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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Get rid of G/F problem solved.........lol
  2. And the plot could thicken here!! http://www.theage.com.au/national/council-...90913-fm7c.html
  3. FFS it was a suggestion that's all, you like it your way I see it different so from now on no one should ask any questions about the site or the way it works.
  4. Ross Dillon, Greg Parkes just to name another two, great marks but kicking was another thing.
  5. That's not to say you cannot improve it!!!!
  6. Yes that's what I mean thanks, would make it easier to go to when posts are moved.
  7. Is it possible to have a link permanently pinned on the Message board that goes to the Drafting and Trading without having to go back to the Demonland Forums or is there a way one can do that?
  8. Lets clear this one up, there is eleven sporting sections within the MCC do you know how many play their sport at the G? one, and that's us, so that will not hurt us at all. I for one will leave it up to the Board to plan our long term future as they have not done a bad job so far.
  9. You are correct Tower on this issue, and we only signed on for 5 years with an option for another 5 but what I find amazing is how fast this club is moving on long and short term agenda's if we end up at the docklands in 5 years time we will indeed have the the best of both worlds with elite training facilities within the state, I believe this club will no longer be laughed at by the AFL or other clubs in the next few years and how sweet it will be.
  10. [censored] how did I miss 2010 it's NOW 2011 is it?
  11. We should also thank DB for helping Col even Col has said that.
  12. Being a power is about being in the top four constantly not just making the eight, big difference.
  13. I am pissing myself laughing over this discussion, think the club has more of an idea than us on this subject. Those who think we will be a top eight side need to get their heads out of their backsides, next year we will improve a lot more and will have our ups and downs but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. Try to remember we are at least 2-3 pre seasons away from being a power player in the league, as these kids slowly turn into men, just enjoy the ride we will have over the coming seasons.
  14. Protected species by most of the posters here!!!!
  15. Good to see Bambi playing some great football against some quality players, really shows us why he should Captain the side!!!!
  16. Good to see someone has turned the light on, I would not be surprised to see McKenzie on Judd an co during the game!!
  17. Does it matter how many? if they can play and are better than what is in the TAC Cup I don't care how many we have.
  18. Would not be surprised if the late picks come from Central Australia, haven't the Ladies of Melbourne decided to sponsor players from that area for Casey? nice little hiding spot I say.
  19. This is another step forward to an elite training precinct that we are going to have congratulations on the Casey council for getting this thing started so quickly.
  20. LMFAO.............They have a bye.
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