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Posts posted by Bigred

  1. I work with someone who knows Ollie Wines really really well and spoke to him after last weeks match. He was furious after last weeks game that others did not do their job....I reckon if we hit them early they will lose faith... They are brittle. .They actually are not that different to us.. the difference is confidence. If we have it..... we can win.

    PS Ollie loves life at Port... The Toump will do us proud and be in our Premiership team.... Different players, both great.

    PPS At their interview Neeld asked him who do you reckon is the best player (at Melbourne's pick). Ollie said Toump.

    The Toump will be fine.

    Go Dees

  2. Great Win. Great Day

    I took my son, his girlfriend for her 1st ever game, and my mum for her 3rd ever game.

    3 rows back from the fence. What a great afternoon. The women's match was fantastic to see, great skills, and we won!. Something Melbourne has handled really well.

    The whole lead up to the game for the 'newbees' blew them away. ... And the game they got right into.

    Mind you they did resort early to the cry of the innocent...'just KICK IT!' But they loved it.

    We really have the makings of a great team and I really think we will see the rebirth of a great club.

    It was a great afternoon.

    And my MUM (she's 80) loves Howe, everyone loves HOGES.... and my favourite today.... Fitzy.... WOW! He has got something I never knew he had. He CAN play at this level.

    Go Dees

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  3. Memberships are a funny thing aren't they..

    I'm of the 'Ron Barrasi' plastic football boot generation; (remember them?). Longtime supporter, since making the choice in 64. Became a member just before the attempted merger.

    Terrible time the merger. It was an attempted takeover of course, thats why we voted yes, ...damn you Don Scott!! But we lost and they won... So be it.

    So I have an MCC membership, and 4 Premium memberships in the Southern stand for me and my 3 boys... They don't come any more but they are 'Melbourne' and will be back, ....in time. When I go I mostly sit in the MCC. But i will keep paying for those 4 seats in the southern stand.... Why?

    Because of the 'guaranteed GF ticket should Melbourne participate!!!, because of Jim Stynes, because of those finals in the 90's, because of the John Northey era and his players, because of Neil Daniher, because of David Schwarz, .....and because I get a warm inner glow knowing that when we do win the GF one day ... I will be a tiny tiny tiny part of why we got there.

    Membership becomes like a drug..... Each year, .....just one more hit! Go Dees

    • Like 4
  4. Love Marngrook.

    Jeff Farmer.. What a star! The other Melbourne players that have made me smile so hard that it hurt..... Alan Jakovitch, Mark Jackson, Robbie Flower... quite a few actually .

    Some of the current crop are heading there. Salem, Howe, .. and dare I hope... Hogan.

    Go dees. Beat North!

    • Like 1
  5. This is my first ever post....

    Reading Demonland every day, subscribed after the sentinal 'Demonland will close' post.

    What a great win

    All I can say is

    Thank you Paul Roos, how lucky we are

    The first 'Messiah', who has told the team

    I am NOT the Messiah, YOU are

    The TEAM is the thing....

    Pivotal moment this win

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