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Everything posted by BarnDee

  1. just read this crap post , not funny , , your are a sdcfu . we all [censored] and complain and moan about crap in the papers and well what do you do . ? flamer , BAN THIS POST , NOW , !
  2. great job dude , i loiked that ,except the pie bit , lol
  3. well thankyou , , honestly i dont beleive i am racist at all , , i have mates of all kinds , and they all cool dudes , we hang it on each other all the time and its all good , lol , but i do have an opinion , if you dont like it , pppphhhtttt , what ever , i read other threads and i see some of you , running MFC into the dirt , thats your opinion , ok , i dont like it but i dont bag you for it , , ,
  4. oi fair go did i say giving kids an education was a waste of time ? well did i ?
  5. oh hell ! yawn , i have one 32 inch lcd tv , cheap brand from big w , no mcmansion , just an old place that im fixing up when cash is spare , and for your info flatulence my girl paid up front by working hard , , ok , , unlike some , we, i mean my girls and me work fhard for what we have , no silver spoons around here , you want , well go work for it , and they do , ok ,
  6. so im a stupid ignoramous , thats fair i am a MFC person thru and thru , cheer up sad sack , stupid ? mmmmm i dont think so , oh i lied to a stranger , silly me !
  7. hold fire there lefty , first things first , ok , re culture , tell me all about that , sorta like aztec , roman , nord , french , etc etc , , well lefty im sorry to break this news to you , but it is a case of handouts spoil people , and yes i know they have been up against it , my younger brother taught school in alice springs for a few years and then nylumby , sic , and tho he never said so i thought he was wasting his time , , just face the fact that , no i wont go there , sorry , but i live in the counrty in the same city as geoff clark former head of atsic and i seen him in action years ago not pretty , i seen his culture first hand , , nice , dont bother with the racist card , im not like that at all , i just call it as i see it ok ,
  8. bah this is funny , it was always jan 29 , the lot of you have been so busy sniping each other with crap you have forotten that important date , i skipped the last dozen or so pages because of all the rubbish , re , agenda , conspirisy , slagging off my club , , what a pack of lil kids , fair dinkum , it turned to crap , im banning myself till that date THE 29 JAN 2013 , , off with me , and carry on dills
  9. ah for gods sake , ancient culture , , my foot , what culture ? tell me please , the current culture that they have has been created by apologists , chucking cash and sob stories , its like poor you its all our fault do wrong its ok , we understand , ffs its 2013 , not , 1925 there are some very clever , smart and talented aboriginals out there and well done to them , , but the huge majority are living a poor me slant on life , , with all the help and support they get , why not stick the hand up and say , hey i wanna be better , my daughter put herself thru uni by working hard at part time jobs , no help from the gov , , jeez dont tell me they do it hard , , ggggrrrrrrrr
  10. yes , i do , coz im , slow . ok . blame , my parents , im disab.led , ok ,
  11. i know that they did not do that , he had massive support , nice home , looked after , taken here there and everywhere , pandered after , but really dudes like you and me know how it all works , have done since little kids , yes ? but it a very big step to come to this world as a 20 year old and be expected to kinda , just fit in , , its cool bro , , aint gunna happen , and thats how it is ok , , mate !
  12. how about leaving the sob story bit aside and give a good swift kick up the clacker , so to speak !
  13. you cant understand that i was suggesting you cant drag someone out of the stone age and just plonk them in a new strange place , and expect it to be all good , ah i give up ,
  14. i might get kicked for this , but its ok , i was a big liam fan , loved his work , bloody great , and donated cash to the thing , blah blah , but i think us supporters and MFC have learned a big lesson here , ah this is scary , but press on , is it partly our fault ? i mean really you find some dude up the back of bum f#$k who can mark a footy and have good pace etc , and drag them outta there to the big smoke and expect it to be all good , ffs the dude coulnt even speak english , and never seen a beach its just silly now to think back on all of that , i dont givva if hes black ,green , yellow , or whatever , i hope we never go down that track again , maybe look at ireland , but even that might be a worry , DONT EVEN GO THERE WITH REPLIES , sean and jimmy were heroes , ps i hope the fool get whats coming , ok
  15. wtf is the problem with you people , lmaoh , soooo upity , ffs all i said was , well you know what i said , so what , ? , so i have made you day have i ? well thats cool , its typical of you lucky buggers who live in the world most liveable city , , mind me while i snigger , at the joke that is , , but it is your nest , of thorns , lol , when ever i come melb for the footy with a few mates , , lol no footy no melb trip just a hole of a joint , , but we get on a tram or train etc , ride free coz no way to get a ticket , ask and be look at like a martian , , but we get on there and play a lil game , it goes like this , you just look at someone and smile and say hi , and ya know what ya get back , a disgusted look , same as walking in the st , its just weird and maybe you are just like that , a totally ignorant self centred scared lil puppy dog ,seems anyone who says something you dont like its attack , yeah that what i read in the rag every monday , jeez you are one lucky dude to live where you do , but look in the mirror sad sack , , good luck and good bye ,
  16. ppphhht i wasnt trying to be a smartarse , i can be a smartarse when i want , this was not one of those times , ok , i just thought it a bit odd thats all , go build a bridge and get over it , ok ,
  17. ah bloody hell , it looks like we are getting straffed from left right and centre , inside , outside , left to right , north , south , east and west , i stuck up for my team , as i will always do , i told it how it was at the time , re , mr wilson , and i copped a 2 week holiday for it , all i said she was a piece of old cloth for cleaning , you know , a , na , you know , now i see all all these a holes running the dees down , damm that grates me , supposed supporters , , aaaaaaaggggghhhh , they run us dees into the dirt and they are loving it , mr ban man show some balls give traitors a holiday , , week as pizz , show some guts , , say you with us or not ? if not see ya , , ah spose i,ll get long service this time , , pizz weak , jeez im tempted to go OFF MY NUT OVER THIS !
  18. its a hard luck story alright , but do we have a tread for all injured enemies ? or sorry did he cross to us , ? five pages of it ffs , ,
  19. thanks for that , it would not open for me over at ology , great read , and its true
  20. well its a bit besides the point that he is or isnt a dees man and i think coming from a non dee gives more weight , but whatever , he is spot on , and it great to be seeing some support in the papers , about bloody time eh ,
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