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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Martin is really impressing me. Looks like a player who knows he has got to fight for his position. He is in everything.
  2. Davey starting to get involved and we look deadly.
  3. JURRAH!!!! CAPITALS NEEDED FOR THAT ONE! Perfect sit for him. GOAL!
  4. Goodes left free. Kicks a goal. Who is playing on Goodes? I thought garland was but looks like macdonald now Edit: Garland on him still
  5. Davey reported. Decided to bump. From the replay it looks like he hit him on the shoulder.
  6. Im in hobart watching on t.v Our tops still look really pink to me. big difference to our socks.
  7. far out the umpires are paying anything to the swans. Tapscott is awesome. Rivers is really struggling. being beaten just about everytime.
  8. Your opinion holds merit. However I see Roos as a great coach because he turned a group of above average footballers into a champion team. He really got the most out of his players. Would I hold this opinion if they had not won a premiership? maybe not as much. Each to their own. Regardless, I found the article interesting
  9. While it doesn't mention anything about Melbourne in particular, I thought I would post a link to this article as it is an awesome read and gives a bit of insight into what a coach goes through. Paul Roos - The Golden Rules Of AFL Coaching
  10. Hardly a debacle. Now that the dust has settled im very happy for Bruce to be at the hawks. He has a shot at a flag and he will make them a better team. All he would be doing for us is taking the spot of a youngster.
  11. Depends what the scores are. If we are 3/3 but are within 2 goals in the losses then I would be happy. If we win 3 but get absolutely thrashed when we lose then I would not be happy.
  12. So after working with a few addicts in the past, you can tell ex actually how Brendon is at the moment? Based on what? have you spoken to him personally recently?
  13. Would love to see him kick 10 in a match. Could happen this year.
  14. He would become a bigger cult figure than the almighty 426. Everyone who had ever bagged him out would be forgiven and we would all rejoice!
  15. Even though we are 'promoting' him to the senior list, it doesn't mean he is now a senior listed player. He will just remain a rookie who is allowed to play in the team. When we come to delisting 3 players at the end of the year delisting Newton will only free up a rookie pick. (if the rookie list still exists) Actually if the rookie list and the senior list merges into one will probably be the best thing for us, as we will be able to delist current rookies instead of current senior players.
  16. Another training session with no injuries! WINNING.
  17. His form was dreadful against Essendon. The football dept has been pumping games into this kid wether he deserved them or not. I'll be surprised if he doesn't make the round 1 team. And there would be an article about it. The herald sun posts an article everytime a player farts, so this would be big news. In fact Jay Clark is probably reading this right now and is forming a draft!
  18. What a great bloke you are. I'm amazed at all the people who are now boycotting Casey games. The MFC is trying hard to build a partnership with these guys and now we have people on here encouraging other posters to send boycott messages to the Scorpions. I bet you all never went in the first place.
  19. Ahhhh..... I was wondering what our compensation from trading America De Carli to GWS message boards would be.
  20. It's to give the players a training session as close to a real game as you can get. Unfortunately many on here take it way to seriously.
  21. How am I trying to Skew the situation? How would I skew it to my own agenda? why the hell would I have my own agenda? This isnt an episode of days of our lives.
  22. Yep. Think you might be right. But they had a period at the end of last year to approach a player from every club. I don't think they would be doing there jobs if they hadn't at least approached anyone from our side.
  23. I have thought about it. And while I have thought about your opinion I was asking the question to see what other people on this forum thought. Thanks for your response and also for the little put down at the end.
  24. Hmmm... clearly i didn't write that clearly enough. I'm not saying all answers are true. Im asking which one of the options do you think is true. Why wouldn't GWS have approached Scully?
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