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Cranky Franky

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Everything posted by Cranky Franky

  1. I reckon we need to get an experienced quality mid for a year or 2. McRae or Shiel or someone similar.
  2. You're wasting your breath. No matter how many times you point out 3 years of trading & list management disasters there is always a conga line of apologists lining up. Amazing because player trading & list management are pretty black & white.
  3. That's a load of carp. Drafting has been great. Trading & list management has been total garbage. Hawks have drafted well AND have managed to trade in Amon, Dambrosio, Ginnivan & Meek compared to Fullarton, Dunstan, Shache & McAdam
  4. There's only one relevant question. Over the past 3 years did the list managers improve our list or make it worse ? The answer is obvious.
  5. I suspect that when Eddie McGuire agitated years ago about the salary cap advantages the Swans had the AFL got rid of the Swans salary cap advantage & replaced it with the Academy system.
  6. There's a conga line of apologists on demonland one behind the other claiming either: 1. Nothing wrong with our recent trading & list management 2. It couldn't be helped - can't get them all right 3. Trading & list management has been woeful but no one is to blame.
  7. Nothing wrong with our drafting. It's the player trading & list management over 3 years that has been dreadful & made our list worse. And don't start me on the contract management for Adams, Laurie & Hunter.
  8. Ivan Maric retired several years ago & never played for Port.
  9. I'm starting to think you are Tim Lamb or maybe his brother. 3 years of carp trading that have made our list worse but hey it's all fine, nobody's fault, it couldn’t be helped, there was no one else available, you can't always get it right & my dog ate the homework It's all good no problem & nothing to see here.
  10. Scott always has an excuse & rarely credits the opposition. Good coach but a professional whiner.
  11. Apologists can come up with all the excuses they want. Coaches get judged on wins. Recruiters responsible for drafting & trading get judged on results. Trading is supposed to improve the list not send it backwards. 3 years of disasters = an abject failure. Heads should roll.
  12. Think you are the only clueless one here. You have provided a litany of excuses for the failed players we traded to the Club. You even seem to suggest it was no one's fault they recruited Fullarton to ruck when he can't actually ruck. Our recent trading failures are abysmal, we have traded in players who cannot get a senior game. Shame on you for defending the indefensible.
  13. I'd have thought that by any objective measure the last 3 years of trading has been disastrous. By what measure can trading in 6 players to our list who cannot get a regular game be judged a good outcome.
  14. Geelong traded in Henry, Bowes, Stengle, Bruhn (not to mention Humphrey's & Mannagh both picked up for zilch) Hawks traded in Meek, Ginnivan, Amon, Dambrosio Dees traded in Dunstan, Schache, Hunter, Billings Fullarton McAdam Spot the odd one out.
  15. Has been a regular pest when he plays us. Sign him up.
  16. Think you are obfuscating. Our drafting has been great, our trading putrid. Spend 5 minutes reviewing Hawthorn & Geelong's recent trading compared to ours & you will feel sick. Whoever is responsible for the trading decisions of the last 3 years whether that's the list manager or not should be sacked.
  17. So according to your hindsight theory Neeld was a great coach but shouldn't be judged on results because the "in hindsight" rule applies & no one could have done better.
  18. Really silly posting Werridee. Drafting and Trading are totally different. We have totally stuffed up our trading for 3 consecutive years. Go through the Hawthorn & Geelong senior lists & you will find that smart player trading is behind the finals success of both Clubs.
  19. So you don't think a list manager impacts a team's performance. That's an interesting view. You bang on about hindsight which I would suggest actually means results or outcomes or maybe you don't think list managers need to achieve anything. 3 years of trading disasters while Hawthorn & Geelong top their teams up with clever trading.
  20. It's not about cost. It's about list management to improve player depth. We used to be good at it with Cross, Vince,Hibberd & Melksham. The last 3 years of trading have been a train wreck & made our list worse. Look at Hawthorn who brought in Meek, Ginnivan, Amon & D'ambrosio for very little cost just clever trading. Lamb should go now - don't need an enquiry.
  21. Correct. The back up players we have traded in the last 3 years have been disasters. Bust after bust. Compare that to Hawks & Cats whose player trading has been very good. Need a new list manager.
  22. The only way you would sign him is as a rookie on peanuts with $ only earned for senior games.
  23. And sadly one of the softest players on the list.
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