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Everything posted by Deecisive

  1. i would prefer Dawes to stay, having better delivery and not having two defenders hanging off him and having some crumbers around him would certainly improve his and our scoring capability. The guy may have injuries that is because he is running flat out all over the ground every game he plays. I cannot fault his endeavour and I trust that will pay of for us when the side supports him a little better.
  2. Look at the hawks, they are big bodied, strong and willing. How many sides have skinny young kids in their sides trying to get game experience. How many sides compare in all of those aspects, plus have damn fine skills. The Hawks tackle and put pressure on so if you do not deliver the ball with precision you will be tackled hard, if you fumble you will be tackled hard. If one players misses a tackle a second is usually not far away ready to tackle. The hawks apply pressure, pressure, pressure. So many eagles players today just wanted the bang the ball down field and ended up turning it over more times than not. When I watch Melbourne play I see players run past the opposition player with the ball chasing their man not looking at or chasing the man with the ball. Our players often don't tackle but try to bottle the opposition in. You cannot afford to give skilled players 5-10 meters head start which is what we do when we play a zone. When our zone falls apart the opposition players are running free everywhere while our players try to figure out who should chase who, or who should to where. I prefer the hawks method, man up and play one on one football when they have the ball and run off your opponents when you have it.
  3. The best thing about the grand final is that its over and now we can get down to the happy period of the year, drafting. Where every demon supporter is filled with hope and promises of things that could be. This is not to be confused with the start of the new season where hope usually gets a serious battering if not completely flushed down the toilet.
  4. how many clubs played in or won premierships throughout the 50s and 60s when Collingwood and Melbourne dominated. Yes draft picks going right is a big issue but then so is the ability to apply pressure and keep your skills under pressure. Today the hawks were pretty impressive they manned up when the Eagles had the ball and spread when they had it. Their deliver was first class with even fumbles going their way. The Eagles were all at sea some of the best players turned it over time and time again. Their zoning approach was useless, the hawks passed with precision not giving the eagles a chance to intercept. and finally the hawks kicked straight and the eagles players cracked under pressure either kicking points, or turning it over in their forward 50. The hawks team play and pressure won. It reminded me of the way the bears played a few years ago when they won. Constant pressure on the ball carrier. I fear we use the zone, which essentially relies on players intercepting mis-kicks, etc... rather than winning the ball through the application of hard pressure.
  5. there is no certainty with the draft, we have certainly taken a lot of garbage players with early picks and a lot of team have had great success with late picks, it comes down to spotting possible talent then developing it. we hopefully have the recruiters to spot it and the coaches to now develop them.
  6. I agree don't trade him unless it is a good deal, I see upside with Jimmy if he can get his body right and his head in a happier place. I would like to see him make it with the dees.
  7. a little more time playing senior football and maturing mind and body should help, I think he will be a lot better next year where ever he is than what he has been so far.
  8. it is really unclear what is tampering and what is allowed. Heard Caro mention on the radio the possibility that Adelaide will not match the Dangerfield offer from Geelong so they get a 1st round pick from the ALF. Then geelong trades Adelaide for another player but gives up their first draft pick and another pick. So Adelaide still get to first rounders for danger. That to me is draft tampering.
  9. lets hope there is some competition for him, so to boost his price way beyond what he is really worth. With just Collingwood interested we would probably only be offered Jessie White for Howe and our first round pick and should be thankful for letting Collingwood give us such a good deal.
  10. What I can not stand is the arrogance of some of the geelong folk who keep saying but he wants to live in moggs creek, as if every footballer out there gets to live where the heck they like.
  11. one wonders if there is a well paying job for himself and his wife, possibly his mum and dad with some Geelong supporters company
  12. I have no doubt our recruiting squad is out there doing their thing. Given where we are I suspect they have been working on their list for sometime knowing they would have a number of open spots. We have a limited number of draft picks so no point trying to do a Collingwood or Richmond that are into everyman and his dog. Target who or what we want and deal with them quietly.
  13. I wonder if Dangermouse was to nominate for the draft would another club take a chance and draft him knowing he wants to go to geelong. If he chooses not to play for that team could he be accused of draft tampering. Could a club with a couple of early picks for instance offer the crows and early pick from this year and next to let him go into the draft so they could then pick him up with the remaining early pick?
  14. Not really the GWS's fault that Howe and his manager believed in the hype, if Howe had played up to expectations then maybe he could have gotten that sort of $$'s but he appears to have rested on his laurels, or rested in the backline and not delivered. His pay packet was in his hands and he fluffed it.
  15. Why are Brisbane and GWS getting two picks inside the first round?
  16. interesting reading bigfooty thread on Melksham and seeing the change in attitude from a day or so ago when they wanted to trade him for anything they could get even a 4th round pick. Then once the Melbourne interest story broke he is suddenly worth a whole lot more, maybe 2nd round or better. you have to laugh at the stupidity of it all.
  17. The sad fact is that Jack has not lived up to supporters high expectations of him. He is very talented when he has the ball in hand, but does not have the killer instinct to go in and get the hard ball, not really a chaser and not a significant tackler. He will work well with a team that can deliver the ball to him because he is a reasonably good mark and kick. He will probably play finals footy before his Melbourne team mates if he is traded. I wish him all the best whether he stays or goes as he has tried in his way, it is just not in is personal makeup to do the hard things.
  18. Its just an ambit claim by the blues to ensure they at least get 1st and 2nd pick
  19. well done Mark, thanks for a great career, best of luck in the future.
  20. Jack will play again, now whether he plays well enough to get back into the side is another matter. As for Bennell it will all come down to his attitude and his ability to persuade roos and co that he can turn him self around and commit to the club., if he can do than then I would certainly take him if we can. Sometimes players need a rude awakening getting the boot from the suns may do him a world of good.
  21. Jacks on the block and he knows it, which is hopefully a wake up call for him. At the same time Roos is not going to trade him unless he sees good value in the trade for the club. Watts and Howe maybe to goldcoast for bennell and someone or a pick?
  22. players that need their coach to come in and tell them they have to win and give them that drive to win are not very committed players. Unfortunately some of those players dropped off in games that we should have won, We need committed players who want to go out and play their guts out for the Red and Blue. Players who listen to their coach and try to follow instructions. Then we will win 12 or more games in a year and we will play finals.
  23. the current system just means the best clubs kept attracting the best talent and the lower clubs end up paying overs for b graders.
  24. I would love garland to find his form again and play the way he did a couple years ago. At the moment like a lot of the team his disposal and decision making can be poor resulting in turnovers. I prey he recaptures his form if his staying.
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