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Posts posted by Bigred

  1. In 2 yrs time we will head off to the MCG early because the Demon women are playing the Collingwood women as a curtain raiser for the Mens game on QB weekend 

    In 5 yrs we will head off to the MCG at 2 pm to see the Womens team play because the Mens team is playing in Hobart on the Sunday....

    Honestly, this could be the start of something big... and we should be proud of the fact that we were there when it started, and it would not have happened if us and the Bulldogs had not 'embraced' the potential 2 yrs ago.

    This will stand us in good stead. We should be proud to be one of the 'Foundation 8'. (Ignore obscure Tarntino reference).

    Well done Demons!


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  2. Wow. GWS are good.. ie they have a high proportion of very skilful players, ageing together and about to hit their peak 5 years of form. Scary really for the rest of us mug teams who pick up our young good players one or two a year in the draft or one or two through trades.

    I reckon they could do a Brisbane, and be right up there for a few yrs.... 

    What will stop them?... The salary cap and off field stuff ups. And the demons of course 


  3. I thought he was great. A good solid return. HE contested, He was strong, He made decent decisions...He got involved.

    All I saw was promise of things to come , and a guy not worried about his foot Well done

    .... Gee a win would have been nice though 

    Trenners will play many many more games and better games I reckon


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  4. 55 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    BR, where do you leave your bike at the G while the game is on?

    Poetic licence

    I do ride some days, but only if no children want to come and the car is needed.

    I lock it up with a massive lock outside the members. 

    And its an electric bike, so the ride up Johnstone st. is easy on the legs whether we win or lose!




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  5. Im going.. because of Trenners...  Ill sit on the fence, in the members near the race. And cheer like a child when they come on and off the ground, and when Trenners goes near the ball I will stand up and cheer, and when he kicks a goal I'll cry... Funny thing football, what it does to you.

    For years Ive hated going to Hawthorn home games. They are so SMUG... and when they win they just ... look SMUG! As if we NEVER had a chance, why did we bother... And don't mention Jeff SMUG Kennett!  And don't mention 2000. Or Dermott smarty pants 5x 5x Brereton... I wont go on.

    So this week... Im going over the top supporter wise.... and if we win.... my bike ride home up the Johnston st. hill will be the easiest its been in yrs..

    This side looks like it could win....


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  6. 32 minutes ago, ENYAW said:

    every team

    Whoever we are playing next.

    I get the point of the topic, and its a good question.

    But just beat the next team, and you win the flag.

    The great teams don't carry vendettas... or have favoured wins, they play each team as hard as every other... Don't pick and choose.

    We picked to play hard against Collingwood and won. We picked to 'just play' against Essendon and lost.

    But if your asking

    Geelong last year, and this year.... Hawthorn!!!!!

    Hate em... 




  7. Fantastic photos

    There is so much the press could do to give us an 'IN' to what happens on game day

    And they dish up such rubbish by en large

    This photo essay I think is fantastic 

    And clearly our next sponsor will be a tattooist!

  8. So one team in an 18 team competition has 3 rising stars out of 9 awarded to date .... 

    And just won by 10 goals, with the youngest team on the park of the 18 fielded for the weekend

    Ok.....Im going to keep my eye on that team!

    And well done CP.. deserved! 

    I think he might be the closest to Ronald Dale we have seen.

    Never watched RDB live, but that combination of strength, skill and judgement people speak of is what we see in CP 


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  9. I've never bet on anything other than the Melbourne Cup... too scared i'll become hooked .

    But gee I'm tempted...... 

    Surely we are up for this 

    Mind you if i did punt, id have put my first born on the Essendon game .... then my second and 3rd sons on the StKilda game 

    thank God i didnt

    But we will win this one





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