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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. I certainly don't believe in banning the bugler.

    I simply feel he should play ONLY after we have won the game

    Come to think of it ............. there could be something here for all parties to this issue

  2. Just playing it at the wrong time.

    Would be more apt if he came onto the ground 5 minutes into the third and played the signal to retreat!

    That's actually really funny

    Just we all lost our sense of humour with the match

    • Like 2
  3. I can't believe that just happened

    Have you ever seen a worse contrast between two sides in terms of the space/freedom one has over the other? Time and time and time again they had loose men everywhere, while we didn't seem to find one for the entire day.

    Jack Watts had 2 kicks.

    That's exactly what staggered me : the luxury of extra time and wide options that Port enjoyed the whole day and they clearly were doing as they pleased

    You really have to say that Mark Neeld needs to demonstrate leadership to turn this around

    • Like 1
  4. Findings make no sense but I will be more disappointed if other clubs aren't punished

    Tiger - TW has admitted to not trying to win games

    Carlton - enough said

    Pies - Secured Daisy and Pendles

    the list goes on and we won't hear anything about it.......... That really gripes me

    This to me is fascinating : ok ; some line has been "drawn in the sand "

    a benchmark is established.

    If a person was naive and believed in truth on planet Earth - well, there would be new stories to sing about around the campfire in due course, wouldn't there?

  5. My gut feeling is they will be cleared because of the borderline nature of the charges and the drugs involved.

    My gut feeling is that Golden Boy's aura will ward off any evil spirits

    ( but I was terribly terribly disappointed to see him and others not wearing the correct regalia at the Public Confession of We Are Shocked)

    (surely not to prevent such a picture being re-presented in future articles about " Where We Have Come From")

    Pure as driven snow in my opinion and a tragic example of collateral damage

  6. Apologies if this has been covered ( been away)

    Speaking of "bringing the game into disrepute" - what about the AFL invesigators who leaked info to a journalist : did they not bring the game into disrepute and is this action not what created the furore that caused the disrepute?

    • Like 2
  7. And it's that reporting that has had a significant role in bringing the AFL, and more particularly the MFC, into disrepute.

    Still I find it a struggle to reconcile the daily and hourly agonising dribble of " new revelations" of what was being " uncovered" on a minute-by-minute basis by the Inquisatorial Team about 5 weeks ago : --


    WHY oh why have these sources dried up?

    Is it because the Chief Sheriff came back to Dodge City?


  8. That's the one I'd like to hear in the context of this inquisition.

    I'm really glad that's the song on the list to which you drew attention.

    I've actually been worried that someone from AFLHQ might have felt that some of the lines in Desolation Row might refer to them ( such as the reference to the blind Commissioner and what he's doing and that the AFL investigators may have felt referred to in that line about the Riot Squad being restless and needing somewhere to go and that someone else in the hierarchy might have identified himself as Dr. Filth and a senior journalist might perceive herself as his assistant )

    For these reasons I'm glad no one has alluded to any of these matters as when they feel slighted or ignored I've noticed they have a habit of directing payback by such things as arranging four consecutive away trips in the next year's fixture and various other inconveniences.

    Probably best not mentioned at all

  9. Just a thought along the social morality direction

    One of the human actions that has always horrified me is that of dropping rocks off bridges over cars passing underneath on a freeway.

    Probably nothing will come of it but (I suspect) the excitement of it all is that if your coordination or aim is just so, the result could be extreme (and of course if you're "underage" your defence lawyer will be able to plead all kinds of diminishing and imaginary arguments but that's another story : I so wish I had been born to be a defence lawyer)

    Compared to the scenario above ( or putting rocks on railway tracks is another) I feel you have to say that these radio people have not deliberately set out to play Russian roulette with the lives of the hospital staff they contacted and their degree of culpability needs to be assessed with a careful and just mind.

    If anything these events lend more credibility to the Leveson inquiry recommendations which the current British Prime Minister has largely chosen to ignore ( no doubt for very good reasons such as trying to stay on the right side of Billionair Murdoch)

    Maybe the real fault is that in our own country we do not have a legislative framework that spells out to junior media people that this type of media intrusion is proscribed and will result in prosecution if enacted.

    (don't expect too many journalists to be suggesting this interpretation of recent history - PLEASE don't mention the c*****ship word)

  10. The radio announcers sought to and succeeded in breaching the medical privacy of the Duchess of Cambridge by impersonating her relatives - that is not a joke. After patient physical and psychological health care, protection of patient confidentiality is the most important responsibility of health care professionals. Jacintha Saldanha was working in an environment where the responsibility and importance of protecting the royal family's privacy was paramount. She made an professional error as a direct result of being mislead by this deceit, it's no surprise that she took this extremely seriously and personally.

    unfortunately you are totally 100% right

    I didn't see it coming : I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I heard about it ; I jokingly sent my son-in-law in Swansea an apology on behalf of all Antipodeans and probably the first inkling I had that all was not well was his reply :

    "My sympathies, however lie with the gullible nurse who not only has to undergo the world wide humiliation of falling for a prank that even the pranksters were surprised was successful, but also for most likely losing her job. Not a good day "

  11. Sorry but what has greed got to do with it?

    It was an aussie joke that sadly someone did not get.

    Even after it happened she should have laughed it off. Done the breakfast TV circuit, Letterman, even Leno as a last resort.

    Rudeboy could have knocked up a quick book.

    She didn't have to end it all, that was her choice deeply sad as it is.

    That is it dee-luded : chase the ratings and increase the paycheque

    my daughter who lives in Wales woke me with this news at 7 am - totally tragic that an innocent and unwitting person has made this mistake

    So sad you can't remedy or rectify after death

  12. I have no choice but to violently disagree rpfc

    The hurricane IMO is in Dylan's top 5 maybe the best

    What about:

    Positively Fourth Street

    Desolation Row

    Hard Rain's Gonna Fall

    Like a Rolling Stone

    Blowin in the Wind

    It's all over now Baby Blue

    Knockin on Heaven's Door

    It ain't me babe

    Don't see much prospect of Hurricaine getting a guernsey

    • Like 1
  13. yes. Stalag 13 has had access to MFC Hard Drives for weeks now & not a word has been said. This is why i am now reasnoably confident that there is nothing heavy to throw at us. Wilson has written her own versions of events which i hope will burn her down the track.

    Not a word has been said.

    It is curious that the constant splatter of innuendo has stopped these past 2 weeks - just like a tap being turned off.

    It would be nice to think it's all case closed but what with all the talk of lawyers one could imagine that a tape measure is being run over it.

    Proof is required hopefully hence all the dungeon tactics being brought ot bear on MFC staff

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