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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Some stats for a bit of context.... 3 rounds to Round 19 (weighted composite of averages) vs entire 2018 season (ie., indication of latter season form)... This season to Rnd 19... Marginal drop off statistically in the block above but still slightly ahead of 2018 season. Damn good effort for anyone to be near or bettering their result from last season. Kicking efficiency has improved since Rnd 9 and has moved up two places. Another very good outcome and above the AFL average of approx 68% (mids usually track lower and defenders higher but he plays a mixed role and/or has possibly been asked to play more time in a defensive role later in the season hence the improvement and high ranking?)....
  2. At worst it could be "partial cue in the rack" to minimise injuries and try and get an extra year out of the likes of Jones (eg., turning Jones from a mostly inside beast over the course of this year and possibly a little last year to a mostly outside role player). Maybe the FD just feel there's been so much disruption what's the point and the Oscar experiment was just allowing him the opportunity to show something before a likely career finish. These end of season non-event matches give the opportunity to experiment and they allow those on their last chance to have a final hoorah and a chance at redemption if needed. Sadly there's very little else one can take from the position we find ourselves in. A few wins would be handy but unfortunately the belief and spirit of the playing group has slowly waned with every loss. The two captains in particular have seemed disinterested from about the half way mark for whatever reason/s. I can't recall either of them appearing to be super unified and playing like brothers in arms too often if at all. Many have speculated that something is awry and it can't just all be about the pre-season issues. I have no idea but my gut feel says something is NQR in a big way amongst at least "some" within the playing group. I am not saying this has emanated from within the playing group either. Possibly issues within the FD trickling down? Possibly the poor management of the Jones contract talks? A personality clash between Jones & Viney? Pure speculation but somewhere something feels amiss.
  3. Marty for mine but Frosty the most improved and not far behind. Marty will end up being one of the greatest defenders ever seen in the red & blue IMV.
  4. Regardless of the why & and what ifs the Captaincy must go to Big Maxy if we are to have any chance of a genuine resurrection from here. It may also go some way to preventing an exodus of members in 2020.
  5. A sad day for all those connected. R.I.P. Bluey and condolences to family, friends & you Mr Old ✌?
  6. So i'm just waiting on these to arrive so i can put my new speaker cables together....anyone here looking to offload a soldering station? ...
  7. Kicking Efficiency Comparison - Rnd 9 vs Rnd 21 Note: The AFL average is approx 68%. Obviously defenders would have a higher average, mids lower etc. * No comparison available as didn't play in both comparative blocks. # For some reason i missed Tim Smith's KE% @ Rnd 9.
  8. Player / Team Stats - Weighted Composite Score Rnd 21, 2019 - Demons vs Pies (MCG) # Hit outs to advantage not accounted for
  9. Out: Goodwin In: Ayres, Ratten, Parkin or Joyce (Lewis as assistant and budding apprentice).
  10. And just a rookie! What does that tell you about our leaders. Both should be de-frocked and a new leader (Gawn) in place for 2020. May as VC.
  11. Watch the players Coach and tell me they are playing for Goody. Most running at half pace and watching. The radio says our two leaders laying virtually zero tackles over matches not just today amd looking disinterested??? They are saying this is the weakest Pies team fielded for the year yet they are just waltzing away from ground ball contests. The club scored off the most from turnovers. Easily the equal worst skilled team in the AFL alongside the GC rabble. Club is a joke and we are back to being the irrelevant laughing stock of the league that we were pre-Roos. Cant maintain possesion for more than about 20 min of footy. No possession tempo game. Most players looking to give off to "anyone" and not take responsibility. Dress it up however you like... we are shizen and Goody has taken us there.
  12. We would be as close to par with the current Pies forward line as you are ever likely to see in this team's generation coach and they blew us away in 20 minutes of bog ordinary footy. If you wish to delude yourself that everything will be fine because a year date will change on a calender that is your prerogative. Oscar into the ruck and HF? What possible benefit / message is that sending the rest of the playing group? I know what i would be thinking. Maybe we should rename ourselves the Melbourne Excuses? How about the DumbAzzes? The Rabbles?
  13. Only listening to radio. Cant watch anymore with the likes of JKH, Oscar & Gus destroying things. Sounds like we are back to being turnover kings and a shambles and are only capable of staying in or ahead in a match for one quarter or so at best. If Goodwin cant get us close to a half baked Pies team with almost no forward line with 19 rounds behind the team he should walk now and save us the embarrassment for the last few rounds and for the [censored] storm that will be next season. Clean half this shitty list out, put anyone in who has half a coaching brain in (Ratten?) and start again in 2020. Goody is destroying this club and the careers of at least half a dozen or so very good players with every week that goes by. Roos anointed the wrong man in a rush out the door. What a pitty.
  14. Manuka, Metricon, Mumford, Melbourne...Meh!
  15. Snowing at Metricon!! ...a first i can recall at a VFL/AFL match since i've been following
  16. One of many perplexing selection decisions this season. I realise many are by requirement through injury and niggles that we are unaware of but this one is a cracker. I am unable to bring myself to watch any MFC games for as long as Goody persists with Oscar from here on. Just too depressing and all i feel is pitty on the players around him who are mostly up to the contest and the team as a whole. Today's game is so punishing there is no way of effectively covering off being a player (or half a player) short down back. I have Hore ranked as our No.1 defender for the year and No.6 ranked player overall. An amazing first up year for the rookie. Understandable reasons ...either something isn't quite right with Hore, Goody is preserving his young frame for next season (but if that's the case why risk him at VFL level??) Maybe there's some other sensible reason we are unaware of. If not, something has seriously gone haywire within the Fd or with Goody himself.
  17. Agree. If he was interested i think he would make an excellent coach with an apprenticeship under his belt. Hopefully at Demonland.
  18. Quite a tough coach's call here. Much respect for someone with this pedigree and history. I have no doubt Goody will recognise this and balance it with the needs (reality) of list/team in due course. Can Jordy keep up his last four weeks? Maybe four weeks is enough. Take a break / managed. Back again the week after for another three to four Bloody handy voice / on field coach to have given there's no runners now. Understands the nuances of the game and forward craft probably better than most at the club other than Jeffy. Could potentially sort out some of the problems and mess that is our forward system and craft right now. Lots to weigh up. Let's look at the top 10 goal kickers (on averages) this season using only the last four weeks averages for Jordy & Fritschkreig, given they only truly entered the fray since Rnd 17 vs the Dogs.... Fritschkreig 2.75 Lewis 1.50 Jeffy 1.29 T-Mac 1.20 Melk 1.11 Tracc 1.11 (total average of the last four players here = 4.71 vs Fritschkreig & Lewis 4.25, pretty much matching our best four forward players for the year between the two of them) Smith 1.00 Weid 1.00 Hunt 1.00 Lockhart 0.75 (total average of the bottom four players = 3.75 vs Fritschkreig & Lewis 4.25, kicking 0.5 goals more per match than these four put together!).
  19. Big novice when it comes to trade time so excuse my ignorance but... Hill is a must get. Langdon i have no idea as i haven't watched him closely at all really. We are severley lacking in this player type and skill set though (Hill). Im not sure why we are re-signing depth players when we are in dire need of two quality outsiders, a genuine KF & two small forwards. We can't wait and hope that rookies will just miraculously fill these key roles with such a narrow window available. Surely there's plenty of dead wood or surplus depth players that can be traded and/or delisted to free up the salary cap, improve our coffers and go on a shopping spree!??
  20. IF we are going after Richo and land him can we at least put him in the coaches box vs the Saints to improve our chances of winning
  21. A key factor in us making finals and getting to a prelim last year. No coincidence that our season took off when he returned about Rnd 15. Hard as a cats head, big bodied, hits hard and has football smarts / poise to go with it. Clever decision maker who seems to get when to play fast or otherwise. Decent overhead and knows where the sticks are. As a HHF roaming through the middle and occasionaly drifting deep forward, a coaches dream with a hard edge and work rate. You want a bit of extra pressure on the opp up forward or through the middle...he's your man. Pitty about the bloody injuries. Sorely missed this season.
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