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don cordner

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Everything posted by don cordner

  1. Bar on chapel st!
  2. Caulfireld, these heaps of cool stuff going up, I’ll take a few more pics
  3. At least give them a plug, it’s funkies in Toorak Village, the owner puts out a demon flag after every win!
  4. U should be apologising to fritta
  5. I did the ladder predictor, had us beating the cats in the Grand Final. :)
  6. You don’t mention the encouragement he gave Laurie , typical
  7. Viney is a gun, give him a few weeks and he will be destroying teams, some fans have a short memory.
  8. yes, even with one hand tied behind his back
  9. I said the exact same thing to my my mates at half time when watching the Melbourne vs Crows game last week hahahah
  10. I revoke this post , haha
  11. yeah right!! lol it was a complete cheat move, if the tables were turned and we were up a point and a Melbourne player knocked it out of bounds like that Adelaide would of 100% been paid the free kick. It's called cheating
  12. CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, I wish a melbourne player challenged that out of bounds call harder!!! CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, The fact no other umpire over ruled the poor decision shows only one thing. I mean the commentators where laughing, it was like a bad joke. CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Good read, thanks for the link
  14. lol if u believe that story
  15. Last time I had a guy crack on to my wife at a club, I just went over to the security and told them, the security then walked the guy out and I gave him a smile and a. Wave as he got escorted past me and out the club :)
  16. I wreckon the claims about there woman being harassed. Is complete bs
  17. Rather Melk than ANB any day
  18. Get over yourself hahaha
  19. Is spud really that bad of an insult ? I could think of worse :)
  20. Oh I’m so sorry
  21. this rapper has waited a while, he raps about Dees being top of the ladder lol
  22. ANB is a spud, he played ok against Richmond, 2 weeks ago against the Hawks he did nothing, had about 10 clangers in a row, today he was usless, he’s horrible
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