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Travis Boots

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Everything posted by Travis Boots

  1. Wants out is what ive heard
  2. Given his destructive recreational habits and how willing we were to show the door, im finding it really cringeworthy to see several of you foaming at the mouth wanting us to bring him back.
  3. ??‍♂️ maybe they have? But that could also be deflection give their “current” cap issues. If they would have confirmed interest imagine how much the de goey talk would amplify etc
  4. Was told he has agreed to move to collingwood on a 4 year deal a couple of weeks back. Source is in industry and is a sponsor of one of their best players and has a good network with others in the industry. I dismissed iit given the cap issues they have with their ooc players but now with the talk of shipping out treloar im thinking a decent chunk of that would be for this
  5. My mail is he was unhappy with medico staff (dont know if this is related to burgess or others and over what exactly). No talk of him wanting to leave. (2nd hand info from a friend who knows a player)
  6. Wow, my friend knows someone very high up at the pies and this is could turn out to be a horrible appointment
  7. Haha, i think we may know the same person
  8. Been told this as well but that his family want him to stay in melbourne
  9. Spoke to the Ox and he reckons its not true from what hes heard
  10. Knightmare has him as 1 of only 4 players he considers as top 5 on list quality. Good enough for me. He has a better eye for talent than any of those journos who "follow" the tac cup/championships imo.
  11. Lynch would be a great pickup
  12. Chad Wingard says hi
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