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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. There has been a shift in the narrative.

    A month ago indications were strong from Jesse and the club of an extension happening over summer.

    Now it seems that won't happen.

    The words 'contract on hold', or 'wait and see' are like a stick of dynamite to supporters and the press.

    Jesse has every right to wait.

    We just need to enjoy him and be patient.

    Nonetheless, the shift in the narrative is the worrying bit.

    • Like 2
  2. Thanks Dees2014.

    I had this (seemingly futile) hope that once the CAS case was over we would never hear of this saga again!

    Seeing Hird eventually fall from grace was important and if there is more of the same to come for him so be it.

    But he is probably out there writing his book with 'the truth'!!

    Probably as truthful as the rag that once went by that name!

    For mine once the CAS case is decided my interest in the saga will end.

  3. T Mac might/should be elevated but = or <21yo players could do with another year's playing experience and development.

    My question is where is the on field leadership going to come from in 2016?

    So many times a game's momentum changed and our leaders showed they:

    1. hadn't picked up the change

    2. didn't have/couldn't implement ideas to stop it and get momentum back.

    3. didn't made sure players follow team rules and are in the right positions...also to ensure they follow coaches instructions.

    4. didn't put teamwork first...too many times I saw our leaders take the 'hero' option or energetically celebrate a personal piece of play while the team is being thrashed.

    As a result of our leaders inability to do these we lost games or had blowout losses.

    This is not a knock on any leader just noting what I think is a deficiency.

    Jones will improve, Lumumba's leadership will be better for a year with the Dees and Dunn should also step up.

    But I don't think there is enough on-field leadership skill nor 'footy IQ' in the leadership group.

  4. LH, have been a bit busy running my business over the last 48 hours. Currently in Hong Kong. Will post a reply to you in the next day or so. Not too far off BB, except I think there will be very serious repercussions for the old Essendon hierarchy from Hird's era coming out of the findings of CAS, resulting in have fines, and some receiving heavy sentences ( in the sporting sense.

    More later

    Thanks Dees2014. I get the serious repercussions for all and sundry coming out of CAS findings.

    My interest atmo is your thoughts on repercussions for the players.

    Happy to wait...enjoy Hong Kong!

  5. Today a foreigner or non-AFL follower gets off the train at Flinders street station, they view the logo and receive a free coffee. But who is this from... the city of Melbourne?

    A HUGE improvement over the pre-existing logo and looks great to us MFC supporters, but it hasn't quite hit the mark as it needs a greater influence to suggest that it represents a sporting club.

    You could be right 'ignition'

    I'm thinking it might be a 'drip feed' promo campaign with more bits to come that will paint a bigger (mfc football & demons) picture.

    • Like 1
  6. Hard to see how they can't all be guilty for mine, but possibly by varying degrees.

    Base ban 2 years

    Allowances... only time of the voluntary suspensions in that regard can be deducted. Ban starts from Date of handing down of judgement...None of this last game crap. ( No backdating )

    The 'only" contrivance I can see being concocted is some form of time reduced for 'helping' the inquiry' ...yeah right

    I still think 20 months will be the effective ban for most of them

    Thank you bb. I have seen you make these points in earlier posts and appreciate you reiterating them.

    I haven't seen a summary (I may have missed it) of what Dees2014 thinks will happen to the 34 players (the sole focus of the CAS hearing) re sanctions/penalties/allowances/backdating.

    So am hoping he will post on that (not the fallout to other parties from a guilty CAS finding on which I have seen his posts).

    • Like 1
  7. So Dees2014, what sanctions do you think will be applied: 1 yr, 2 yrs? Any backdating, or allowance for previous provisional suspensions?

    I am clear on the options for sanctions but not on where you stand on the suspensions you believe will be meted out.

    You've dismissed the 'guilty but no new sanctions' outcome as put by Masters.

    For the record my view is:

    - Not all 34 players will be found guilty.

    - The 2-3 players found to have tested positive to TB4 will probably get new suspensions ie 6 months (from date of decision ie Jan 2016)

    - The other players found guilty will get the benefit of backdating and allowances and will not miss games.

    Clearly you believe all 34 will be found guilty.

    So for the record, what is your prediction of the sanctions (months? years? start date?) and any allowances/backdating?

  8. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/melbourne-demons-set-to-record-stronger-profit-this-year-20151111-gkwpke.html


    - $500K profit, up from $300K in 2014 (incl ‘equalisation funding)

    - Debt to AFL to be reduced from $4.1 mil to $3.0m this year...doesn't say what Total Debt is.

    Good Progress!

    Guess we will hear more I the coming days.

    Caroline’s commentary is genuinely positive about the club.

    Little steps but our club is winning back some respect.

    • Like 3
  9. An update from Roy Masters. : http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/russian-doping-scandal-wont-help-essendon-in-wada-appeal-20151111-gkw4u3.html#ixzz3rAnGo4U5

    Basically says that WADA will push for a guilty verdict. But, tellingly also says: While a guilty verdict will satisfy WADA and ASADA, there is widespread support for a punishment that allows the Essendon players to start the 2016 season free of any sanctions”.

    Masters implies WADA will support backdated sanctions.

    I suppose it happens every day where a guilty verdict in a court results in light or suspend sentences.

    Not surprised at all. Its been on the cards for a long, long time.

    Looks like we will know in mid Jan.

    34 pieces of wet lettuce needed, 'old dee’!

  10. Interesting that Taylor was lukewarm on next years draft pool.

    Explains why we gave up next years 1st rnd pick for another early 1st rnd this year.

    My take is that we will go for a mid @ pick 3 and a Utility at pick 7.

    Parish would be my guess for #3 but not sure who the 'utilitiy' prospects are for #7.

    It was good to hear him say he tries not to worry too much about the club's ladder position from year to year and he is focused on doing his job of 'getting the foundations right'. That sounds pretty good to me!

    • Like 5
  11. Many thanks for the as-it-happened commentary, Georgiou...I could visualise being there.

    Also, really liked your own observations here and there. eg

    "Kent hit the wall."

    "Today's Lycra offender is G Lyon. Hiding under a visor and beard on the punt road side."

    "The b team are by far the most vocal and are staying together. I like them"


    Entertaining as well as informative. Thanks

  12. A few posters on here will be bitterly disappointed having believed (fantasised really) that Worksafe will throw the book at the Club, Directors and all sorts of coaches and staff...even jail terms were mentioned...

    Investigation over!

    This is where it ends as far as Worksafe and all associated with EFC.

    The good news for us is, Goodwin can continue on as intended...never in doubt imho.

  13. The people I know (players and coaches) that have been involved in the program been pretty consistent in the view that we've been more committed to the concept and provided more resources for the players than the Bullies. I'm proud of this. Just not sure it assures us a license or whether we can justify the expense. The make-up of the teams (player-wise) will be completely different in 2017.

    That is my fear; that the license goes to a financially powerful club that has put nothing into it, comes along, gets a free kick which just makes it more financially powerful. Rich get richer, poor get poorer!.

    If the license goes to a so-called power club what is the incentive to clubs like us to be creative and generate opportunities. We do the groundwork, others get the spoils!

    It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  14. It will be the last exhibition game. National competition in 2017. The real question is whether Melbourne will be one of the Victorian teams to have a license. There's been no public word as yet but plenty of rumblings that Brisbane, West Coast and Adelaide will all have the first license opportunities in their respective states.

    A good point Goodvibes.

    It would be (in my biased opinion) a miscarriage of justice if we didn't get a license given our commitment to the women's game and women's health eg 'pink' games, exhibition games and exposure/promotion for quite a number of years. Not to mention all the financially disadvantageous, Mother's Day games we endured when there was a 'Women's' round.

    It would be quite unfair if the license was a 'free kick' to a 'johnny come lately team', who happens to have deep pockets, ready to opportunistically pounce after the groundbreaking work is done!

    MFC were the first to champion the causes and have shown the on-field team to be successful so have earnt the right. It could help to substantially grow our membership base which would certainly help the AFL's equalisation cause.

  15. The AFL launches its Women's Academy: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-victoria-launches-female-academy-20151108-gktqhx.html

    The 2016 game as a curtain raiser is likely to be our home game vs the Bulldogs but they seem to have a problem with that.

    If it is vs the Bulldogs it will be on Sun May 15 and aired on Ch7. It should get a good crowd and a good TV audience! It could become a mini 'blockbuster' for us...good for revenue! Maybe the Bulldogs want to build it as their mini 'blockbuster' but in my biased opinion, mfc has a stronger case to have it as our 'home' game: MFC has long been a supporter of women's football and women's health (ie the 'pink' games which the Bulldogs played in but we were the drivers). It also gives the women a chance to play on the MCG. ...hmm, maybe we alternate venue/home game...

    Wishing all the women well at the academy and look forward to more good games.

    Our captain, Daisy Pearce is a terrific role model, on and off the field and in how she plays the game.

    Looking forward to more success from the her Demon's team!

    • Like 1
  16. Yes in jest. But could be the group flagellation target for satisfaction purposes ATM in these slow times. Is he also posting as "Devil in the Detail" or is this someone else? I did think he was "The Devil Inside" too.

    Not sure about 'Devil in the Detail' but he did post as 'The Devil Inside' last season...that in itself is a mystery as there may have been an imposter 'The Devil Inside' lurking during the trade period...only Saty's a/c shows up on the member list. It couldn't have been the real Saty as his style was totally different!

  17. Not yet, still a while before the draft. Let the group flagellation continue. Cleansing for the soul.

    A bit in jest there maybe adc!

    Not sure of the purpose of the group flagellation when the target is blissfully unaware...Saty hasn't logged on since June!

    Maybe it is easy for posters to pot someone who can't answer back. That's not very macho and can't say I care much for that type.

    Methinks the comments say more about the posters than they say about Saty alias 'The Devil Inside'.

    • Like 1
  18. Saty doesn't post during the off-season (until training starts) so he is not on DL to defend himself.

    So I feel a need to come to his defence (even tho I have him on 'Ignore'...too much unfriendly banter with other posters, for mine)

    Here goes:

    Saty is passionate about MFC

    He volunteers his time to the club

    He is very defensive of players and officers of the club...sometimes he goes overboard on this.

    Sometimes he is quick to attack DL's who have a different view to his...

    ...he is not the only one on DL that has this affliction I might add!

    He is quirky in his training reports and sometimes tells us stuff we don't care about.

    He also gets under peoples skin and likes to antagonise.

    But we can't doubt where his heart is and I think this years training reports will be the worse for his absence...Saty has a job so won't get to training often so he won't be making many training reports.

    For some this is a blessing in disguise.

    For others, especially non Melbourne residents it will be a great loss.

    So maybe we should cull the anti Saty stuff; it is irrelevant and disrespectful and stick to training talk.

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