency into the forward 50, Hunt isn’t that player currently.
  20. He can go to Carlton! they deserve each other.....
  21. i'd like to see what a team would pay for him? if it got us back into the first round, let our recruiters pick another jet. Let me be clear i'm happy to keep him on our list, if someone is willing to give us a top 15 pick for him, you would have to look at it.
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