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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. If you support Hawthorn you lack character and integrity as an individual. There are no exceptions. I know it is only football but this rule applies. They need years of pain and sorrow as a football club before they have any hope of developing likeable personalities as people. Farc 'em all.
  2. The worst umpiring in a final in living memory wasn't enough to shake their determination. Destroying Hawthorn was strangely unfulfilling . We seek the grail.
  3. Deuteronomy 32:35 It is mine to avenge.I will repay. In due time their foot will slip, their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.
  4. What we did well against Geelong was to control the centre . We did this through defensive action(Strong tackling) . Funnily enough I made a chess analogy during the first quarter last week. Strong tackles are key against any opposition.
  5. I'm calling in the grammar inspectors on this one.
  6. You could be right. Unlikely as the possibility might seem. We have a history of great Germans at the MFC.And then we have you.
  7. The freight costs would be prohibitive.
  8. Good player. Worth a look.
  9. I'd consider ringing a taxidermist.
  10. my wife will take umbrage with your comments when she gets home from cheerleading practise.
  11. Mike Sheehan seeks to become the greatest tool in AFL. He has chosen the perfect interview subject. Thankfully I shot my TV with a 44 magnum lever action many years ago.
  12. Walls suggesting we have such a high ceiling has me floored. Sure the window is open but we still have to open the door.
  13. If you need a guaranteed fumble ,you can count on Lewis.
  14. Steve Waugh- they just picked him till he beat the world. Justify son.
  15. Who will live without fear this September? The bottom six may replace the top six for all we know.
  16. That was pretty good Die Hard. I liked everything apart from the music ,the editing and the footage. Ethans video gave me goose pimples on my cellulite .
  17. GWS fans have a slogan. Two's company, Three's a crowd.
  18. Biffen

    Camp wars

    Change the thread title .I thought this was a story about handbagging.
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