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  1. Only my third post after god knowns how many years membership and yes I was at the 64GF so give me a break Bottom line more votes for Dan spending $40Mill down there than on our training facility. Our geographic situation is a fact of life we have been dealing with for years. We are not going to get any freebies from those that allocated funds based on political outcomes, that said Casey is a different ball game.
  2. I'm with you Dante, a very good prospect, but not likly to be there for our second pick if he is still on the table at 7 Freo will say thank you very much.
  3. One of my very rare posts. At the B&F my table was beside one that contained a number of MFC dignitaries (ex-players) one of them I have I know quite well. He was a talent spotter for the MFC for a number of years until we told him his services were no longer needed. Strangely (not) another AFL club enlisted his services in the same role (probably the most succesfull Melbourne based club in the past 10 years) he is still doing the job to this day but did tell me this is his last year. Getting a bit old to get up and drive all over the place to watch TAC and APS games. His comments, bottom line first two that GCS will take are head and shoulders, next five or six any bodies guess. Young good value, asked about Kemp, his comment was would, you be prepared to use pick three on a kid with a suspect knee. At that point in time we did not have pick eight for me, Young & Kemp
  4. Our little group talked about it last night after the game. Group started with nine of us that became friends during out time in the Redlegs, My father, myself, my wife, our two kids and two other couples. Expanded to eleven with kids partners before fate stepped in and took the first my dad. Then added three more (grandkids) before fate struck again taking two more including my wife. One more added since another grandchild. We are all members and go most weeks, though must admit getting more difficult with kids sport commitments. We will stay members regardless, or until fate steps in again.
  5. First ever post on Demonland, and markc you are the reason. My wife also looked to Jim when she had breast cancer, but after beating that beast fell to one you don't recover from, ovarian cancer, 6 months ago on the 6th We were members of the now defunct Gold Pass when Jim came to office, got involved with the Foundation H thing etc, then as he became ill watched the wheels fall off. Very sad. Looking at were we are today, think the big fellow would smile and so would my wife. RIP Jim. Markc, mate I share your pain as few others on this site will. Keep strong.
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