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Kiss of Death

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Everything posted by Kiss of Death

  1. This is some of the worst disposal I’ve seen in a long time.. for both teams. We lost to them?
  2. Tigers back line celebrated both goals like they were game winners!
  3. Tigers back line celebrated both goals like they were game winners!
  4. Definitely a destination club already, we picked up Peter Vardy for a steal!
  5. some fresh footage of Buddy from last night https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRfeDuuF/ still feeling very flat.
  6. It is really freaking cold out here tonight! And here comes the rain drizzle
  7. See you all at the G! (Not that there was any doubt that would happen though, hope we bring our away game to the home ground though)
  8. Calm down saints
  9. Geez how about that non - HTB?
  10. More goals saints! Swans need something like 8 points for every saints goal to keep the percentage above us.. final quarter shootout would be perfect
  11. What do Amber Heard and CFC have in common?
  12. Blues trying real hard to lose it now
  13. Just kick goals saints. That’s all you need to do. pies getting the rub of the green now too
  14. De Gropey? Hahaha, clearly from the same people who used to nominate Cameron Ling as most attractive player in the AFL back in ‘the day’. Max King all the way, however I reckon Clarry has been short-changed hard here.
  15. Pretty sure we booed the Bombers fans quite a bit this year too, mostly because they spent the whole game booing every umpiring decision. it was kinda funny on Monday when all their supporters cheered for that smarmy little sh*t Ginnivan when his mug showed up on the screen at the start of the game, and our mob started booing the pies supporters for being knobs 😂 separate and related question… when we came out onto the ground, I was in the middle of M3, but I felt like there was background noise.. did the toothless ones boo us then?
  16. The filth were booing us before we even entered the arena, it was like an Essendon crowd out there, just with less teeth, longer criminal records and worse B.O.
  17. Pies missing everything while warming up, hopefully it’s a sign.
  18. Slowly filling up. Apologies to the bloke who looks like he ran into the post or something, panorama shots are dangerous
  19. I thought our game plan was to kick to the hole in the forward line where Swans players would mark unopposed.. happened far too often
  20. He’s a great player but he 100% drops the knees when contact is approaching, a-la Mathieson and Selwood etc.
  21. Being destroyed in the centre and around the ball. Accuracy doesn’t help much though!
  22. Melksham and Dunstan are making me nervous. ed out
  23. Trac just rushes too much. Needs to settle and focus.
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