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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. I think both of you, Dr G and Wayne, have hit the issues on the head and all in all i don't think there is a lot of difference between the two of you.. All full of great and fair comments. I would just add without the Media input surely this could have surfaced and been resolved, a lot more inhouse, but don't ask me how other than a lot less confusion and purported entitlement by them.
  2. A winter of discontent.
  3. Max might release his book a whole lot earlier than some Media would have NOT hoped for.
  4. Moot point but as it turned out, two of our best players, did, as it turned put their well being on the line, and look what happened. One never played again, and one nearly lost his life, coincidentally playing against the same mob, go figure.
  5. The same players moved for money
  6. No spelling mistakes and has the smell of someone who knows how to write sequentially.
  7. The Media, I Caroline have decided, are not under any suspicion for BS.
  8. Tell me a little bit about how Max gets on with people in the footy circle media scrum and then tell me if Gaz is the same. One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not see.
  9. Dear QD, there was a lot that used to get solved like that. The problem usually got solved when someone twigged as to who the employer rep was.
  10. Doubters are gonna doubt
  11. Max laughs at the Media. Hopefully from now on all our other players do as well. We know MSM that your job is working in a cesspool. But no one cares probably least of all your work mates, cos from what i hear is that it's the back stabbing that kills yuh.
  12. Yep, Give Lyon a little bit (lot) more credit than the 'intellectually absent" he has to work with. That said i'm sort of pleased about the dissatisfaction of how and why we are out of the eight. Loss of players. Draw from hell. Fair bit of quid pro quo. etc
  13. Someone from the Media upset him on Sunday and i think it was a line in the sand from that nondescript nobody with a stupid question.
  14. Love to get Razor for our last game of the year. Great to see him running around. Wouldn't hurt the Club to ask the AFL on Brownlow Medal night to have a Kossie Highlights Reel drawn up and played to show how good the bond is between all our players.
  15. Two blokes i'm going to knock out when i get to heaven.
  16. If i had to choose between Rising Star and Club Best and Fairest, taking out the money i know which one i would value more. You are right as well.
  17. Who was the other ruck up at Sydney before he retired at the end of the Season? Were we sounded out first to pick up some of Grundy's tab?
  18. Is it true that Fox Sport were sent a please explain by the AFL regarding their harassment of Max Gawn by entering his private space during last Sunday's Game, and also comments detrimental to the spirit of the game during their broadcast.
  19. Cornes position is to replace Bode with Clarry with whatever it takes. He has tried it before with Kossie. I think its disgusting and explains why he's on the mad hatters picnic show every week.
  20. If i had to judge a player upping his performance during the course of the season, i would not hesitate to say that in the last three weeks Oliver has increased his work rate quite obviously. All i hope for is that he keeps at that rate for the rest of the year. Hopefully he will be supported by us for doing just that. Also i don't think that the media should be allowed to cavort around, unimpeded, doing their job, myrrs. Their job is to report on football Decent people did it for years, and to let them get away with muck raking is not my style. I move on.
  21. Morris is a good mate of Cornes. . They have done shows together and obviously talk the talk. Watching Port have their brave Coach dismantled like he was, you can only imagine what has been going on between the two of them. Then they would have started on Bode, who is another hero of the Club. I cannot understand how a bloke in Cornes shoes could put his allegiance to the media cesspool above his old Club Port Adelaide.
  22. Well it wouldn't have been their Coach. He looked in despair half way through the third qtr.
  23. Dunno about that Draper bit?
  24. The quicker we build our fastest on ball contingent this weekend the better' It will be fine and fast. I am ambivalent about Max back this week and i think our intensity is the answer. FROM NOW ON.
  25. Yep,,he's a bottler, isn't he. Just when you thought hello they are going to let us win this easily. Two free kicks and a fifty later..... Number 12 is barely indistinguishable as well.
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