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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. You are as correct as you will ever be.
  2. The great energy wasters of our city-including my aunt, a founding member of these futile NIMBY formation.
  3. i tried in vain to seduce one of his beautiful daughters .She would have none of it.The least i can say is he taught his child common sense.
  4. Would you position Pele as goalkeeper? Do not overthink .
  5. The problem with the equality agenda is that it's not so much driven by a love of the poor as it is by a hatred of the rich. The very first days of the Bolsheviks illustrate this.They Murder the royals, ransack the palaces,rape,pillage and plunder the shops and then begin turning on themselves. Do you expect Gina Rhinehart to build public roads after paying sovereign,mineral and business tax as well as having several thousand employees contribute their PAYE tax back into the economy?You can blame the decay of infrastructure in Melbourne and Sydney fairly and squarely on the massive influx of immigrants aided by both sides of politics .
  6. Schmucks are schmucks until they prove otherwise. 20-1 would be more reasonable odds.
  7. We wore those colours in the mid 80's . Zantuck, Giles,Healys,Battiston, Wacko etc when we stunk it up big. Barass throwing tantrums. Those were the days.
  8. Rumour is we've got Festival Hall.
  9. there is more philosophical depth in one of my most erratic bowel movements , more profundity,and more wisdom, than their entire year of economic output. And that's being generous.
  10. my products are sold in tin foil or small plastic bags dc.The micro distribution issue I leave to the government of the day and the consumer .
  11. He is flabby and white-the major reason for Richmonds victory-He has no excuse for complacency.Trim down and perform.
  12. My Alcohol and drug tab is bigger than this schmucks annual revenue. This company is doomed. he is selling icy poles to Pablo Escobar's street vendors. He's fired.
  13. We've got a new sponsor. This thing is going to be bigger than GetSwift. Or Shonkair , Or Solarscam or any of those. Details are still being worked out due to the board and Business staff trying out the product but they have the slogan ready. Forget about the past with FENTANYL.
  14. I want one of those companies where you burn 100 million and make 90 million and have potential billions to come in. Delivering fired chicken to bogans can't be that hard.
  15. Must be the dumbest [censored] to ever wear the red and blue.
  16. That "can of coffee" I asked you to bring in for me will more than cover lunch.For at least the next decade.An old mule for a hard road say I.
  17. How I miss him. His non stop pursuit of equality and moral superiority was the perfect antidote to my actual achievement of human perfection and unquestionable wisdom coupled with my spiritual and intellectual godliness.Sometime one needs a snivelling rat to kick into the gutter to reassure oneself of such a thing.
  18. I have imbibed a similar drink Ethan.Fortunately,along with the other potent drugs Asia has to offer, none of them can harm me.Only after drinking the Cobra blood did i realise it contains the venom present in said snakes fangs.I admit my heart slowed to a snails pace but i thought that was due to the heat.On this journey I will stick to drinking Uncle Bitters duty free gin.
  19. I am told that Uncle bitters finds it difficult to keep a woman for very long. Which may be why he had a clod room built at the manor.
  20. Without knowing anything about the case. It's always the girls' fault for the way she dresses and behaves-on that I'm sure we all agree.
  21. I won't dignify your sordid imputations with a detailed response other than to say, in modern shorthand : GAGF.
  22. Important article in Fairfax press by a girl who does't like fruit peel in her Christmas Cake. The Age once again dealing with the real news. And the ever charming Clementine Ford wrote a gem about being lonely at Christmas (is it any wonder).
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