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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. I found this quite difficult and I think a lot of peoples will be very different. It's very hard to judge as we have such a young list, and this list could change week to week. For me - Watts, Wonaeamirri, Bennell, Bail, Morton, Gysberts. Watts - This kid is being played every game at the highest level, this is the best way to fast track his development, and I totally support this. But I doubt anyone could say that he deserves his spot each week at this point in time. Bennell - Simply does not impact a game enough. Goes missing when the going gets tough. Does some lovely cameos and has a good game every now and then. Wonaeamirri - Has been injured and hasn't spent enough time on the ground to be consistent over the past few years. If he was a little more accurate last week I would have found it hard to put him here. Bail - I'm always glad to see him get a game, but like Bennell, does not have a big enough impact on the game. Morton - His best would see him off this list. But his injuries/form puts him in here by default. Looking forward to seeing him return to his best this year. Gysberts - This was a very hard one. His output has been great so far. And defiantly deserves to be getting a game. But his youth, and size have swayed me. I know a lot of people will put Bartram in instead of Gysberts. But people easily forget that Bartram is our tagger and is not suppose to get a lot of the ball. Also Dunn plays a defensive role, but I could understand if people have him in the list at the moment. The umpires hated him last week.
  2. I cant remember fraiser ever playing well against us.
  3. +1 I would go so far as putting that stupid star trek face palm picture in. Hopefully its the stupidest thing I read on here this week. Bailey is leaving him in the middle to try and teach him to break a hard tag. Its a development year.
  4. Yeah he is. But Martin is playing the same role, is more versatile and we didn't have to give up our 2nd round (Howe) pick for him. Couldn't believe it when in his first match he was brought in to stop an in form Johnathon Brown. I do admit I lost faith last year after all his injuries kept him out. Had him down for a certain de-listing at the end of the year. Glad to be wrong.
  5. I would be super happy with a win by at least 1pt with no injuries.
  6. I'm 100% certain that it was Davis not Cook Davis tackled Beamer a bit hard. Beamer got annoyed and then a moment later spat. People went crazy because they had thought Beamer had spat at Davis. It was a storm in a teacup, and was blown massively out of proportion. Same training session Cook was off the ground and looked like he possibly could be crying because he had his head in his hands.
  7. BAMF

    Luke Tapscott

    Your right. Lets slit our wrists now. We are only going to die in the future anyway.
  8. Does your boss barrack for GWS? Maybe he knows if Scully is going or not.
  9. Was pretty clear that the hawks were pushing super hard. We had lost our run. Hawks were about to blast us.
  10. Let me get this straight. You could deal with it better if we were not leading at half time?
  11. Only the first part of my post was directed at you. The rest was at all the 'sack the coaches' posters on here. Some people on here are way too quick to jump on the coaches. Look at what we are trying to do. We are trying to get a group of players coming through together. Unfortunately that means we are playing young 20 game kids on 100 - 200 game players. The Hawks have experience all over the ground. Yes the third quarter was terrible. But I would rather lose by 40pts to a premiership mode team with the kids than have extended Robertson, Bruce, McDonald's contracts and had a 15pt loss.
  12. Quick Stuie! Panic! for the love of god panic! Your just so good at it! I don't know what people were expecting. Hawks are in premiership mode. They were a great team in 08. They have some absolute champions on their list, in the past few years they have topped up with Gibson, Burgoyne, Bruce, Hale. Even their first pick this year was a ready made player. We were playing the youngsters who need games under their belt. Yes the third quarter was disappointing, but look at the age and experience of our playing list next to theirs. Posting that we need to sack Brian Royal after 2 rounds is a massive knee jerk reaction.
  13. Unfortunately there will be a lot of games that we should probably win that we wont. The West Coast game last year comes to mind. We are still young and will be up and down.
  14. He had a great year until he was cleaned up by Johnson. Wonder if that was a massive turning point.
  15. The title say 'Alistair Lynch on Tom Scully' I was expecting more than 'Tom will sign a contract at the end of the year' I expected a decent paragraph of info from Lynch's point of view. Maybe some inside information. Why could this have not been added onto the end of one of the other Scully threads?
  16. He wouldn't have made it in time. He had to assume that Shaw would grab the ball rather than tap it on. Full credit to Shaw. He knew the hit was coming and still went in 100%
  17. Agreed. I opened this thinking it was going to be something substantial. Maybe we should make a sub forum for all Scully - GWS threads.
  18. Tappscott will get the rising star nomination in round 11 after he smashes Heppel into the ground.
  19. It does seem strange. A guy like Cam Schwab should not have any problems getting a loan like that from the bank or credit union. No harm done I guess.
  20. Davey hit his shoulder. But then the result of that is McGlynn's head moving the wrong way and he slightly bumps his head into a teammate. nothing in it at all.
  21. Agreed. And he will also improve when he learns to be more physical.
  22. No one is writing him off. We just want to see improvement. It's not a matter of getting him up to 50 games. It's a matter of him improving.
  23. Who was worse? He was terrible in the first half. Better in the second. He is good when he has the ball. But is shocking when he hasn't
  24. Watts is playing like its a basket ball game. Has no desperation and does not like to be physical in the slightest.
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