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Everything posted by binman

  1. Yep. A more revealing example was how Dangerfield out marked him at the start of the Crows cats game. No shame in getting out marked by danger but it was a pure one one contest rather than the more common zoning off Lever employs. Leverr tried to spoil without taking the body (like say Dunn or talia would have) and missed it, gifting Danger an easy mark (which he even had time to juggle). Don't get me wrong i'm not having a shot at him merely highlighting that man on man is not his go.
  2. Agree with all your points. I suspect he will always play the zone off, intercept marking role rance has perfected. I reckon in time TMacs younger brother will be bigger than than Lever and maybe the go to one on one player when required (goody favours a heavy zone but flexibility is important). Technically lever is not the best kick in the world but he is pretty effective. As you say he moves the ball quickly and he also makes really good decisions (the two are linked obviously). As for the money i really can't see him getting 900k from the dees. Terrific player but a big part of his success at the crows, particularly this season, is, their incredible all field pressure which result in so many bombed, sloppy kicks (easy picking for a player of his ability) and how effective the rest of the backline is, particularly Talia. Both the Crows and the tigers have very similar approaches and it is no surprise both are in the granny. It is an approach we are clearly aiming to emulate and my concern for Lever is that if we don't apply the same level of pressure he won't be able to have the same impact as he does at the crows. So the worry is not that Lever does not have the ability but that us getting value from him depends factors outside his control.
  3. Yes he is. As if Steve would get that wrong. It clearly says AA player on the poster he has of Lever over his bed. Maybe he is an emergency. Or maybe steve has confused lever with laird - who is an AA. Easy mistake to make. Same jumper after all. A tip for all recruiters - if keen on player jot down his number. its on the back of his jumper. But seriously, of course steve means he will be an AA at some stage. For sure. Then we will have 4 AA defenders. Not too shabby.
  4. Please remember the unofficial DL code of conduct relating to rumours: state source (or if not possible some indication of where the said rumour has come from and its reliability) or if no source making it clear it is just a thought bubble. So to adhere to the code of conduct this post might read: 'Well it would seem that we may end up doing that rumored deal with the pies according to his mother who i work with' 'Well it would seem that we may end up doing that rumored deal with the pies according to some fella i met at flinders street station last sat morning at 3:40am after a big night in the city' 'Well it would seem that we may end up doing that rumored deal with the pies according to a dream i had last night'
  5. Jeez Wattsy would love playing under Chuckles McHinkley
  6. The phrase fuckknuckle was coined in his honour
  7. Still in the building apparently. or perhaps he has left the building and is on his way to Gosch's paddock. Short forward lines are all the rage so maybe he can slot into our newly vacant forward line.
  8. By the by this is the worst rumour thread i in my time on DL. Sheesh. Maybe the club isn't leaking enough. Come back GNF. Give us something!
  9. I would love GC to play super hard ball and flat out refuse to trade unless they get what they want. I reckon Ablett has treated GC appallingly. He demanded a 3 year contract, front ended no less, and one year in wants to go home. Doesn't get his way and then picks and chooses when he will play. What sort of rubbish is that from a player brought to the club to show leadership. At a time when they desperately needed leadership the great GA only deigned to play home games. Rocket must hate him. I have lost a lot of respect for him. Even more so since his supposed threat to retire should he not get what he wants. I hope GC call his bluff. They would be doing the rest of the competition a big favour not gifting Geelong another A grade, brownlow medal winning mid fielder. Their reward would be repsect form the rest of the comp and their player and 2 easier games a year when they meet the Cats. [censored] him
  10. Oliver only 12 votes? Ridiculous. I suspect he paid the price for being too chatty on field. Umps don't like being talked back to.
  11. Yes. As punter interested in that bet i noticed the same thing. Bizarre. I actually bet on Giants over 40 for the value (and the over the total match point, which was a winner) but considered the tigers over 40 as well but thought it was too short. So i was happy it snuck under. Surely you cover the whole game. Right to the end.
  12. A little birdy told me Barry Prendergast is a regular poster on DL. Thinks Lever is perhaps the greatest footballer ever, thinks Tmac's younger brother isn't up to AFL standard and more than happy for Weids to ply his trade in the maggos until 2019. Yet to pick a smokey though. Oh and doesn't mind the odd condescending post or two hundred.
  13. Nah wasn't being smart. I assumed from your comment that Kelly was a cricketer also. I was of course talking about keath who was a star cricketer. Looked ok when he played for the crows and i agree that they will miss Lever but have the cattle to cover him.
  14. This highlights so much that is wrong today in terms of peoples ability to analyse information. And it has infected jounalism. Some random person puts unsubstantiated heresay on the net - in this case an ex player said kent had poor skinfolds - and another random person uses this 'fact' to support hia argument.
  15. Of course he is going to dictate terms. What is rhe point of a contract otherwise. Can you give one example of a player uner contract being traded against their will? By top 4 i mean teams in the premiership window, which i have noted previously. Players still under contract onlty get traded when both parties benefit. That includes when a player wants to break a contract - like gibbs.
  16. Anyway it is a moot point. Watts is a required player. As several people have noted you don't trade a player with the skills your team so sorely lacks.
  17. Indeed. I do have a bit of broken record itis on some issues. What happened in the Ryan Ferguson Brad Sewell scenario? I don't recall. I can't think of any examples where a player under contract does not want to leave but is forced to. But the point remains if the club make it clear they don't value retaining him he still needs to agree to be traded. Which as you rightly say may well be in his best interests to do so. However i maintain that he will have zero interest in going to a club in the bottom half of the ladder. Any trade would have to be mutually beneficial and if put on the table he would want to go to a top four club.
  18. Right. And if jack say's no to being traded what does the club do with its testis?
  19. Not a great comparion i don't think in terms of the point DV8 is making. You'd take Rance in a heartbeat but JW isn't really the classic key forward. Don't get me wrong a terrific player but he is relatively small and so less remarkable from that perspective. A better comparison might be Rance v Kennedy. That would be more of a conundrum. But to be honest i'd still go with Rance. He is one of the best defenders i've ever seen, no doubt. And his ability is proven over many seasons Rance v Buddy? That gets more tricky and i'd take Buddy. What about Lever v Patton? Or for that matter Lever v Hogan? For what its worth i'd take Patton and Hogan, no question.
  20. But to be clear, not all.......
  21. 99 problems but made up stuff aint one
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