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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. Grand Final in 2000 to 11th in 2001. Neitz on the dais after the GF stating that he " hopes one day we can get back there to give it another crack." Then Danihers yo-yo years. And throw in the numerous individual games that should have been won as favourites ..... But were lost. Same 5hit, different year.
  2. Agree Mazer. Never ending humiliation this club. For the most part my kids don't give 2 hoots about football. They've watched and copped a lot of garbage. I couldn't ever see them forking out for their own memberships when they come of age for eg.
  3. I've noted the same. Lack of physical support for teammates. No ones blocking/sheparding etc. And then I hear this. Still, I wouldn't expect them to be happy campers right this minute. I know I'm not.
  4. Word I get is that things down at the club among some players are not all hunky dory. Some jealousy over who gets paid what. Lost the closeness they had last season which might explain the lack of support for each other. That's what I hear. How very us to self destruct.
  5. Agree totally. Especially with Oliver, noticed him on Heppell and it looked as though Oliver was the tagger. Didn't notice so much with Brayshaw but I'll take your word for it. And Harmes is the only one with what I'd call break away pace. Look at Shiel ..... He ripped us to bits from the centre last night cause no-one could catch him. None of the mids have real good disposal and again I think Harmes is the best of the lot. But as someone stated up top there. If the players around the ground cannot hold a simple mark to save themselves it make things difficult. The backline is pure comedy at the moment and again I saw Omac dropping a mark early that he went for with one hand that he should have gobbled up. We struggle with the basics all over the ground and it was a problem last year aswell. A couple finals wins that we made harder work than we should have just masked the issues.
  6. What we want and what we get are polar opposites. You want cups ....... That's funny in a dark way.
  7. We always have terrible preseasons. Injuries galore and the players never seem to learn anything from season to season. B grade medicos and coaching dept. B grade players.
  8. We fair dinkum need Benny Hill music when we play. Especially Frost and Omac.
  9. After some of the real soft stuff early game I actually thought "I'm done with AFL."
  10. Forget the second gamer. Where are the Forken captains?
  11. Not the difference but we're sure getting the rough end of the pineapple.
  12. Yep, marked their cards tonight myself. Lever can't come back quick enough.
  13. As long as draft picks are allocated to where you finish on the ladder tanking will be a thing. As I stated somewhere earlier. I remember a year or 2 ago seeing Slobbo himself stating that it would be unwise for the Lions to win another game.
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