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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Well for my two cents worth I think he will stay, but if he does not decide to stay with us so be it, he has a right to look after his own future and not worry what we think, yes he is an up and coming football and if he goes someone else will step up or recruited via the draft. For the group of people who get emotional about this subject GET A LIFE, football is not the be all and end all it is just a sport and the MFC will go on to bigger and better things knowing that they did not pay a kings ransom for him, because from what I have read the club believes in sharing the salary cap fairly equally amongst the group. I for one will back the board on their handling of these negotiations with his management.
  2. Well put, wish some would now enjoy the ride instead of moaning all the time.
  3. No I don't have the facts that is why I leave it up to the club, this club so far has done everything right, if they feel he is the right person for the job that is good enough for me
  4. And you know best? think I will leave it up to the club to make these decisions not wannabe experts who don't have all the facts......
  5. The only gracious and honorable thing to do, SELL HER!!!!!............ sorry you need to toughen up here, can you really think of what type of a boyfriend she will have when she gets older errrrrrrrrrr, save her now before it's to late.
  6. Sometimes I just shake my head and wonder where some of these thoughts come from, gee one Robbie Flower would have copped a canning here when he first started!!
  7. For many years people used to say what does your club stand for and really all one could say was we invented the game and we are the oldest sporting club in the world but is that all we stood for? but after watching whiteboard wednesdays one could see a theme coming from the red and blue blueprint and finishing with the emblem and watching the video of it I now understand what we stand for. For those who say the emblem is to busy I have a saying, "History is to be remembered not lived" and that is what the emblem is all about in my view so well done to the club for reminding us of what the club stands for!!
  8. Ok I just had to have a look, if this is the new emblem, what can I say it's brilliant, no Faaaaaarrrrrkkkkkkking awesome, well done for the thought process and new dawn a new era will begin.
  9. Well as they say change is good as a holiday.
  10. I'm with you on this one but I take it.
  11. You can just see that pic on one of CS tweets. Bit like mine.........
  12. This is a very interesting appointment for the club, good on them.
  13. Yep after two games he will be a top priority (not), how about we wait until the season finishes before we wonder who is going to be targeted for the Gold Coast.
  14. So what you are saying is that you did not notice how the forward line played against the Pies, Brisbane, Richmond in the last part of the first, and third quarter, third quarter third of the Roos game and the last half of the Crows game, then how about you open your eyes, but with the disposals being as bad as the were there was no fluid motion in what they were trying to do, the one thing that we will struggle with this year is our forward line until the front six become as confident as the back six then we will have ups and downs throughout the year, when all groups be as one then this is what will happen for the rest of the year. Anyone who thinks that this club will have a breakout year are just delusional, let us just enjoy the progress of the team with all its up and downs. In time it will come.
  15. Goes to show what you know about football, if you cannot see their game plan then know wonder we have some of the dumbest supporters going around, the biggest problem we had was the disposals into the forward line and around the ground, one could see this with one eyed shut.
  16. Dunn when it counted, useless as [censored] on a bull, Newton just the same as for Petterd for those who bag him in a good side will be a champion, we where two short for most of the game.
  17. He has had a few since then, the man cannot handle the drink!! As for most of these posts, waste of reading time I think some of you have watched the Castle to many times.
  18. Rhino, save your breath, waste of time!!!
  19. lmfao............some people struggle to understand football, even when it has been explained to them by the club as a whole, they must laugh as some of the stuff written here.
  20. When are some people going to understand that this year is not all about wins, Christ, the club from the Prez, CEO, the football department have flagged this late last year and all of this year, but some still don't get it, what does it take for them to understand this?.
  21. At last someone else understands the goals for the club, pity a few more have not!!
  22. I have a mac and it works fine with Safari, but it wont on firefox.
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