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Everything posted by Demoneyes

  1. Thats the thing with rumours and innuendo...some aren't true
  2. Depends..were you playing at Lang Lang today?
  3. Also said that Trengove, Toumpas and early pick part of the deal. I reckon that is too much... or is it?
  4. Playing golf with a MFC man today. He got text while we were on 4th hole (f..ed my game after that!). He also said "Danger" is a done deal too. Will believe when I see it.
  5. He's batting now at 50% average ! Glad I didn't! Turn in your membership then? Or I guess you will love him soon enough I believe it is a great get. Huge bomber fans of mine said he is a big loss to them. A very stabilising influence, calm in a crisis and if anyone is similar to our PRoos he is. Be thankful that we have PJ and PR in charge! Glory days ahead
  6. Maybe we wanted Sando insteade of Goodwin!
  7. Well, I don't think anyone saw that coming!! Deals still to be done.........
  8. Nice dad joke there! I'd go for it. Our two haven't shown much
  9. Don't know if anyone has mentioned earlier but heard today we are into Toby Green! Do we want him?
  10. I think he already is! If he REALLY suffered from depression wait until next year! Yes, trust in PJ and PR. They know what they are doing. Me too! A good friend of mine hasd used a word starting with "C" 3 times to describe his decision. And the word wasn't "country" Absolutely magnificent! A champion of our club. Still sad he is gone...sniff
  11. Depends where you go but with $3mil in the pocket you can afford to go anywhere!
  12. Unwell for a long time. Not depression but should have been after watching Dees! Good guess. Just showed him a nice place at Cottesloe. Beautiful sunsets
  13. Would be nice but one pick looks to definitely be on the trade table. We also need immediate experience Agree. A mad Saint supporter I know believes they will take him. We live in hope I would still love to see the best of Toump. Has had a bad run with injuries. Matthew Lloyd rated him the best player in that draft.
  14. I reckon so! He had one good year in my opinion. His ball handling ability at times is average at best. I say good riddance and replace with someone that can defend and dispose of the ball properly. Its no point being a great defender if you give the ball back to the opposition all the time!
  15. Frawley will go, so we should get pick 3. I reckon this time we will keep 2 and trade 3. That way we can get our Petracca or Brayshaw (although I believe Saints will take the tall) and do a good deal on 3 to whoever. All positives in my book.
  16. Most are suggesting that its Mitch's fault. Yes he started shopping around but who says we didn't initially not show a great deal of interest in his return and maybe even suggested he try "elsewhere" and help us make a deal?
  17. Had to be something reasonable in the vicinity of $3-400,000 since we got pick 20 something for compensation which turned into Vince. Had a good win there we did.
  18. True. But they have a plethora of talent and can't keep them all.
  19. More about who he and others would like at the club rather than whispers. Although Tom Mitchell also being discussed at their get togethers.
  20. Not sure about the quality of O'Rourke? My mate describes him as a "Cale Morton" type! That sends shivers down my spine! My mate also said we are showing interest in Tomlinson.
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