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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. A/ Costa getting ahead of himself B/ The GF hosted by the Cats?!! Bwahahaha!!! "That would be fair", NOT!
  2. I thought that in Romsey they would be classified as an essential service, like shiraz supply chains
  3. Good to hear, well, sort of... Btw, where are you getting your weekly piercings and tattoos done, given those establishments have been shut down? Self inflicted?
  4. I hear that the virus doesn't survive for long on leather, so you should be ok Uncle
  5. Really, spitting and shining one side is still tampering with the ball, regardless of what the rules permit or the history of manipulated swing bowling. This is a good opportunity for the law makers of cricket to ban all forms of ball tampering.
  6. No refund, but possible tax write off https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/tax-refunds-for-afl-club-members-20200423-p54mjs.html
  7. The Joe Daniher one is a mystery, given how little he is on the park
  8. Wasn't PJ all for the Yarra Park/Jolimont Rail proposal? That would've cost a mint. Perhaps his changed view now is simply being realistic in light of huge future budget restraints. What he says in the article certainly has merit: list quality, the right people and good culture are more important than having league best facilities.
  9. “My personal view is the importance of facilities is overstated. Invariably club strength is more influenced by list management and having the right environment and culture," “I do not agree with the view (elite facilities were important to attract and retain the best players). It is an argument to justify facilities spending."
  10. There's not enough bronze in Australia for a head of hair like that!
  11. Better still, don't quote him, Daisy, so that those of us with him on ignore do not see his ridiculous rants ?
  12. Too much information WYL. What happens in Thailand should stay in Thailand.
  13. Did I hear correctly that NRL has lost its tv deal? Or is that a furphy. If true, what's the point with no crowds as well?
  14. Lockdown viewing : Highly recommend Unorthodox on Netflix. Tiger King is good, but very annoying characters Oh, you meant football.... oops.
  15. Table that to the match committee please.
  16. The Preussenator will be eating his couch by now...
  17. Agree. Even if he plays 60% game time every second match. That would be a BIG bonus for us in this sad write off of a season.
  18. Unfortunately, common sense is not all that common. Maybe you could request they have coffee or a beer with you to thrash it out
  19. Maybe there are a lot of people out of work or reduced hours that want to be active to keep their spirits up while the weather is still warm(ish). Whilst the 1.5m is super important, any exercise, even a walk, is great for mental an physical health, especially atm.
  20. Which isn't a certainty to happen at all. There is still no vaccine for any coronavirus. But we can only hope there is one sooner rather than later
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