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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I really hope Jefferson does. PF would have given him such an ego boost this year 😂
  2. I am so excited for the next installment of “Melbourne is imploding” Let’s hope nobody sets anyone on fire.
  3. The same goes for us. He signed a long term deal which means if we aren’t happy with a trade, a trade isn’t getting done You can’t eat your cake and then wonder why your pants don’t do up.
  4. I for one can see this narrative turning very quickly against Trac. Whoever is managing this PR disaster for him needs to be sacked. Maybe when he becomes damaged goods he’ll realize that you don’t [censored] where you eat.
  5. This. Xerri is very good. Gawn is much better.
  6. No, we absolutely didn’t do that. We made it publicly known that we would trade him in an effort to get him realize the seriousness of the situation he has put himself in. It was done with his management’s support. Clarry never wanted to leave Melbourne and the club believed that if he thought it might happen, it would force him to make changes. And it worked. Clarry’s issues were well known to all clubs at that point. Hell most of them were public knowledge too thanks to gutter journalists who saw it fit to wait outside hospitals for him!
  7. Regardless of whether Trac has legitimate complaints about the club, and I am sure he does by the way, are you really ok for him to trash the club publicly? Because his teammates sure aren’t. This goes against everything a good leader would do. You don’t turn your entire team against you in some deluded effort to force change. Because now the only change that’s being forced here is getting rid of Trac.
  8. McClure is full of [censored]. Trac has no issue with Goody. In fact the original leak from his camp via Morris made particular note of that. I think the second part of that is true tho.
  9. Lachie Neale is the closest in terms of “star power”. He wanted out but for family reasons, and stayed. I presume things didn’t get this bad between him and the rest of the playing group tho.
  10. So… Trac isn’t mad about Jefferson not debuting?
  11. One player? Really? Coz Judd didn’t help Carlton. Nor did Ablett help Gold Coast. One player does not a club make. He sure didn’t help them this year. Hell he couldn’t even help them make finals. The big crowds and sponsorships is the real reason and we all know it. Going from 500,000 followers to 1,000,000 followers means his paid posts double and triple in worth.
  12. Genuine question, are the Pies not in decline? Old list, no first round pick. What makes them more lucrative than Melbourne?
  13. What part of this being played out in the media screams personal and confidential to you?
  14. Being a Melbourne supporter is a full time job… for my therapist.
  15. Oliver never let that leak. It was leaked by the club to pull him into line.
  16. How would a club that values their cohesion and culture feel about welcoming someone who has gone to town burning their club/teammates, for the sake of growing their social media profile?
  17. Maybe the problem with our culture is that we have too many nice guys in position of power. Goody, Gawny, Richo, all really nice people who genuinely love every player. In a high performing environment that can sometimes be a real problem.
  18. If there is one thing I will NEVER pot the club over, and I don’t care how much it damaged our “culture” in the media, is the way we stood by and helped Clarry when he was at a low point. Some things are bigger than football, and players who cannot see that are frankly not good people.
  19. Yeah because that strategy is always such a winner
  20. What really irks me is that the way he’s gone about it, means that he’s made it so hard to keep him, while also making it equally difficult to get a satisfactory trade done. I do not care how little you think about our club, we do NOT deserve to be treated this way by a player we gave the world to.
  21. Watch me burn my membership if that scumbag walks into our club.
  22. Everyone but Trac who wouldn’t be caught dead in a club the size of North
  23. This is also true. Neale, Papley are just two that come to mind.
  24. That’s not at all what I said. He’s not a loser he’s a bloody good player, which is precisely why we are not going to trade him for a packet of chips because he’s having a hissy fit and wants to go play for a big club. Just as we weren’t going to throw Clarry out for peanuts when he was melting down.
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