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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. If so, GCS would be a colossal waste of the AFLs $250 mill
  2. By the looks of it then, SWYL must be a recycler.... ?
  3. He should cut in half from top to bottom, not across, before chopping. Rookie mistake Gus!
  4. Many assume it was Salem, who was confirmed as having glandular fever at the time, not COVID-19
  5. AvB, ANB, Chunk, Pig, Bradke, Bennell, Dunks to start with. Some are rookie, so may survive. Nev may retire, alongside Chunk and Pig. Will be Interesting to see which of our OOC/FA players want out. Would be interested to see if we can attract a trade for Weid, either a pick or part of a player trade. He has potential, we've seen it in 2018. Cue the Weid haters, of course....
  6. Beg to differ. There is considerable doubt. The fact we went deep into September without him is proof. The oft repeated stats of his MFC performances against better teams is further proof This is all moot anyway, as the OP is trolling
  7. Careful Tugger. Heard of the phrase 'the bigger they are the harder they fall'? Your beloved Tigers might hit the bottom hard.
  8. The Vic govt are rushing to convert one of the two ICUs at the RCH (Melb) into an adult ICU. Ward nurses at RMH are being retrained to work within their expanded ICU alongside the specialist ICU nurses. The old Peter Mac in East Melb is apparently going to be reopened for COVID-19. Sh#t is going to get very real in the next month. The introverts were spot on: stay at home, sit on the couch and avoid others.
  9. Tend to agree. I fear by the end of this, footy may seem somewhat irrelevant and less important to many people Rugby league great Andrew Johns has suggested the NRL go from 16 teams to 12 in order for the comp to survive. The AFL may be forced to do something drastic as well. The money just won't be there.
  10. There's a stack of info online explaining the reasons why CCOVI-19 is much worse than the flu. The fact that estimates of the number to die from it in Aus are 50k (best case) up to 150k (worst), should say it all. I heard today from a nurse at RMH that they were briefed yesterday and told the current curve is nothing compared to what's coming, and the peak will not happen until about the beginning of June.
  11. If you are a wog, you'll appreciate this: https://youtu.be/VGMQO5frsSk
  12. Or merge with Sydney and become The Semens??
  13. Like the comments Max made to the media? Or like those Jake Lever said late yesterday about player welfare? Whatever MFC, Norf, Saints or GCS say at this moment is hollow. No one knows where this is going, for how long, or to what extent it will impact our finances going forward (beyond massively, of course). Goodwin, Pert, Bartlett and the rest of the AFL are probably just worrying about their families, relos, friends and their own situation right now. And rightly so for a while. Goodwin is only on deck a couple of days per week, I reckon he'll put out a 'stick fat' Insta clip in the coming week or two. Isolation has only just begun. It's not a race to be first. I like to think I'm as passionate a Dees fan as most. I'm looking at no income for months and my super resembles a lead balloon, but I know others worse off. For now, I personally couldn't give a [censored] what statement the club puts out. But I hear what you are saying.
  14. Not sure it really matters that we have or haven't been told. Surely it's a given that all clubs will stand down 70 - 90% of staff. Max has said that a lot of staff have been stood down, the press have been told that Goodwin is on reduced hours. We would certainly have very few, if any any media or membership staff left. Do we need to know more? Maybe down the track, but not now
  15. I hear Alan Jones' ex butler is looking for work, with benefits.
  16. I was devastated to hear about Eddie McGuire during the current outbreak. Apparently he's fine. I'll see myself out...
  17. I thought you were The Bird finger? You usually are. mS
  18. Just give it to Maximus!!!!
  19. Goes to show stats can be manipulated to show just about anything
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