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Everything posted by IRW

  1. My first thought was that if Jimmy was still with us Jackson would have told him he was staying.
  2. Doggas manager lives in Perth which is probably all you need to know about the advise he's getting. Gawn.....? No no I meant "gone"! They need to have a plan B to keep Gus.
  3. I don't watch that show and I don't have much time for Wilson as a public journalist. However like most of them she's developed a " personality " on which to sell her career. Cornes and King for sure. I don't think there is any excuse for BT ,Rex Hunt or Harry Beitzel before them However the observation re using mental health as a convenient " go to" rationalisation/ excuse can be seen all the way down from the Courts to misbehaving at school. I think Caro mentioned Wattsy saying he could hardly get out of bed at one stage because of press pressure when he had Fu#ck#d up. Fair enough ,I have some sympathy for Wattsy, but that's a conventional mental health response. I have had trouble getting up and going after relationship breakdowns or not wanting to face the music over various of my life's malfunctions. Most people I know have. That's mental "health" for sure, but hardly a distinguishing disability. The freeway police death photo guy effect is a mental health disability. This guy appears to be a boof head bogan who needs to smell the roses his sporting ability has provided him not complain about things within his and his friends control. And Clubs need to get better advice on managing their employee's for the benefit of the Clubs workplace culture. I'd be more concerned about the mental health motivations of "wanna be"non playing management guys like Kennett and McGuire myself
  4. Not as soft as Weideman
  5. I'd kill for a footballer to replace Weideman then I could feel better about having BBB playing like a rag doll
  6. I didn't but he was closer than I expected. Geez BBB and Weideman .how good are the other 20?
  7. Somewhere there must be a stat showing that if a footy show gets "beat ups " wrong every second week then no one should bother watching it
  8. Exactly ..I recall on the old Ology getting fair traction for trading Trac and Spargo.. Locking Dogga in for 5 years makes sense ,he'll be a prime asset if he wants out in 2027 and still good value if he only gets to 75% of his potential before then
  9. Teams have been roving to Max for about 3 years and winning the clearances. We just need someone to jump up and get in the way. Dogga could play as a mid
  10. Apart from no Max it's a pretty good team. In theory anyway Maybe forward line around BBB and Fritta might be less confused. They just need Kossi to do more than run around fast ,Trac to amp up and kick straight along with a good showing from Nibbler
  11. That's not brave it's desperate. Two of them are VFL standard and one has a lot to learn
  12. The answer is that we arnt as good as the bath water they seem to drinking. Nowhere near a champion team, not ever close....yet. A great list with a promising future. But Trac ain't Judd or Martin Kossie runs around a lot with his tongue hanging out Ollie and Max are champions, the rest need to get on board every week for four quarters
  13. It's not loading it's the umpires and the press
  14. Yeah it's the Press's fault. We have a new club house leader folks
  15. Because" team think" means everyone has to run everywhere all the time. BBB would be more likely to thrive if he wasn't expected to show up in the back 50 so often. Tweaking the forward line might be a plan instead of just shuffling the options in and out. Oh and someone give Trac goal kicking lessons...he's no Chris Judd
  16. Surely this has been said somewhere in this thread but in case it hasn't. No we don't have a premiership hangover,we take nothing for granted but our " best" cog in the machine doesn't follow protocols the players get topsy( at best) and they reference winning the flag in arguments. Taking nothing for granted? They win by playing 2 quarters a game and playing like millionaires expecting others to finish the job for them. It sounds like they believe the hyperbole commentators and Land spin out week after week to me. Full of themselves ( at least some of them)more likely. This is a problem
  17. Tom is clearly preferred but history tells us he doesn't carry injuries well. The good news is that the alernate tall foward can actually play at this level and there is a replacement for him in the Casey level team
  18. He could be said to have won us that flag with that poised first quarter
  19. One on one is actually his biggest "fail" and TMacs body blocking is better mostly because he makes the effort when neccesary . But you are correct in that it would be difficult to be a forward when the inside 50' s are often an avalanche.
  20. I see him as a journeyman in a forward line which is all give and go ,flashy pinging the ball at the goal( yep that's you Trac) defensive pressure ( which is essential). Basically always at risk at getting in each other's way but trusting someone will do the business . Every forward and defence needs a journeyman ,maybe in this case just until they sort out the A grade forward line. Weid OUT M. Brown in. Not sure TMac will be back in one week myself
  21. BBB has learnt the Melbourne way ( or whoever we are called at present) running up and down the field maybe he could stay forward a bit more and use those big levers to snag marks and leave Lever to intercept down back.
  22. Mitch Brown has never put a foot wrong as far as I recall and never gets in the way. Having 3 tall forwards all who "could " be the main man and Fritta doing whatever it is he does is clumsy. Mitch would be a much better fit
  23. I am pretty sure I told y'all this a while back. Depth because of Covid and Tom can't carry injuries.
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