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Everything posted by binman

  1. Which in a nut shell mfc's trading philosophy is to be fair, not play hardball or bend other clubs over (bingo) and get traded done The Kent deal being a good example. After all it's not as if they get new clubs to trade with every year or this is the lady year of trading.
  2. A couple of weeks ago i posted the above (part of a longer post). So many examples in this thread of those issues it is impossible to count them. Don't get me wrong i'm not having shot at anyone. Go for it. I get that getting frustrated with such things is my issue. To avoid frustration i scan through looking for the odd nugget of good intel, analysis, opinion or witticism. What i should have suggested in the above post was a game of Bend Over Bingo. The rules are simple. One has to scull whatever is at hand, be that water, scotch or white out, when you read a post where the phrase bend over - or any similar homo erotic term - is used to describe what we should do to other clubs or fear will be done to us.
  3. Happy for Thursday night games if inter state. Prefer Friday games if at the g or ethibad (yes, I know). Loved going to those two finals, with post work beers and build up. Made for (very) late nights though.
  4. Brilliant fellas. Not so serious question: do you believe superstition plays a role in the chances of an AFL football team winning a given match.
  5. Ironic since getting Hogan to the club was the only positive thing your Avatar sake did for the club. You good doctor are the gift that keeps giving.
  6. Agree. Its the mark of a good club. Think Hawks and Swans (how on earth did they keep the Buddy deal quiet?)
  7. Not until Hell freezes over. Or Hell sinkies into the Vantaa.
  8. have you ever been in the same room together Clark?
  9. Enter the dragon did not have the rewind symbol. Is it safe to assume then there has not been a name change and that if there is no rewind symbol there hasn't been a name change?
  10. Wait a minute. I tested that out on your account and what did i find: OCTOBER 11, 2005 Nasher Demonland
  11. Why are you asking me a question that you provide the answer to? I didn't say it was a site rule posters who change their name should indicate they have done so (however they choose to do so - another way might be to just to include their the fact it in a post). I wouldn't have a clue. I'm not a moderator or DL rule expert. Does it matter? Not in the scheme of things, no. But from a personal perspective i find it useful to know a posters history in terms of their content and previously expressed views. It provides some context and a level of accountability (eg a poster contradicting a previously strongly held view). This is particularly relevant (to me i might add - i can't speak for others) if a poster who is ostensibly 'new' to DL begins their posting history by bagging other posters. I also think it is just good manners and yes respectful behavior. Others might not - as is their prerogative. And as i noted in the post you quoted this view informs my assessment of the credibility of the posters and what they write. The other point is that from personal perspective i'm bemused as to why anyone would change their posting name and not be open about it. I mean what is to gain? But again each to their own Two genuine questions to you Superunknown. Have you previously posted on Demonland under a different name (or names as the case may be)? And if so what was your previous name (or names)?
  12. I have no idea 'who you are' (though if you are a poster who has changed their name and not made it clear - eg in the sig block as some respectful posters have - that's all I need to know to assess your credibility) but really you have some front knocking posters, as you frequently do, given you write some very silly things. As ane example you have zero idea what the judgement of any football department is. All you know is some have spoken to may and MIGHT be interested in trading for him. But no clue as to what they think he is worth or prepared to pay. Other than of course what numnskulls like Sam McClure 'report' - that's to say guess. Sheesh
  13. Me too. But only from reading yours and CHF's posts.
  14. Remarkably quiet rumours thread. I've got nothing sorry? GNF anything? Club doesn't leak anymore. Pros.
  15. My best is I'm serious in Sydney. Race 8 no 5. Some good value about today but treacherous.
  16. Agree. Well ahead of where his brother was at same age. It never ceases to amaze me how short people's memories are. Tmac was likely trade bait if he didn't reinvent himself as one of the best forwards going around such was his horrible field kicking, poor decision making (eg taking on risky kicks) and damaging turnovers. The above issues are my concern f ok r frost. As the dragon points turnover merchants in your back half will kill you against top sides. And omac soft? What a joke. Puts his body on the line every single time. And keeps going. I went to the wc game. It was hot. Despite being up against it omac gave 110% effort to the very last second. Gutsy and impressive. Watch his afl stats pro footage for proof of that.
  17. So do you think we should get him?
  18. It will advantage teams with crack recruiting teams. Wait a minute......
  19. How would gaff and Brayshaw go first training session of pre season?
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