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Everything posted by pantaloons

  1. I couldn't complete the poll. There needs to be another option under AFL punishment - 'none of the above'.
  2. Yeah, good on you brocky! I remember when our coach had the nerve to play Garland and Rivers in the forward line! Can you believe that? Or when he dropped our reigning B & F winner! What a tankapalooza! Or when he threw Magner into the forward line! Ha! Lynden Dunn in the backline, Matthew Bate getting a game, drafting James Sellar, etc etc etc. I demand a full and thorough investigation.
  3. A bit of he said/she said, but Stevo of Herald Sun fame has just said on Twitter that according to Warren Tredrea, Boak has told teammates he's staying at Port.
  4. pantaloons


    Ha! Look, I don't see a Howard to LA trade happening, and while it could be great for us, I think right now our bench is a more pressing need. We've probably got the league's best starting lineup and worst bench right now. Need to re-sign Hill and add another couple of quality role players if we're going to go anywhere. It was reported Antawn Jamison was signed by LA today but that proved premature. Could be imminent though. OJ Mayo is off to Dallas. The Mavs have recovered reasonably well when it looked like they were about to fall off the face of the planet.
  5. It's sad. Some of these weaker clubs like Hawthorn do not have the facilities and medical staff or nous to deal with player injuries. 224 games in 11 seasons at Melbourne but 10 in 2 years at poor old Hawthorn. Shame. Bruce, I'm sorry it ended this way. Now you can get out of that toilet-coloured outfit and back into our thinking as a former Melbourne stalwart. Well done on getting the best out of yourself while at Melbourne. We probably relied on you too heavily - a player plucked from obscurity through friendship with Brent Grgic as a mature ager had no right to turn out to be a gun, but you gave great value to the club, so thanks. And as referenced earlier in this thread, your final against Carlton in 2000 will never be forgotten. "BRUCE - BRUCE CAN HE KICK A GOAL??!!!" Spine-tingling every time I watch it.
  6. Thank goodness for Richmond. Courtesy of losing on the siren to a team that had lost about 20 in a row in a home game they sold for cash, the tigers will almost certainly miss the top eight and in doing so prevent Melbourne from owning the longest current finals drought.
  7. pantaloons


    Houston going all out for Dwight. Smart thinking. Mediocrity is death in the NBA, and while they've been very honest for years, the Rockets are never going to win another championship until they get some superstar talent on the roster. They've gutted the roster in preparation for Howard. If he goes there, then it's mission accomplished and they build around him. If he doesn't go there, then they stink it up for a season and wind up with a top 3 pick and plenty of salary cap space.
  8. Using Trengove v Dangerfield as a guide, he will get approximately 4,136 weeks.
  9. pantaloons


    NASH A LAKER!! Very excited about this. We've used the Odom traded player exception to absorb his $27M contract and sent Phoenix our 2013 and 2015 first round picks and 2013 and 2014 second round picks. We won't attempt to re-sign Sessions now. Attention turns to Howard.
  10. Who knows what we'd have actually given up if Judd came, but if it was similar to what Carlton paid it would have been pick 4 (Morton) + pick 21 (Maric) + player. Whatever happens at Carlton over the next couple of years, they won't look back with any regret on getting Judd.
  11. pantaloons


    Thanks Jack. I don't have the time or inclination to sift through Brooklyn's salary details, but I'd be utterly stunned to the point of heart attack if they could fit Howard, Williams, Johnson, Wallace and Turkoglu under the cap. They'd be up for close to $100M a year right there on those 5 players.
  12. pantaloons


    The Johnson deal today is a good example of the changing face of trading and list management in the NBA and in sport over the past few years. Traditionally, you don't want to give up a dollar coin for bits of shrapnel totalling $1, but what Danny Ferry has done here is take on a bunch of mediocre guys with contracts that expire after the 2012/13 season. They'll no doubt be hoping that with a stack of money available at that time they'll be able to land one or both of Dwight Howard and Chris Paul. From what I've read, the Nets must have been sure they had no chance of landing Howard before making the deal, because this eliminates them from Howard contention, given Johnson's huge contract. Interesting times.
  13. Marc Murphy was shown laughing in the stands while his team was getting flogged. Delist!
  14. Just got back from 3 weeks in the US, the last week at Disneyland. I think I saw more people wearing LA Kings gear in that week than I did at a Kings game a few years ago. They love a winner! Oh, and Quick -amazing performance. When isn't the cup won by a team with a red hot goaltender? Seems to happen every year.
  15. Can someone explain to me again the benefits for footballers or any professional sportspeople in having twitter accounts? We've had two NBA players given death threats via twitter in the recent playoffs and I'm sure if scully had an account that's all he'd receive (justifiably). I can't see why anyone would willingly invite lunatics to abuse them online.
  16. I saw the topic heading and immediately thought: Greg Denham!
  17. We don't have to use priority picks on viney, so a second rounder will do if we finish bottom, though I can't see that happening at all. Jack, great thread. You can't have every man and his dog in the media slamming us all year for our ineptitude and then complaining about us receiving extra help when the rules clearly allow for it. So 1, 2, 3, 12 and 23 (viney) it is then.
  18. pantaloons


    Thanks mate! Look I'll say a few things: 1. While the Thunder are certainly the better team, and I predicted us to go down 4-1, we were the better team in 3 of the 5 games, so at least we didn't disgrace ourselves. 2. That flagrant against Artest was a disgrace. Purely based on reputation - no way Durant gets that treatment. 3. Really hope the Spurs win it all now. Pacers or Sixers would be fine but unrealistic. 4. Bring on the offseason and some bg decisions for LA. 5. Disappointed it ended today. I leave for a week in LA on Tuesday so was dead keen to get to the WCF if we were still alive!
  19. pantaloons


    You cannot lose games in the playoffs when you are the better team on the day, and the Lakers have done this twice this series, as we did against Dallas last year. Aargh!!!!!!!! Season ends tomorrow, that much is absolutely guaranteed.
  20. 11) After a round 10 defeat to Essendon drops the Demons to 0-10, the club holds a colouring competition open to the members whereby the winner gains a spot on the playing list. Plucked from obscurity, a random poster from Demonland named pantaloons wins the competition and surprisingly gains selection for the Queen's Birthday clash, where he kicks 10 goals on debut and leads the club to victory. More heroics ensue, and the Demons rattle off an improbable 12 straight wins and an unlikely finals berth on the back of young pantaloons' 103 goals and Coleman Medal from the forward pocket. More zany action ensues in the finals, where the club reaches the Grand Final after three straight wins by less than a kick, including a goal after the siren against Hawthorn in the prelim. The club then defeats West Coast in the Grand Final by 120 points and followed that up by using pick 22 on Jack Viney. The end.
  21. pantaloons


    This is the only thing I'm looking forward to for the rest of the season. It may be disgraceful, unbecoming, and hopefully the TV cameras are pointed to another section of fans, but he is going to bear the brunt of a season of frustration from yours truly. Let's not hate ourselves enough that we would bend over and give any credit to that weasel.
  22. If this thread only encourages one member to upgrade to a reserved seat with the club from now on then it has done its job.
  23. pantaloons


    Thanks Macca. Phew. A generally poor performance from LA this series, but our reward for being ordinary is to have Artest back for OKC and tuned up in today's Game 7. I doubt we'll get over the top of them, but losing to OKC won't be the historic disgrace that losing today would have been. This will be the first series we enter as underdogs since the 2008 Finals against Boston. Memphis/Clippers tomorrow. Should be fantastic - two success-starved clubs going at it in a Game 7.
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