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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. I think they could've put the merch tent over Preuss and it still would've been too small.
  2. The number of spots we need to fill might also influence a move like this. Then there's leaving a place for a mid season draft pick up, if that's in the club's vision.
  3. Could theoretically work in our favour. For example, 2018 pick 28 and 2019 MFC 1st rounder for a 2018 top 10 pick. Some big talent in this this year's top 10. A club with no 1st rounder in 2019 might want to get back in there to fit into the '2 x 1st rounders in any 4 years' rule. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it...
  4. Couldn't fit into any of the existing polo tops! No size XXXXXXXXXXL!
  5. Gee, he speaks well. Got a good feeling about this young man if his neck issues are over. Appears fit and ready to go and, importantly, states he wants to win a priemiership with Melbourne
  6. Yes, he looks a beauty from what I've seen (online only)
  7. Huh? Trac and Weid went to Whitefriars College. Or are they in same comp as Marcellin? Edit. Whitefriars are not in AGSV but in VAFA. Different teams, though.
  8. Can future picks be included in live pick trading on draft night?
  9. The expectant Daisy is being used as an assistant coach for the 1st year women. There's an article on the AFL site about it. Love that she's developing her coaching skills this way, has a very good football brain.
  10. Would you prefer the attention seeking, Christian lead, 2 x left footed ScoMo? Give me an atheist PM any day. Having said that, we could do with a few more left footers in our team
  11. That voice was none other than Edward Gough Whitlam. The same man who, when asked by an annoying journalist about his position on abortion, replied, "In your case, I believe it should be retrospective."
  12. 11 will match the number of his Dundee sequels
  13. Having met the great (size) man, I can confirm your summation is 100% accurate Ernie. BBO makes The Donald look like a recluse.
  14. Is he becoming a reporter???
  15. He looks like his head is melting. Englishmen in the midday sun?
  16. AFL article says we "have been linked" to Sam Sturt with pick 23 Clubs line up for late draft bolter
  17. No they won't. They are both soon to turn 29. They have 2, maybe 3 years left.
  18. This kid should board at BBO's Romsey manor once drafted. He'd be quaffing cheap shiraz and giving himself a jolly good flogging in no time at all.
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