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Posts posted by binman

  1. Geez give the guy a break. What's the problem with his thread and/or posts? It's not malicious or scandolous in any way, isn't having a veiled dig, in fact it is a positive bit of info. Doesn't matter if the story is true or false. Why is necessary for him to reveal who the backer might be? It's neither here nor there i would have thought.

    Something a bit odd here. My post (above) has been edited, i presume by a moderator. In the part removed i questioned why a moderator would take the guy to task. I didn't insult a moderator (or anyone for that matter), swear or write anything inapproriate. I certainly didn't breach the code of conduct.

    Can a moderator please explain why this section from my post was removed.

    • Like 1
  2. But you havent said anything of substance other make illusions of something important. And if you are worried about this affecting the Club i am not sure why you even started a thread about it.

    Geez give the guy a break. What's the problem with his thread and/or posts? It's not malicious or scandolous in any way, isn't having a veiled dig, in fact it is a positive bit of info. Doesn't matter if the story is true or false. Why is necessary for him to reveal who the backer might be? It's neither here nor there i would have thought.

    • Like 6
  3. Wow, we selected Darren Jarman and he chose to stay in SA. Didn't know we picked him nor could you refuse to go to the club.

    Yep, stayed in SA coz he wanted to go to the Hawks, told us so before the draft and then sat out the year (in the SANFL). Went to the Hawks in 88.

    This has always rankled with me. In 19987 he would have been with us when he played the Hawks in the finals - who knows he may have been the difference. Instead he played with the Hawks team that flogged us in the 1988 GF

  4. This is my favourite time of year. We are unbeaten, last season is a (bad) memory, spring carnival is in full bloom and next season holds hope and the dream is alive.

    Looking forward to the first practice match, hopefully gainst Brisbance again at princess Park 9and hopefully they will have fixed p the beer supply problem).

  5. To be honest i don't understand this thread. The club have made it clear we got him for the express purpose of filling the gaping hole up forward. He will be a permanant forward with some rucking duties at stoppages in the 50.

  6. Bate has terrific work ethic. I reckon last year he was a classic case of a player whose confidence was smashed, was played in the wrong position and played accordingly. With confidence he played well, albeit a lower level, at Casey.

    At the start of last season i could not believe how much weight (muscle) he had put on in his legs and bum. I reckon they were trying to build him up to be more of KP type. But it made him even slower and in any case he's not tall enough for a KP. He was always at his best leading out out hard and running back.

    My take is Misson will be charged with slimming him down, making him more of a runner. If this is achieved he has a big chance of at least rotating through the midfield. It also may alow him to be a good sub player - capabable of playing in the midfield if required, up forward and at pinch of the half back flank.

  7. "The important thing to remember is that Clark is being sought because it's deemed by Mark Neeld that he'll be valuable to the structure and gameplan that he wants to implement."

    Yep, totally concur. No doubt a big forward is Neelds number 1 priority hence the big offers to Dawes and now Clark.

    I rate Clark, has been a bit inconsistent as noted elsewhere but as a big fella has the peak of his career in next few years. It would be great to have a bib bloke already through the growth stage and not have to wait like we have to with Fitzpatrick and Cook.

    Get him!

  8. Heard on SEN O'Halpin keen to be traded. Any interest? He's can be a bit haywire, prone to brain explosions and his kicking is not the best but he his big enough to be the forward we need and takes a good grab. Thought he was teriffic against Wet Coke.

    Warnock and Maric for him?

  9. Have been on demonland about every second day for a few weeks but not bothered posting. But i feel compelled to respond to suggestions we should trade Jurrah (or even consider it!).

    I don't have the the stats at hand but he averages more than 2 goals a game in a side that has struggled for goals. His first season was on the back of no pre season at all pretty much. His second season he badly hurt his shoulder in the pre season. Last season the club was in disarray off field - and for a young fella in a completely foreign culture a stable club environment is absolutely crucial.

    He has the x factor we so desperately lack. Not hard enough, goes missing - please. He was asked to be our key forward last season when patently he is never going to be a key forward. He needs a big bodied forward to create some holes and take the best defender. Imagine him playing with Neita. He would thrive just as the Whiz did. Imagine him at Hawthorn, Geelong or Collingwood. They would kill to have him.

    Sure he can work on his defensive pressure. He will. A stable culture, some support up forward , some solid coaching (brown will be a huge support for him)and some decent bloody supply (not floating speculative helicopters into the forward line) and he will thrive.

    Since when can Melbourne afford to give away a player of Jurrah's obvious skill and talent? I repeat he averages more than 2 goals a game. Who comes close to that in our team,indeed for a non key position player in the league?

    I want to watch some players who make me enjoy footy through their sheer talent and sublime skills. Players like Rioli, Franklin, Johnson et al. Jurrah is one such player and for mine the most exciting player at the dees since the Wizard left. It's hard enough following the redlegs without jettisoning players with a gift. Get rid of him? You've got to be joking.

    • Like 2
  10. Sounds like exactly the type of bloke we need involved with our club. Will do anything, absolutely anything to win, and has unbelievable talent. A modern Leigh Matthews is exactly what we need in players and coach. Maybe Leigh Matthews himself still has it in him?

    Perhaps complaining to the umpire and dobbing an opposition player in for saying something mean about your mum will get us to a flag...

    If my memory serves me right Rhino Richards had his best game for the club and we won the game (i could be wrong about that).

    What about racial abuse, if it is the name of winning is that ok too?

  11. Lost all respect for Leigh Matthews when as 16 year old i went to Princess Park to see us play the Hawks and Steve Smith (in a master move from Barass - i think he was coaching) was giving him an absolute bath. The ball 30 metres away, Smith had thumped the ball away from Matthews for the umpteenth time and LM round armed him knocking him out. He had no chance, never saw it coming and had to be carried from the ground.

    Couldn't beat him fairly so king hit him. Don't believe the rubbish about the era etc etc. Dog's act pure and simple. Never saw Robbie do anything remotely similar (or Keith Greig, Wilson, Brian Wood, Greg Wells and any number of other top players)

  12. Chaser, I've read multiple posts where you've said the same thing and surprised no one has corrected you. The compensation pick is tied to the club who ORIGINALLY received the compensation. So if we trade it to GWS it still comes after OUR selection in next years 1st round, not theirs. This has been confirmed by Emma Quayle & Adrian Anderson on multiple occassions.

    However, our compensation picks still might be more attractive than GC pick 4 for the following reason. GWS has already raped this draft by having first crack at the best 17 year olds last year and then having picks 1,2,3,5,7,9 etc etc this year so it's fair to say they are more than likely to get whoever they want. However, next year which is meant to be a "superdraft" they are in the same position as everyone else. I'm pretty sure they would be pretty keen to trade for some compensation picks in next years draft so they can top up with some more elite kids.

    I would think that our 2 compo picks would definitely be enough to secure at least a pick in the mini draft but I assume the club would still like to hang on to at least 1 as we'll have to use our 1st round pick on Viney.

    That's interesting. If we offer to trade our first round comp pick (as opposed to our mid 1st round) to GWS for one of the 17y/o's a big part of GWS's consideration will be where we are likely to finish on the ladder next season. I'm guessing lots of people will be tipping us to have another poor year (perhaps even worse). This sort of forecast might help our chance to trade.

    We trade the comp pick, have a West Coast like turn around, finish 4th and GWS get screwed over. Perhaps that's what Gary Lyon was refering to when he said they should watch out!

  13. Opening quote from the linked article:

    'AXED Melbourne coach Dean Bailey says it would be naive to think this season's unrest at Demonland had not played a part in Tom Scully's decision to leave.

    Scully yesterday joined Greater Western Sydney on a reported six-year, $6 million deal."

    I knew all that bickering on this site about Scully would cause problems. It was our fault!

  14. I think a big bodied forward is a must. The way the game is being played at the moment (forward press, tonnes of stoppages, bombing long into forward line, rushed kicks as opposed to precise chains of handballs, more packs forming, increase in contested marks etc etc) a big body up front is a key structural component.

    We also really need one to straighten us up, to create some crumbing opportunities, to bring the ball to ground up forward and to provide some physical cover for Watts and Jurrah - and to smash some packs and make that loose player dropping back into the hole who seems to kill Melbourne every week feel a little less keen to do so.

    Fevola? I can't believe i'm even considering it, would have absolutely (in fact did) say no way at the beginning of the year. But maybe? He ticks the box for big physical presence who kicks goals, has, i have to admit been pretty impressive the last few months on field and by most accounts off field and to an extent is already in the Melbourne system (and has a relationship with quite a few dees players who he has played with at Casey - and may share a flag with). A rookie contract with strict conditions? Maybe

  15. Freo arent one of the lower clubs. They have been decimated by injury throughout the year. They dont have there trump out there in Pavlich. But gee arent Collingwood a discipline well drilled side..... The Pies have been flat the last few weeks. Now as they start to focus on September, the real class shows.

    And if you stretch the salary club rules across all aspects of a club then what incentive is there for a club to improve its financial position to improve resources to win a flag. All you do is drag the good clubs back to the standards of the lower clubs.

    Yes freo, for this match at least are one of the lower clubs. They had 25 players fit for this match from their entire list. I reckon they have had the worst run with injury this year of any team in the last 2 decades. Shocking run. Blowouts will be a feature of football for the forseeable future when you pit young (or injury depleted sides) against fit strong, well drilled sides full of 100 plus gamers

  16. Bah! Might as well be some fella's personal blog for all the credibility that site has.

    Even if true, sad to say but really only Martin and Sylvia are must keeps from that list, and Sylvia only at the right price. We have to turn over at least 4 players anyway to prepare for the next draft and Dunn, Maric and Warnock will all be trade bait, along with bate (pardon the pun) and possibly Spencer (only coz he's behind the other ruckman now)

    They want to leave? It may not be up to them.

  17. I'm a hopeless glass full fella when it comes to the dees, but for some reason i have good feeling about this match.

    The last couple of weeks have been crazy but perhaps the boys will be a little more settled this week. I like the look of the team. We're back to having nothing to lose (a position we have played well in for the last decade or so). Davey will be back up to match speed. Jamar's back and i expect Sylvia to play a blinder. Watts is really growing in stature (and showing the intensity he was lacking pre season - more power to him). Maloney's due a big one. Morton will blitz. Howe to take mark of the year. Players re-signed and a big heart to heart by all at the club last Monday night.

    Yep, i've convinced myself, dees by 38

  18. Mate... The logo is 2-3cm lower than what it would be otherwise! It is displayed in a 10cm rectangular eye-sore (like all sponsorship... I'm not having a dig at Hankook here)... and is clear to the naked eye. It is not obscured in any way. It is not lost in the design of the jumper in any way either!

    I can understand that it is reneging on a contract, but jeez! Does the dirty laundry need to be aired in our newspapers?

    Have a squiz at the banner across the top of the home page (with the players) if you're in doubt about why Hankook would be concerned. And besides a deals a deal, business sort of depends on it. I reckon SS Schwabb has spent too long in footy and not enough in business land to be top shelf CEO

  19. It is a Melbourne Football Club jumper... not a Hankook jumper. If the board decides to place THEIR emblem on THEIR jumper, then it should not be an issue. I'm glad that he let that go, because that sort of thing is just stupid to get into a stink over.

    I can see his side with the contract and all... but, really!

    Are you kidding? A company tips in 1.5 million, has a deal about logo and placement and shouldn't have an issue about the club reneging (and reducing their exposure)? Hankook is not a charity they're a business looking for a return on an investment.

  20. I think your referring to his complaints regarding the positioning of his companies image on the jumper. MFC broke the contract originally signed with Hankook which stated that Hankook's logo would be the only image represented on the right hand upper side of the jumper. De la Rue eventually let this go.

    Yep and made it very clear, whilst wishing the club all the best and good luck with a new sponser, he wouldn't have anything more to do with the club (i assume from a corporate point of view) whilst the current administration was in place. I reckon SS Schwabb will quietly sail into the sunset over summer and that will be the last we will see of him in footy. Probably take deck hand connoly with him

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