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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. what disturbs me is that so many seem confused or misguided about their run up to kick fr goal. If It’s obvious to me and I’m no coach then how is this unaddressed?! Max runs a mile out to his right and either hooks it thru the left points or kicks straight thru the right. If he was kicking from 50 or 55 then maybe i can see the point re going fr extra distance, but at 25metres it’s plain wrong. And obviously so. CP is doing the same. just go bk and kick it over the man on the mark like the good old days. Absolutely you could not do worse than the current method. trying to avoid kicking over the man on the mark isn’t serving it’s purpose. NIbbler has no idea and spargo is unreliable over anything more than 30 metres. Kozzi is another one who’s wasteful but not in the same league as the 4 above. We need to either get a new goal kicking coach or pull the current one in with a heavy “ please explain” We can talk about game style, loading, Tmac, injuries or internal distractions inn2022 but the fact is we should be sitting top of the ladder now with 3 more wins. Goalkicking has killed or is killing our season. If I can see the error in the run up then it must truly be as obvious as dogs balls. Has anyone got any info at all on who guides the at the club? or if anything is being done.
  2. Be great to hear your opinion on whether our game style has been surpassed in 22? long to the pack in the pocket suddenly feels very outdated.
  3. I feel angry about the loss, the umpiring and the pies hypocritical and self righteous barking . However in some sense Howe is right.. really dumb from Langdon to give ammunition pre game. It in no way affected the result imo but I hope he and the whole playing group don’t make a mistake like that again.
  4. well if this were true the pies would win a high % of the close games across all seasons. which they haven’t. A brief glance at just the grand finals lost by close margins would reveal something else. They’re riding a wave this year. They were peaking as a team on Friday eve and I strongly believe they will not be able to sustain it and that that wave will collapse come finals.
  5. It really was. horrible decision. Nothing said about it on the commentary either.
  6. yes. i’ve woken also with a sinking feeling . A./ when u lose a game u should have won . But also, and worse, B./ recognising that when push come to shove, and the whips are really cracking, we’re really just not that good this year. Hunger? luck? bad kicking? umpires? a bit of all of it = just not that good. ie close but no cigar in 2022.
  7. We consistently miss too many easy frikn critical goals . Gawn missed 3 of them FFS. Can’t have any player doing that let alone the skipper. But trac missed two he normally would get, fritta and kozzi an absolutely critical one. I just can’t see a way to fix this now . we’ve become a team that is consistently sloppy and wasteful in front of goal and have been fr a while. it’s prob costing us another decent shot at a flag.
  8. Its a round 20, 2 v 3 clash! Sides separated by percentage only. Its a huge game. Not so much one to be worried about as much as pumped and excited for...we get to prove ourselves (hopefully) on a Friday night with a crowd of 80k plus. These are the games that define the season. Id be "worried" if we were playing say the hawks or the bombers... this one Im just pumped for.
  9. … and they looked super impressive last night. Biclavs in the ruck or a tagger at the centre bounce is giving them a whole new look.My only query is whether they’re peaking too early.
  10. that final sentence says it all.
  11. There’s no need to even ponder that. It’s not enough… end of story. I’m quite sure they’ll try that but why would we accept it? there offer is say pick 14 and pick 15 or worse . maybe if north get a priority or a cpl father sons it’s more like 16 and 17 or worse. If Cerra was worth 6… jackson is worth more.
  12. Love yr work and yr analysis. King might not read it but we all do!
  13. yep re JVR, hard to do less than weids 1 lucky possession. Think it’s time to bite the bullet.
  14. Down from interstate. Feel like it’s a BIG game and don’t want to just watch this one at home. where do the dee faithful gather for such things? Might be good to meet a few landers while I’m there!
  15. As I saw it, Gus was THE poster boy for a selfless club. 3rd in a brownlow playing in the middle, then makes way fr the 3 demon bulls and plays both defensive wing and HBF. Excelling at both. Losing Jackson may be the bigger loss on field in time but in terms of the culture and many intangibles Gus was irreplaceable. I’m stoked.
  16. Or how about forget the “injury” rule altogether?. you could have a 23rd man that can only come on when one player goes off permanently. Ie once subbed there is no return to the ground fr the eat of the match. Do it too soon and the club risks losing a player to injury w no replacement.
  17. Reckon North would want our entire Jackson haul fr Larkey. They’d never let him go.
  18. Is he so different to what JVR could be for us? Reckon we might just go with what we already have here.
  19. As much as I love Dogga, I also think he’s lacking a certain maturity. As was I at his age and way more so! If, as certain “in the know” posters are saying, he’s gone, then we need to get around him as a team and get the absolute best out of him NOW. He may allow himself to be distracted by it all and that’s just rubbing salt into wounds. We’re a chance for a flag and he’s a big part of that. So i hope the team supports him and we get the absolute best out of him possible in the push fr a flag THIS year.
  20. He’s the best player in the comp, with a brownlow on the line as well as a team top 2 finish. He’ll play.. but prob with painkillers.
  21. With respect, it’s nothing to do with MFCSS nor any implication we’re a basket case. Just a hard reality to bear if it plays out.
  22. I can’t blame him but FMD we may lose Brayshaw, Jackson and Yze in one off season hit.
  23. Hope yr right but honestly it looks more like a sudden loss of mobility. like he can’t grab the ball and spin to kick it from the ruck anymore and he’s falling over so much more in there too now . No questions re his courage or his intent but watching him at the bounces i can see he’s not quite right. I don’t know much about the syndesmosis i’m just hoping it can actually really heal b4 finals.
  24. Gawn not himself at all and is clearly is being hampered. Anyone know anything about the injury he has and if he’s going to just labour thru the rest of the year now or get better?
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