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Everything posted by Demoneyes

  1. Hell of a day today. Golf was sublime. 18 shots under my norm (had a great lesson in the week). Unfortunately swallowed a blowfly in my beer after! Needed a frog there!
  2. Hmmm, played golf again today with my mate and the dreaded word "stalemate" came up (in regards to $$$ and term). Don't like hearing that word. The positive thing is that we are in discussions with NJ, unlike Frawley last year. Still very confident he will sign before end of November.
  3. I thought you'd found your inner peace there BBO. Not as good as my inner pizzed but thought you were working on it!
  4. That suggests he has high points? What happened to the Dalai Lama attitude BBO?
  5. Only 7 games on free to air. Will have to get Foxtel I guess, will have to cut down on the skiiing to afford it!
  6. I think plenty here would like to give her a nasty rash if they were able?
  7. Come on, we are on the rise! Expectation is high, enthusiasm is peaking and optimism is cartwheeling into the nether.... I am so excited! Hang on my second bottle is empty, be back in a sec
  8. Watch out. If you are that old you will be getting those mank fungus toe ads on your screen!
  9. You talking about potatoes or the players we are delisting? And what is this pound shite?
  10. Gee another 30 days! What will we talk about until then I wonder?
  11. Haven't got mine yet! Of course it does oh ye of little faith!
  12. Someone is messing with me! That nail fungus ad is coming up nearly every time!
  13. Nothing wrong with a banana smoothie. I like a bit of rum in mine!
  14. Speaking of which remember the Cockatto-Collins twins David and Don early 90's?
  15. Haven't had it but have had the Epiphany shiraz. Too early for wine so on the beer starters
  16. Will have to join this site and become a life member. That pick of someone's mank toes grosses me out! Hope it's not a selfie from one of you guys?
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