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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. 7 hours ago, daisycutter said:

    clint, if you really want to troll the freo wanchors, go back there and suggest that freo are considering a swap of andrew brayshaw for dogga. naturally you heard it from a good source close to the club.

    Always like to refer to them as expansion clubs when winding Freo, West Coast, Port and Crows supporters up.

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Crap weather. LOL. 
    Not directing this at you FTB, but if crap weather is what’s stopping ppl attending, that’s disappointing.  It’s a winter sport ffs. 

    There is a difference between a clear winters day and a wet winters night.

    On another tangent seeing as you're my link to the cheer squad.
    As a kid when I was in it we'd chant Mel-Bourne, Mel-Bourne etc, etc.
    We don't any more.

    Colling-Woood have claimed it.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Wizard of Koz said:

    And the Premiership medal.


    It has been less than 12mths since the boys changed our world. How people can already bag them is beyond me.


    Hey ... People here are hunting the Weid for Brown.
    I'm just pointing out that Browns output aint much better.
    Tomato, tomato and all that.

  4. 1 hour ago, ElDiablo14 said:

     3) For some reason a lot of regional VIC talent likes to go there. Metro VIC has to share the pool of talen between 7 clubs.

    I'd suggest the lifestyle on that side of the bay is a hell of a lot better than the other side.
    Got a more country coastal feel than the rat race of the city.
    I know where I'd prefer to have a McRanch with ocean views.


    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

     Fritsch has no mongrel, but he reads the play and has the speed to get the ball.

    I beg to differ about the mongrel.
    His forearm fend off a couple years back to his karate kid crane knee in the marking contest a few weeks ago against the lions.
    That bloke thought he had his chest cavity caved in.
    Might not look like he's got mongrel .... But it's there 😎

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  6. 2 hours ago, rpfc said:

    If your choice is between Weid and McStay; you need to leave the store.

    We’re not shopping for Valentine’s gifts here.

    Pickings are slim ATM.
    We don't need a McStay as we've got the Weid already.
    McStay has found himself in a good position.
    Very likely to get paid big overs for his output.


    • Like 1
  7. Well .... Listening to the radio yesterday Carey and co. were discussing McStay asking for 700k for a trade to Collingwood.
    Carey was asked who would be better ... Weid or Mcstay.
    Answer was Weid.
    McStays output numbers didn't stack up to his pricetag.

    Just sayin'.

    My opinion ....
    Until the football dept thinks VR is worthy of a game the Weid stays in.

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  8. 2 hours ago, deebunked said:

    Collingwoods driving everyone nuts.

    The media will love them PREMIERS!!!!!

    It must be a f##king  record. How many close wins. Insane. 

    Theyve arsed a alot of them due to incompetent opposition.

    Us included 😕😱

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