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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. I absolutely don't doubt that you are reporting what you heard, but I absolutely 110% know that Scully has not sealed any sort of deal with GWS.

    The rest of the [censored] you were told, is therefore irrelevant.

    P.S.- good to see GWS have at least one member. It'll be lonely for them on the bottom :rolleyes:

    Can anyone tell me whether Kevin Sheedy has a track record of game-playing and trickery?

    And I liked that bit about at least one member.

    The AFL will probably give all the members free interstate flights , accomodation and alcohol to attend GWS games for the next 3 years.

    ( I heard that from a source )

  2. Just been checking out the Punt Road End website - which BTW seems difficult to read compared to ours.

    Sitting around in sackcloth and ashes as they are, the primary cause of their pain seems to be that the "softest" team in the AFL bullied them and for that to have happened their players must be crap.

    I would like to think the remainder of the season, whether it brings wins or losses, establishes the fact that teams need to be turning up switched-on when we play them.

    P.S. don't we look better with some more senior players back in the side

  3. It is my humble opinion that (no. 4?) John Lord deserves a mention in this honorable company.

    And Jack Watts could be his equivalent as a rock-hard center half forward - capable of kicking truly from 65 yards out (not that the MCG was marked in those days but I've seen it).

    Thanks for the rememberings.

    And a further honorable mention (if I may) for Neil Crompton,the back pocket player thrown forward of centre by Norm Smith after the evil Ray Gabelich had caused the forces of Darkness to bray in triumph (see "Lord of The Rings") and who kicked the snap goal with seconds remaining and without whose effort we would not be able to say that we had won a Flag as recently as 1964.

  4. All the chatter about one of our players who might leave ( I forget which one )- you'd be tempted to say Trengove is as important a contributor as anyone else.

    Tries hard and gets the job done.

    He would be entitled to be a little arrogant and conceited and shows absolutely zero sign of these character defects.

    I'm on the bandwagon

  5. i reckon we will get thumped, dustin martin will kick 8 and everyone will spend the week telling us how shite we are and how we should have picked martin. you wait.

    I think you're right - and I'm going to go to the game today just so I can wallow in the misery first-hand

  6. I don't often post here, but I am a Trident member and read here quite often, but this post tipped me over the edge. I would just like to point out how ridiculous this is. 5 million dollars for 4 years. 1.25 million per year. Wouldn't that make Tom the highest paid player in the AFL? So indirectly this is suggesting that Tom is worth more than Chris Judd, Jonathon Brown, Buddy Franklin, Brendan Goddard, Garry Ablett, Jimmy Bartel, Luke Hodge, Dane Swan, Matthew Scarlet, Aaron Sandilands, Matthew Pavlich.

    He is not even the best player in his own team, let alone the AFL. I would be very interested to find out what Jack Trengove, Jack Watts, James Frawley, Jack Grimes, Jordie McKenzie, Jordan Gysberts (side note: gee we have alot of players starting with the letter J) think about this whole ordeal.

    I heard he'd been offered $8 million over two years ( pretty sure)

  7. yawn. another thread questioning a melbourne player's courage from the safety of the internet.

    Have to agree - I'm watching the replay of last week's game ay the moment and I'd have to say, to my untrained eye, that Morton seems to have done some pretty handy things in that game.

    Still - no doubt - others could have done better.

  8. One swallow doth not spring make.

    We seem to have an abundance of young talent, thankfully.

    Our salary cap will require strategic and professional management so we can continue with the majority of the potential that's maturing.

    Interesting times.

  9. It starts here:

    Post 23

    Now 2nd verse same as the first ... apparently so mysterious we couldn't possibly understand.

    Have re-read the first page of the "Tom Scully and GWS "thread carefully (as per the link above) and cannot understand one thing : How can Curry and Beer's post of Nov 28th 2010 have linked to it the picture of Jack Watts taking a speccy when THAT didn't happen til May 2011 !

    Surely Kevin Sheedy can't be manipulating absolutely everything ?

    Can he ?

    He's not that clever surely?

  10. Well I thought Max has showed amazing ability and surety for a new kid on the block.

    Men his height are usually embarrassing at this early stage in their career - but not Max.

    He has alredy given notice that he has the nouse and flexibility to be a force in the football world.

    Surely a coup for our recruiters - what number did he go at? ( and who could have had him?)

    To say he's stiff is like saying the GFC caused some pain.

  11. After the half time sien - but before the umpire raised his arms to signal quarter over - Petterd was being tackled and, justifiably unimpressed with being continuing to be pointlessly tackled, helped to free himself with a bgentle elbow behind to the head of the Freo player who played it up like a Bollywood Star

  12. MFC powers are already looking make no mistake

    I hope I'm right in saying this - I believe DB was appointed before Jim Stynes' tenure began.

    Jim has gone with that decision over the years following - even through some grey hours.

    One could imagine he and fellow Board members can therefore be fairly objective as they consider the future coach and will I imagine have drawn up a list of pros and cons re retaining/moving in a different direction.

    Unemotional though - and calculated in the cold light of day

  13. Alot of people's judgement of him on here lately have been quite harsh. I mean the guy has played less than 30 games and has obviously got a little injury that seems to be effecting his kicking.

    And everytime I'm at the footy all I see is him putting in hard leads with most of the time the players take way to long to get the ball to him. The guy is obviously a great read of the ball, evident of the mark in the 3rd leading to his only goal of the day.

    I would love seeing him closer to goal or as suggested earlier that kick going into the 50

    And for those for are saying the lack of defensive pressure, I haven't seen any defensive pressure from any of our players in our 50

    Good post Chris

    and welcome to Demonland.

    It's good to get some new perspective.

    Hope you see your team win a premiership - I have

    All the best

  14. The pies had a lot more experience on the park and in the coaches box on Saturday .I guess Geelong were in a similar boat about six years ago . I think we got beaten in all the little areas all day like shepherds ,blocks ,talking ,taps on ,tackles completed ,playing on .Bailey has put together an awesome list of talent .Look at the build and age of Moloney ,Sylvia ,Frawley compared to Strauss ,Gawn ,Scully ,Trengrove ,Morton ,Garland ,Jurrah ,Jetta and Watts . Sylvia , Moloney , Frawley etc are strong enough to handle nearly anyone but the others will fill out in a year or two so we have to wait and trust the "switcher" . I do think we need a more simple plan out of defence and we should cut out the kicks across the face of goal . Until then we either play the skinny kids or we trade em all and go backwards . We wont change 50 years in five minutes . I think Schwab is a bit of an administrative genius in what he has done with Jimmy ,CC ,Bailey ,drafting etc .We need to stay the course .We cant afford a super coach anyway .Scully has said he will stay and I think he will .Relax all you head choppers . We lost a game to the best team in the comp .I think they also started the Scully rumour .We can't fall apart now .

    Far too sensible : I'm going to ignore what you wrote and suggest everyone else does too.

    Plus - anyone who writes anything that seems measured, considered and doesn't recommend the Al Qaida approach to AFL domination must surely be either one of Dean Bailey's children or a concubine musn't they?

  15. P.S.

    The way the post question is framed and the options offered represent a 0.2% improvement on the old classic " Have you stopped beating your wife yet"

    Have yet to meet anyone who can answer that question in such a way as to escape further censure and suspect the author of that old chestnut drew up the terms of reference for this post. (Congratulations !!! )

    Sort of reminds me of Tony Abbott's contribution to clarification of the issues surrounding climate change science.

    I call it the pursuit of truth at all cost - but my treating practitioner just tells me to go back on the meds.

    What would they know ?

  16. It was a very very poor attempt at a spoil that left Jones dazed and missed the ball by 1/3 metre - I really did expect such a naked attempt to injure a player to be referred.

    Take the point that it's history now but sincerely hope I live long enough and gain enough wisdom to understand the reasoning of the Almighty MRP

  17. Jurrah at full forward how's that going? He may well kick 8 one day but it won't be at full forward

    But even so he'll always be a decoy at the least, requiring the dedicated attention of a talented opponent.

    It then becomes an issue of the ability of the alternatives.

    After last week we can have a sense that with a talented midfield capable of capturing turnovers and catching the opposition on the hop,and kicking accurately and (necessarily) unpredictably it is the depth of the team - the "second tier" players who are the ones who can take us into the next level.

    We've hoped all year to see that happen and been disappointed til now.

    The last game should remind us that there is some developing talent in our list.

    No doubt not all will make it - and some of those who do may be seduced elsewhere (hopefully not)

    All in all we can have a reasonable degree of faith in the list managers - fair assessment?

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