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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. Don't mind Wattsy coming out with this stuff. Just goes to show it's not such a big deal really
  2. I'd love to see Daw get a game but I wouldn't be surprised to see a Jackson/Weideman combo picked. I think we'd get more from Jackson rucking in shorter bursts and Daw is worth a crack IMO
  3. We won 17 games last year and the flag. The loading narrative has been applied in hindsight so will always hold up. Watching the 3 consecutive losses it's pretty clear to me that we have bigger issues than fresh legs and tired players. How many games do you have us winning from here?
  4. It would be never spoken about because it shouldn't be seen as an excuse - All teams will vary loads at various times, and all teams try to win each week regardless of where they are in that process. Only hand wringers on demonland look for a silver bullet or 'line of best fit in form' to explain our current poor form away. At the moment we've only lost 3 games - Therefore the loading narrative can be maintained for now. Loose a few more and the theory starts to unpick itself.
  5. Oh man, the post match topic is off the hook with loading excuses again haha
  6. Disappointing but expected loss. We haven't been able to cover for May and McDonald. I think the effort is generally there but the execution isn't. Surprised to see the reactions that almost expect us to win the flag. A tough run home will show whether we're upto it or not with nowhere to hide. Good time for a bye.
  7. Trying to imagine what would have come about if social media and smart phones were around in 2004-6 when the West Coke Eagles boys were at their 'best'. AFL condone drug use with their weak as [censored] drug policy so not surprised to see this be less about a footy player breaking the law and more about the 'poor complicated boy' .
  8. True. Also Fritsch had a set shot which I was ready to bank in Q4 - he didn't register a score which is unlike him in recent years. Gawn too with the close range checkside. I think that's why the Sydney game burned for so many fans, we were down but probably still could have won.
  9. I got sent a screenshot of a text that contains some ridiculous claims that suggests the May/Melksham incident is just the tip of the iceburg. Choosing not to post it because it seems like unsubstantiated BS to me, and I don't want to get banned!
  10. How many sherbets have you had old mate. Good read though. "old fashioned epoch-making Melbourne MCG slaughter" is a great line haha
  11. It's not clear from the reports that it was May who made the 2nd comment (about getting injured before the finals). Either way, I reckon there's nothing at all in there that should have lead to fisticuffs
  12. I'm being facetious mate. It's actually quite humorous (as a non player that doesn't particularlyrate Smith or Milkshake) but I understand that it's not what Gawny has been trying to instill into the group
  13. Only additional outcome I can see is warranted is a ban to Melksham (due to violence and the AFL wanting to ensure they're seen not to condone it) and potentially some fines.
  14. ....and then punching a bloke with concussion in the face?!
  15. I went to a private boys school and perhaps that's where the culture of Banter/bringing people down as a form of one-upmanship is embedded. Agree that without alcohol the line doesn't get crossed though.
  16. We put these guys on a pedestal but at the end of the day they are predominantly Alpha males with high salaries and low education. The industry is changing and people have the best intentions to change the traits and behaviour in young men, but the reality is that it won't be for another generation or so until these sorts of things are truly stamped out. It's a terrible situation for the club but I'm shocked at the amount of reactions that seem to be disgusted to a level that suggests they are naive to the realities of footy clubs and footy players.
  17. Banter exists. Especially in the sort of Alpha males that make good footy players. Drinking booze often makes people talk more freely and step over the line of what is/isn't appropriate. No doubt as society we need to get better, but im not judging May here for the veral low blows or drinking too much - if I did I would be a hypocrite. There's never an excuse for resorting to violence and I'm still not clear on who instigated it.
  18. Your incessant challenge to my views suggests that you're wedded!
  19. Not at all - team's form fluctuates for a range of reasons - injury, illness, complacency, being not quite there mentally etc. They're reasons that were currently loosing imo. To link all form to training loads is the concept I don't subscribe to, which you seem wedded to.
  20. Just to clarify I'm in the 'were probably loading but that's not why we're loosing' camp. I hope you're right though
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