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Everything posted by StillWoewodin22

  1. As another poster said, it's hidden !! The little cave at the arse end of the stadium with no daytime parking is inadequate. It does not expose itself to international visitors. Yo want 'Melbourne' the Football Club to be known around the world, then you sell to visitor's and expose yourself in this city!!
  2. true but explain my comment about the Mets? Not exactly the number 1 team in N.Y. .... I also liked the Charlotte Hornets because of their branding. TBH I would not have known any NBA teams if it was not for Jordan. I think you fail to see the big picture though. Branding and exposure is everything.
  3. H_T maybe i wasn't all the clear to start off with,. I definitaely don't blame shopowner. The fact he has prob sold 1 demons jacket in 4 years is the reason he doesn't stock our gear. The point i was trying to get across is what was discussed earlier in this post, we should have a Demon shop in the city! or pay some shop to be exclusive carrier of our full range. I hope this makes more sense.
  4. and you know why I am a New York Mets fan? Coz when i visited New York i walked into a street store and found only a Mets cap in my size. I adopted the mets. You know why i like the Chicago Bulls? Coz of their logo...u know why i like.....get in the real world...having new fans (worldwide as was discussed at the begiining of this thread, if you bothered to read the top) is all about product placement.
  5. The store is 90% AFL merchandise. not sure why the assumption " I am going to a non-AFL focused merchandise store to buy gear". have a look at google map. If I didn't know better would i not think this was an AFL merch shop am going to a non-AFL focused merchandise store to buy gear. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&gs_upl=2296l2296l0l3139l1l1l0l0l0l0l406l406l4-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=971&bih=454&wrapid=tlif132435829035710&q=116+Elizabeth+Street,+Melbourne&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x6ad642b4ff9a530b:0x4da414d7e389a6e8,116+Elizabeth+St,+Melbourne+VIC+3000&gl=au&ei=lhrwTuWmI6KQiAe1qNjCAQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA Now consider a tourist that wants a momento from Melbourne. Sports nut. Walks down Elizabeth Street, see that sign and goes in. No MFC gear. FAIL !! You clearly missed my point. I won't bother elaborating. Also consider that not everyone is aware of the Demon Shop in its current location. Not all people are gen X or Y and shop online. Our product is not placed in the centre of town.....FAIL!
  6. More bad news on marketing side of things. Wanted to share this little story with you all. I had instructed my old man on what I would like for Christmas last year and been online to the Demons Shop and pointed out that i was keen on the NB spray jackets that were on sale. Dad, not being very teck savvy, decided he would prefer to venture into town to pick up my Xmas gift. Despite being told to go to Rebel Sport, the old boy happned to pass the F1 and AFL Merchandise store on Elizabeth St. The one right near Lit Collins. Anyway, he came home with the complete wrong jacket. Upon inspection of the jacket, i noticed it was not NB nor was it red, nor did it feature the current logo, nor the previous logo. It was 2007 merchandise and it cost $80.00. So off i went to town to exchange the present for the right one, or at least the right era merchandise. Not the 2007 version he had purchased. When I arrived at the store I pointed out to the guy that the jacket was from 2007 and that i had wanted the 2011 NB media spray jacket. He said that the MFC was a 'fringe club' and for that reason they had no current stock. Not one current jumper, not one current NB polo, nothing! They did have 4 clash jumpers for a mere $125.00. Not even on sale. Anyway, i don't really hold the store responsible. But I was livid at the fact he described us as a fringe club and told me that MFC stuff just doesn't sell so they don't bother getting any in. Also told me that he was unsure whether they would get the 2012 stock in. This is an AFL merch store in the heart of the CBD and this is how marketable we are? My god! we must do better than this. I know that someone will say that 'you should have gone to the Demon Shop'. But Dad's don't always get these types of things. Wasn't even sure it was open and can shop online. fair dinkum, we need exposure!!!! Anyway, if anyone wants $79.95 worth od store credit for a Melbourne Rebels, Melbourne Heart, Melbourne Storm or Melbourne Victory merch, get in touch!
  7. Sean Charles stuff is hilarious! From memory it was a news helicopter that delivers him to training.
  8. 1. Tingay 2. Chopper Lovell 3. Woey 4. Robbie Flower 5. David Schwartz 6. Todd Viney 7. Andrew Leoncelli 8. Jimmy Stynes 9. Yeats 10 Sean Wight
  9. I feel sorry for you..not sure if yo have been across the Yarra champ, but the city is full of nightspots and bars..not hard to find..you must be a bumpkin!
  10. to be blunt ..,. our marketing department has NFI...Has been amatuer for years...FACT!
  11. Haven't seen it for a while. It was doing my line the no6 Glen Iris for a while recently. Seems to have dissapeared. I did see a saints one the other day. Original idea from them!
  12. just relay a quick story. I recently began work at a prominant law firm in the city and met a bloke who had shifted over from N.Z. He has only been here a short while and was not here for any of the last season. He, like many new arrivals is living in the CBD. He, without my pursuasion has adopted the Demons as his team. I asked him why and he explained that being a Kiwi it is all about supporting the area you live in. With many new arrivals living in the CBD we have to push the 'Melbourne' name. 'This is Melbourne' or 'We are Melbourne' would be a great marketing line.
  13. I got my copy of the 2011 Yearbook in the mail last night and was extremely surprised when reading the stats page to see that Robbie also only ever won one B&F. I was born in 1983 so only saw or remember the twilight of his career. However, the stories my father told me of him and all that I have read and seen suggests, he should have won more. Especially given the fact we had a very poor team pre 1987. Anyone care to explain whether this was a misprint or why ...
  14. Spencer... surely not...he is useless. Saw him in the street the other day and admit that he has stacked on muscle, but does not excuse the fact he can't kick and his tap work is pretty much useless. I wouldn't have thought u need that many talls in the one side.
  15. This bloke looks pretty good to me. I like the highlights package! Welcome to the Club James and good luck fighting for a spot in 2012. Your grunt may be rewarded!
  16. Stephen Tingay was numbr 52 i think when he started...Viney was quite high too. Tingay may have even been 57. Anyone know when he got the #2?
  17. I have lost my copy of this video. It is a great doco, does anyone have the ability to put it on youtube? I would love to see it again.
  18. i have asked my source for further clarification. His version of how cards will fall goes like this.... We will rookie him if he doesn't fall to Port or GWS IN THE psd. Again, just passing on rumour.
  19. [ Just passing on ifo passed on to me. I don't pretend to know more or how. I realise we don't have a PSD pick and that he has nominated, so there is a chance that he goes elsewhere first. Maybe it's the Neeld connection, I am not certain. I was also told that Port businessman has offered 1.2 mil if Power sign either Davis or Fev.
  20. Title speaks fo itself. Rumour told to me this morning by prominent Dees fan who is a past board member. Still close with people at the club. Don't ask for names, but make of it what you will.....
  21. Good move if it comes off. Would be even further ahead of AAMI facilities once complete. Full size oval to ourselves, as I understand it. We STILL have to book sessions at the AAMI oval. I think it will be an area that will develop (i know its hard to see given the present failures of the Docklands area). However it will doorstep to the city, full of tourists and shops, its good exposure and a chance to have the most state of the art facilities of all clubs.
  22. ....so I take it nothing happened out there today?? The suspense is killing me..anyone want to give a run down?
  23. Do you subscribe to the thought that Moloney looks like Tarzan but plays like Jane?
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