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Posts posted by Wormburner

  1. No matter how hard I try, the thought of MC playing for another team makes me feel ill. I really hoped and dreamed he'd be back.

    I cannot understand after everything our club has done for him, how he doesn't want to repay the faith and support given.

    • Like 2
  2. Relax folks!


    "MELBOURNE has moved to lock away co-captain Nathan Jones, opening negotiations to secure him to a long-term deal."

    I believe 5 years is being discussed which will take him to his early 30's.

    Relevance to this thread??

    Anyways since you bought it up. Is it coincidental that we're trying to lock away Jones now prior to this trade season. Especially given Roos' comments re free agency and trading people prior to final year of contract, double that with everyone is tradeable comment....

    ie Sign on Jones or we'll trade you this year, so we can choose what we get.

    Ps I hope not btw.

  3. You called the Dom Tyson trade very early.

    You are up there with GNF as someone with pretty reliable source.

    What are you hearing so far? let it slip!

    I hope it's that we land Tex. I think I'd rather him than Danger.

    IMO we actually didn't do too bad in the guts this year (barring shocking disposals off our half back line), but we had no one to kick it to.

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  4. I think even PJ acknowledged the club was in a fairly good place financially last year. I believe the only debt the club carried was for the buying of licenses for our Pokies. There was a hell of a lot of one off payments to staff last year. He did tweak the structure which was needed but we had a good base.

    One thing you need CS for is the foundation heros, the cleaned the debt up and gave the club a chance. They did try to stuff it up but thankfully we landed a good administrator to put us back on track.

    Is that you Cameron ?

  5. Well Bernie and Dawesy are in Bali with Watts and Trengove. So unless he's in Bali with them, that's more bs.

    (Friend of mine saw the four together in bali yesterday)

    Bet ya Watts gets his hair braided....

    Ps yeah I know, low blow - just couldn't help myself :)

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