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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. Better than sex!!!!

    I can't believe I endorsed the tank, what a stupid fool I am lol

    Everything is good again!!!! :)

    My sister-in-law says horse riding is better than sex but neither I nor anyone in my immediate family can sagaciously comment as even though we live on six acres we do not have any horses

    • Like 3
  2. I think Jon Anderson on 3AW got it right this morning. "What is happening at the moment is by-product of poor recruiting. Too many light bodied, weak minded players and a poorly balanced list"

    It's been highlighted many times on this board how poor our recruiting has been over the last 10 years or more. Apart from Frawley no other 1-25 draft pick has cemented a place in this team. That's about 20 early picks wasted. If even a third of these picks, particularly under the Craig Cameron era were A or B Graders we wouldn't be having this conversation now and Neeld probably would't be Coach..

  3. The Age is reporting a two-week suspension for the bump, to be served concurrently with the one-week ban for the striking charge. A weak decision from the Tribunal. This is a fraction of what he would have copped under the AFL points system. Maybe they were influenced by Chris Scott telling the media that 3 weeks would effectively mean 7? Alternatively, they may have been swayed by his evidence that "I intended to tackle, then at the least minute he changed direction" what a load of carp that is. You need to brace yourself to bump; it's not an instinctive reaction to another player's change of direction. Quite the contrary. If he'd flung an arm out and copped him high I might believe it. The reality is he lined him up (probably influenced by the earlier niggle) and should have payed for it. He got off extremely lightly and that reflects poorly on the VFL Tribunal.

    Shame on the AFL

  4. Does seem a little close doesn't it, considering the facebook comments were apparently dated early 2010.

    I think a lot has been shelved until Jimma left & now it is all spewing out.

    Stand tall & we will beat this decietful onslaught.

    Is that true?

    Does this fuss relate back to a historic quote ( that some clever person has obviously been sitting on) from 2010?

    Say it ain't so

    (if it is so I'm going to watch Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory again)

  5. Todays was a pathetic performance but the reaction of some on here is almost as embarrassing. It was the first proper game with a completely different gameplan. Players who have not worked hard without the ball for 5 years are suddenly expected that it will come naturally to them. The figurehead of our great club dies one week before the first game and no one thinks that it would be a distraction. These are kids who live by routine and that is dropped on them.

    I hope the coaching staff have more faith in their plans than some of the knee jerk reactions on here.

    Haven't read any of the responses to this view - but it's a good point.

    The contarary position is the lack of innovation and excitement in our team's play today.

    It is possible that the effect of the death of Jim Stynes has had a significant impact on the Club

    One of the problems from the game today was the lack of presentation - which locked us into a stop/start type of footy.

    I realise there were other problems : stupid decision-making to play on inappropriately,seemingly inexplicable inability to pick the ball up and handball effectively and the list goes on.

    Hopefully we can recover our spirit which was not evident today

  6. This will not be the case AT ALL in Round 13 2012...i will bet both my left and right one on that!!!

    Odds of $cully having a hamstring strain this particular round and being forced to miss are $1.05

    And by the way - what Barassi did had never been done before by any Club icon.

    It was a game changer and has led to the mercenary tending to outweigh the loyalty situation we all live with.

    Of course it's for the greater good - not disputing that for a moment.

  7. Giving two arguably yet-to-be star performers approx 6 months advance warning that it's time that their "potential" needs to be fleshed into reality can hardly be seen to be the wrong approach.

    If they are weighed down by these expectations then one must wonder how they might cope with the pressure of knock-out finals football.

    From where I sit : full marks to Neeld for clearly identifying what is required - the first stage of which must be the levels of fitness and endurance required and which hopefully these players are addressing on a daily basis

    ( perhaps similar thoughts expressed in Mark 9:24 )

  8. My two sons played a substantial amount of football at both senior (amateurs) and junior level and never suffered knee injuries (they copped others but their knees were free from trouble).

    On the other hand my daughter suffered an acl injury playing netball. She subsequently didn't play sport for two years before making a comeback with her netball team.

    She lasted four weeks before injuring the same knee and we feared the worst. However, it turned out that she suffered a medial meniscus tear

    One of our daughters also had a knee reconstuction - ACL & PCL - following a netball injury - and then subsequently had a hip reconstrucion ( peri-ascetabular osteotomy - a truly massive operation of car-crash dimensions ) on the same side

    In this context it is noteworthy that recently released Wikileaks documents reveal that the official rules of netball were enacted in 1960 following advice from a group of previously-underemployed orthopaedic surgeons who came up with the rules after a post-conference all night drinking session.

    They were having trouble meeting their private airfield fees and their stroke of genius to solve this problem was the insistence on a dead stop upon taking possession of the ball.

    Thus they fly the clear blue skies to this day

    (parents of young children take note - at least with basketball you can still keep moving)

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