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Everything posted by Thehardtackler

  1. May as well keep the energy positive.
  2. Max Gawn alone makes up for a 50% deficit in the crowd! Go Demons!
  3. Probably, but performing in Perth will have top players recognising that we are a genuine Top 4 side and flag certainty in years to come.
  4. If we put in a half decent performance on Saturday, then we will have players banging down the door to play at Melbourne. We won't have to sound them out, they will sound us out.
  5. Mick Molloy is only funny because when you look at him, you think, I am glad I don't look and sound like that bloke. Being a Tigers supporter just adds to the unfortunate image.
  6. Collingwood Supporters drive Prados now. I guess we have evolved to Range Rovers. That is the employed Collingwood supporters do! ?
  7. Our Cheer Squad are more than capable of matching West Coast for enthusiasm. I have seen them go wild quite a few times.
  8. A lot of the supporters that have come on board since Roosy are not stereotypically Melbourne. You can see that at the games. Channel 7 pick out the Private Schoolboys going mad in the crowd just to perpetuate a myth. I hate hearing 'Go Dees', but it is palatable whilst we are winning. Go Demons or Go Melbourne is better!
  9. I think the ferals over there will lift our players and they will soar higher than the Eagles. Maybe it will be burnt wings!
  10. I reckon Vince will get taken to Perth as back up and also as an experienced player for others to gain support, advice and encouragement from.
  11. I think that we need to save the cheap shots until after we win the Flag. Don't want to upset the Karma machine.
  12. BT was so annoying on the commentary. He was almost trying to put the commentator curse on us at key parts of the game. I think that he is a secret Hawthorn fan. He just loves to talk about Big Boy Mcevoy.
  13. Maturity is not consistent!
  14. It took 3 years for Weideman to come of age. Cut Dion some slack!
  15. Now we are in the finals, I think the AFL will want us to thrive. Nicholls should make no difference to the result if we turn up to play again.
  16. Jesse Hogan will be dying to play for us going forward, especially if we can make at least a Preliminary Final.
  17. There was a Hawks fan who phoned Gary Lyon and Tim Watson on SEN this morning. He said he thought that Melbourne and their fans were getting ahead of themselves. His justification was that some of the fans had already booked flights to Perth and that the Hawks would not play as badly as they did against Richmond, playing Melbourne. He also implied that the Hawks have our measure. Anybody else hear it and have an opinion? Gary deflected it.
  18. I think Goodwin will make no change to maintain the camaraderie of the same 22 heading out again. I think injury is the only thing that will force him to change a winning formula.
  19. Wouldn't you rather see him taken to task by a few Melbourne players rather than the MRP. It is a more satisfying way to deal with a bully.
  20. Having said that, the players can only name and shame violent thugs. The MRP will never make it happen. Gaff is only ashamed because of what his peers think. They now see him as a sniper.
  21. I never once hit anyone when I played rugby. My pride would not allow me to do such a thing. I like to win fairly.
  22. But the players need to police it or it will never be stamped out. The MRP is counter-productive as it is not owned by the players.
  23. Have any of you done anything competitive. The AFLW looks tougher than a lot of AFL now. The women go full on at each other and no one complains. Leave Toby Greene alone. He is the type of player we need and want to keep the game interesting. At least he does not stage for frees like Dangerfield and Selwood.
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