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Everything posted by brendan

  1. Can’t see us winning this they are a way better side
  2. Pies are the real deal unfortunately, us on the other hand we will find out in 30 minutes
  3. Can’t wait for the montage of poor umpire decisions from pies supporters this year
  4. On the train now, couple of pregame beers to calm the nerves looking forward to this please don’t let me down dees, big test
  5. Goody says round 23 has not been mentioned I will bet my left nut that it has, the players will come out breathing fire and if the pies do happen to win they will bloody earn it, saying all that dees by 101
  6. I just opened up from the pic not the text worked fine for me
  7. Hawks v crows next week loser would just about be done, will be great as I hate them both classic win/win
  8. He has clearly checked out and should not be captain
  9. Should have used it on Brayshaw, freo must laugh everyday about that trade
  10. Pies supporters on big footy still carrying on about the umpiring from last years game, they even made a video montage of it, they expect the same treatment Monday, I really really hope we smash them some are becoming unbearable
  11. I think it had to do with his partner she couldn’t move to Melbourne
  12. If I was a saints fan would already be on my way home
  13. Feel sorry for Stewie dew got offered the dees job but didn’t want to move, now he has wrecked his coaching career taking the suns job
  14. Big grab by weed, keilty and petty have been great down back
  15. If they could take a mark inside 50 this game would be over
  16. How good was baker leaving his man and getting a hand on the ball, shame nothing came from it
  17. Bugg has kicked 14.1 in the Vfl this year if only he could do that in the AFL
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