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Posts posted by binman

  1. IIn short ,I want stability for the club and to still have the right to express lunatic /ridiculous viewpoints on here . Those with an agenda are pretty easy to spot .

    Biff you truly are the Demonalnd every-man; you are part of the lunatic fringe element, the centralists and the hard-lined moderates (whatever the hell that means). Like your avatar and namesake you can play forward and back and pinch hit in the ruck. I salute you

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  2. I am into club politics as much as the next person, but I have to say, I don't have the foggiest what you are saying!

    Ahh Choko, your feigned ignorance is a dead give away - you must be one those people.

    To paraphrase one of my favourite films:

    "i am not one of those people"

    " Only one of those people would truly deny he is one of those people"

    "What! Allright i am one of those people"


    Just kidding i know you're not really one of those people Choko, you just happened to be the first to post. And for the record i'm not either (but i would say that).

    But seriously very interesting post DD. And good advice to be alert for poster's agendas on this and similar sites. It makes sense to apply the same level of analysis to social media as it does for mainstream media in this regard, particularly as it is so much easier to be take cheap shots and write (and spread) falsehoods when anonymous and there is no immediate or obvious penalty for doing so (though this protection, from a legal perspective, might be illusory)

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  3. Energy Watch back in the news: "DISGRACED energy broker EnergyWatch and its former CEO Ben Polis face hefty penalties for making misleading claims in a series of high-profile ads"

    What i liked was when this was reported on SEN news it goes something like: "EW, the company dumped by MFC as their sponsor face hefty penalties etc etc.....

    It reinforces to the public that MFC has integrity and puts its values above financial considerations. In a funny way we might end up benefiting from the whole palaver. We've got two good sponsors, an improved image and the month of crisis we had (which this issue was but one of several calamities) may have helped galvanise the club.

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  4. Just had an email from a mate who is mad cats fan and goes to regularly to games at KP. He was saying that the Cats are right down at moment (despite their win in Brissie) but also noted that with the stand down the wind is now very unpredictable and having a big impact on games. Perhaps that impacts a little on their massive home ground advantage

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  5. I can't believe calls to drop Watts. Yes he played poorly but has been pretty good in the other games. He is the only player in the team that i feel confident when he has the ball in his hands that he will hit a target and not turn it over (little lone actually do something creative with it).

    We desperately this sort of skill at the moment as as Neeld has pointed out turnovers and not being able to get a chain of possessions going makes is a key reason our uncontested possessions are down and our opponents up are so much higher than ours

  6. On the money....... confidence is his only hindrance, but those brickbats will just keep flying until he turns games week after week. The expectations on this kid are bizarrely disproportionate to his age and experience, and most of that comes from Melbourne supporters. The woefully stupid hyperbole such as saying he has no idea how to play the game and should be sent back to Casey until he learns, are just idiotic and desperate. And yet they keep coming.

    Absolutely spot on. Yes he was poor last night and it would have been great if he had done something out of the box to snatch us a win. But he was in our best 5 players in the first 3 games and last year he was arguably our most consistent player.

    Neeld put him of Fisher for the same reason he flagged he might put him on Riewoldt (even if this was in jest) - to give him a lesson in how hard you have to work to be elite. Yes he he got towelled up but the point was made none the less. He is still building his endurance and obviously his strength.

    As i have said previously give him 2-3 more pre seasons and 2-3 years of Neeld football 101 tuition and he will be scary good. I look forward to returning then to the discussion about whether we should have taken him number 1

  7. Do yourselves a favour and don't get too hung up on the results this season. You'll be in for a lot more anguish if you do.

    Yes i agree. Wins are not the key, its the consistency of effort, the repeat game after game of tonight's effort.

    It's perhaps a bit of a strange attitude but although i desperately wanted to see a win tonight (every week) the thought crossed my mind an honourable defeat will help more in the long term than a win in so far as improving our draft options in November (when Neeld will really have a chance to influence who plays for the dees over the next 5 years).

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  8. One thing about Neeldy is he can't tell a joke - at least not in a presser. In the interview posted above he has about his fourth crack at the "can't say anything about team selection or will cop a $10, 000 fine" line. Perhaps next time he'll nail the delivery (by the way before anyone gets all red faced and upset this is not some veiled dig - i'm a Neeld fan)

  9. I reckon its time Blease steps up and has a game good enough to pressure for a recall to the seniors. We're crying out for outside run and he's in the magoos (as he should be BTW). Without being too dramatic, if he's not at the crossroads with the dess he's approaching it.

    Always been a fan and he had a really bad break in his leg to overcome but he's had a full pre season and a month or so of footy so i think we can now start to to expect some good footy from yet another high draft pick.

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  10. Whenever I read these threads I get incredibly frustrated with people who don't take the time to spell our players' names correctly. We all support the same team, but as a matter of respect to the players, spell their damn names right!

    We do not have a Bartrum, Sellars, Tom Macdonald, Joel McDonald, Pettard, Maloney, Silvia, Clarke or Trengrove. It takes two seconds to get it right; please make the effort.

    GTC a bit OCD?

  11. Apologies if this has been raised (haven't read the thread) but what is up with Frawley. He was woeful yesterday and does not not looked switched on , in fact looks a little disinterested. The kick in the 3rd from full back that didn't make to McDonald on the full (and was then smashed over the boundary line) was inexcusable - for gods sake he was only 20 metres away.

  12. Watts has so much more upside than Natanui its not funny (it's a given Watts will be alot more damaging than he is now once he puts 5-10 kgs on wheras NN will perhaps develop a better game sense but is hardly going to get more athletic)

    Darling is a terrific competitor and will never lose that aspect. I wish he was a dee

    Cameron Bruce looks funny bald

    I reckon the Hawks will win the GF

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  13. I scratched my head at Macdonald's inclusion, but you know what?

    We are crying out for older players that show leadership, and while his skills and decision-making leave something to be desired at times, he's a shining example of how the young players should commit themselves to the contest.

    Doesn't often show poor body language like some others, either.

    I think I can sorta see the match committee's reasoning for his inclusion.

    We've seen the folly of playing a team of 17 promising kids + a few old boys.

    I 100% agree with this. Yes he is super frustrating sometimes (often?) with his decision making and ball use but he commits every game he plays, which is exactly what a senior player needs to model. He obviously trains well as well or else he wouldn't be considered.

    I thought Morton was weak last week but i think he needs to be given 4-5 games in a row. I really believe he is confidence player and i still feel he might come good

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  14. You miss the point big boy - but you are good at that. So are many around here. (if thats not a hint - nothing is)

    St Kilda & Hawthorn overlooked him for those injury concerns - Eagles backed themselves - rest is history. But their (Eagles) "biggest fear" was realised a few years later - hehehehehe. Juddy "never" forgave for that (Saints & Hawks) - good onya Juddy.

    "Or he took one look at the Junction Oval facilities" - wrong again big boy. The "deal" was done long before he ever "looked at Junction Oval".

    Your last comment - I will ignore but accept as par for the course around here.

    But it does surprise me coming from a "mod" - you might still have a bee in your bonnet about something. I apologise for not being 100% upfront with you on that one - but such is life.

    Dr, your logic is like the anti tardis. It looks very small from the outside but once you get inside the door you realise it is infinitely smaller.

    Though credit where credit is due, if you are a troll you are a remarkably persistent one.

  15. Yeah my point is losing BP is no win for us circa 2012. RR contention was " an "opposition analyst" gig at Carlton, which let's face it is really just a glorified number-cruncher," - (cough cough)

    AAAAARGHHHHH! That's the sound of me poking my eyes out with a pencil!

    Ok to clarify it was really unfortunate that we allowed Carlton to head hunt BP, he will do a swell job there, as if Carlton (an AFL club after all) would be so silly to trumpet his vital role all over their website, he has a fantastic skill set (know all the gun 18 year olds, can analyse every other AFL list etc etc) and losing BP circa 2012 is a huge loss for the MFC.

    Now for the love of god desist!

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  16. Liam has had an interrupted pre-season with his recurring wrist injury and his much publicised troubles in Alice Springs. He is now back in full training and hoping to start playing initially for Casey very soon. He is very keen to get back in the side and help the boys get a win on the board.

    Thanks RB for the update. I know it's very difficult to say but in terms of the troubles in Alice Spring do you have any confidence that the resolution will be a positive one?

  17. Pre-free agency he also had an very important overlap - just some clubs recognised it more than others.

    With the advent of free agency the overlap is even greater. Now you have to work out where the "potential FA sits on your list comparing his weakness & strengths" very similar to the trade process.

    Wonder if we will see more movement because the FA's preferred location/club dont actually have to pay the compensation? I'm not saying it will happen overnight - but I wonder long-term when club get their heads around it.

    Geez I have a feeling in my guts the "opposition analysis guy" - might just turn out to be very pivotal to AFL clubs success circa 2012.

    Just a thought.

    PS - Imagine you could find one that new all the 18YO kids as well - geez worth his weight in gold I'd say.

    Just a thought. Pleeaaaasssse Stop! We get it. BP is a great pick up for the blues and will play a vital role in any future success they might enjoy at the drafting/trading/free agency table.

    It's win win really. The blues get their man and Neeld gets to install his recruiting man. Everyone's a winner

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