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Everything posted by binman

  1. One of tbe most annoying footballers of all time.
  2. binman


    Fair comment. I'm the time bandit. I appreciate the feedback and will take on board (genuinely, ie not being facetious).
  3. No you're right -i'm the one mixing things up. Bears merged with the lions in 1996. From wiki: 'At the end of the 1996 season, the AFL helped negotiate a deal with the Fitzroy Football Club administrator whereby the Bears took over Fitzroy's AFL license and as a condition of that deal, on November 1, 1996, Brisbane Bears members voted to change the club's name to the Brisbane Bears-Fitzroy Football Club (BBFFC or Brisbane Lions), who participate in the AFL today. The Bears played in 220 VFL/AFL matches over ten seasons, with 70 wins, 148 losses and 2 draws.' My Fitzroy supporting mate didn't barrack for the Brisbane Lions in their first year, or their second. Was on board by their third season. Good timing too given their success a few years later.
  4. Ta. That's more than I would have guessed in 90 odd minutes of game time.
  5. binman


    I suspect DeeBlood is actually dermie. Took umbrage at me calling him a clown and joking about his inability to string words together (a joke i rather embarrassingly mangled).
  6. Really? . I can't recall how he went in his second game, but ny recollection is he was terrific in his first game until he had his jaw broken just before half time. I think he will be a gun. Smart, quick off the mark, competitive and zones off well. And whilst I agree he can play an intercept role now, ultimately i think he will become a key position defender. He's 6.5 in the old and given he is only 22 will fill out in the next few years.
  7. On spotify the sound will be better as Andy cleans it up before loading it up. But I doesn't make any difference to the DL site as such (I assume you mean traffic). I like that it goes out live. Feels old school.
  8. binman


    And don't forget to leave a 5 umm review.
  9. Agree. As a dees fan in the 70s and 80s, lions fans were kindred spirits. Ditto saints fans. I played for Beverly Hills junior footy club (Paul roos' team). We wore the Fitzroy jumper and sing the Fitzroy song. One of my best mates was a huge lions fan, and I lived in North Fitzroy and kicked around Fitzroy, for over a decade. The Newry was my local - directly opposite Brunswick oval, the roy boys original home ground. And they had some of my favourite non dees players - roos, pert, Wilson and Quinlan (one of the most consistently excellent kicks I've seen). So I always had a soft spot for the lions. It was wrenching, even as a dees fan, when they folded. Just awful. My mate was in shock, and without being flippant, experienced real grief. And I was beside myself the dees would also disappear. When tne roys folded, he became a dees fan. A fully committed, passionate one too. I saw heaps of games with him. But when they became the Brisbane lions, which they should have done from the get go, after a couple of seasons he felt compelled to support them - . A knowledgeable and clued in footy supporter, who still has a soft spot for the dees.
  10. Great point. I had forgotten how banged up tracc was. He was interviewed on the ground at half time and was struggling to catch his breath (he must he must have just sprinted or something, but still he looked completely knackered). An amazing performance from tracc - BOG and hard at it all hame Credit to Selwyn and his team, but huge props to tracc for being in such good shape. Ditto for maxy, who was also huge. Outof interest, does anyone know aprox how far EPL players would run in a game?
  11. binman


    It's umbelievable
  12. binman


    Thanks for the feedback. I worry i don't talk enough, so throw in lots of umms to get my word count up. For the same reason i often repeat words, like brilliant, curious and incredible. A heads up. If I'm honest I'm unlikely to fix my speech patterns or affectations by next week. In fact I'm unlikely to fix them full stop. By the by, in the spirit of mutual constructive criticism, you don’t capitalise the word um. And, for future reference, binman is not capitalised either. Cheers
  13. Agree. It's the lifting of the elbow that is the problem, not so much the bracing.
  14. Snap. I just checked that (who blues play). That's a pretty big upside as the pies blues game will be hyped all week in the lead up and both teams will smash each other. The other upside is we have a two week bye break a fortnight before the blues game (lions, two week break, tigers, cats, blues). And we do t do any travel from now till after the blues game (travel caj be a factor in terms of messing with the recovery and preparation program). So there won't be the same level of accumulative fatigue there otherwise would be. The blues by comparison had their bye after round two (but also do not travel before our game). And in the lead up to the dees clash they play, the crows, giants (at marvel), cats and pies. That's a tough run - four physical and intense games - particularly the last two.
  15. Billings would be the obvious one, but having watched the replay he was much better than many suggested i thought. He was knocked for not being strong enough in the contest, but that's not his go (as the club was well aware when trading him in) and made a couple of strong tackles. I think it can be hard to assess pperformance n the role billings is playing, given it it involves so much unrewarded running and the chance if being stuck on the dead side of the ground.
  16. No, particularly given we play the cats in the previous round, a game likely to be pretty fierce. Luckily we have a 10 day break before our next game - the Eagles.
  17. Spot on. The football media is dominated by these boneheads. And what happens when one shuffles of to ABC special comments (eg McClure)? They get replaced by recently retired boneheads, who have zero public speaking skills, like hodge. Selwood is the latest. Just like Jonesy, he has been ok. But low bar. The recently retired players bring current knowledge about the game, which often makes them interesting. But the pattern is none continue to do any work to update their knowledge, so after 2-3 years they lose their value as people who are up with current trends eyc. But remain terrible public speakers.
  18. There's another difference. Koz copped a week.
  19. I agree to a point. But with the way we play, in particular our incredibly aerobically taxing all team defence and the distances all players have to cover (10 plus ks minimum) backing up after only 5 days is very difficult. It's all about recovery, and even one less day than the oppo makes a big difference. They were clearly paddling in the last quarter, so were the crows, but I think we are fitter, which made a difference. Tracc talked post game about how hard they found it. I've been tracking the impact of the break between games for almost a decade for punting purposes. And there is no doubt when a team has to back up inside 7 days, and the oppo has an extra day break its a huge factor. It's something i always factor in.
  20. That's very true. So def a factor. And if we lose a contest, we back ourselves in to win the next contest.
  21. I've been curious about losing ground ball gets too. I said on the pod that the numbers are so anomalous (eg our cp and pressure numbers have been strong) that there must be an explanation. Your explanation makes sense, and us supported by the fact our post clearance possession numbers, one of the most important stats for coaches, have been strong.
  22. We'll have to agree to disagree as I think the change in method is quite radical.
  23. He did say that, but I suspect we will lose inside 50s, or just break even, most weeks with the change to our method (though I predict come finals we will start winning i50s ahain as transition footy is not as effective in big pressure games). As Binmans PA noted, we are setting our defence deep, and almost inviting inside 50s - as opposed to say Port, whose d presses up high and works to prevent the oppo going inside their 50 (leaving space and out the back goal opportunities inside 50 if their last defensive line is broken - eg fritters first goal against them). That model only works because we are so brilliant at zoning and absorbing pressure. When we do win it back we then have space ahead of us to utilise on transition, which we have been terrific at taking advantage of with handball chains and short hits on the 45. The crows were just about the best at moving the ball fast from the back half, last year, but we've gone past them, as evidenced by this data (note: the season number is our average against scores, not the crows average. The match against is how many points the crows scored last night from their back half). Points from defensive half For Against Match Season Match Season * 42 29.8 22 22.6
  24. It was the same all night. No comment about that obvious missed free, Rivers being shoved in the back, maxy getting shoved in the back, any number of dropping the ball we weren't paid, or the stupid insufficient attempt free against koz. And no comment about Walker blatantly staging for a over the shoulder free. If we had lost that game, it would have been be hard to argue the umpires were not a major reason why.
  25. That was a shocker. He was clearly trying to actually kick the ball forward and collect it, something he dies often - usually successfully. The whole idea of umpires being directed by the AFL to favor a team is ridiculous. But if you are the conspiratorial type, last night was smoking gun standard grist for the mill. Big SA club, needing a win in front of a sold out home crowd at the start of the AFL's annual cash grab from the SA government. And right from the get go - Kozzy getting his head taken off dead in front and no free - it was as if the free fix was in.
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