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Everything posted by binman

  1. Great stuff. Exactly the message a coach needs to give - assuming it is sincere. The wing should be what he is aiming for. Perfect for him and there is a real opportunity as we lack outside speed. He needs to improve his kicking. That's a given - and no doubt he is working on it. But on the wing his average kicking would be less exposed as turnovers don't hurt quite as bad (but none the less are still costly). If he could work on his penetration on the run, kick it low and hard not helicopter it he could be a weapon.
  2. It's unbelievable. Based on those highlights there is no doubt all of our new players are guns. Taylor is a genius. Who needs first round draft picks!
  3. This is from AFL draft central write up on Sparrow posted above: 'He has clear deficiencies in the game with regards to his disposal by foot and decision making, which is what has him slipping in the draft to a late draft selection or rookie selection.' I have to say i got their selection focus completely wrong. I was sure they would have an emphasis on skill and outside players. I mean how many hard ball , contested beast with iffy disposal skills do we need? I'm not knocking the decsion - i have complete faith in our footy club ATM, which is great. Maybe we will have a Spargo and a Sparrow crumbing in our forward line in the not too distant future.
  4. Wrong on 2 of 3 counts OD (pardon the pun). Well more accurate to say wrong on the second and i disagree with the first I think the project will happen. Labor will win this election easily and will not have to rely on the Greens to form government. Odds are not everything - and really they simply reflect polling - but currently labor are 1.14 to win the election. That is seriously short. Shorter than Winx. For context they were 1.70 two weeks ago, and 1.20 yesterday. But the more interesting market is for the likelihood of a majority government being formed. Two weeks ago it was basically even money. it is now 1.40. This is a refection of the fact The Greens have had a horror two weeks. Could not have been worse for them. And for those dismissing the odds as meaningless, i'd say two things. Seriously big money is now bet on elections. And there is very little emotion involved. Secondly whilst polling has been been sketchy in recent times i think that might be a blip and are likely to be pretty accurate this year - particularly with so many votes having already been cast.
  5. I don't understand why posters are suggesting the proposal is dead and buried simply because labor have said they won't 'support' the proposal. This statement is meaningless. A clever clogs way of not risking any votes in marginal electorates. Firstly, i might be wrong, but it is my understanding the CoM has planning authority for yarra park, not the State government. I assume the state gov could somehow take control in the way they have with fishermen's bend but why would they? Secondly, and of most significance, positions change and if lying is the first language of footy, well then it is the only language of politics. I mean please would anyone seriously be surprised if a government (of any persuasion) made such statement and then did the opposite, particularly a wishy washy statement statement such as 'not support' (as opposed to a more definitive - 'we will ensure it does no proceed' - which would still not rule out a change of heart). There are any number of examples, but a topical one is the safe injecting rooms in Richmond. Labor unequivocally opposed them prior to the last election and hey presto 3 years later opens one and starts building a proper facility. Thankfully i might add. And by the by what a peanut Guy is for saying he will close it in his first week if elected - despite its evident success in reducing fatal and non fatal overdoses and demand on paramedics and ambos. What sort of policy decision is that? Peanut
  6. My understating it can be chromecast and apple played (is that a thing) and there is no contract. Similar to Netflix and Spotify. Whose model no doubt depends on people simply not ever bothering to stop it. it is tempting for the footy i have to say, in so far as i usually go to the pub to watch interstate games that are not on free to air and if you add together pub priced drinks, the occasional bet on the pub tab and perhaps a meal, i'm not getting much change from $70.
  7. excellent show fellas. Terrific interview with Josh with some really good questions and thoughtful respones and i enjoyed It's Time's contribution. He's an impressive fella, JM - we're lucky to have him. I liked the neat way he sidestepped the question from Grapeviney asking if he had his hat in the ring for the CEO gig. One question came to mind during the interview. i would be interested in knowing what the sense the club (and by the club i don't mean players) has of Demonland (and Bigfooty - to a lesser extent), in so far as they have ready access to the sort of feedback and opinion of hardcore fans that most business would kill for - and often pay for in terms of expensive focus groups and consultation processes.
  8. I think the fact he finished 4th in the b&f indicates the coach thinks he is comfortably best 22, the assessment of some erstwhile do posters notwithstanding.
  9. Agree Jr And on the flipside there is possible downsides to taking the captaincy off him eg sending a signal his career is coming to an end, annoying his senior (and no doubt loyal) colleagues etc
  10. Indeed. Speaking of betting i backed Oliver to get get more votes than Maxy, thinking it was good value. I chose the wrong player. I could not believe Brayshaw polled more votes than Oliver. Crazy. I reckon the umps must hate Oliver. Perhaps a touch too lippy?
  11. Even money to make top 4. This [censored] is getting real!
  12. He is an emotional fella who I suspect often, despite his exterior bravado, often doubts himself. Confidence is a common word used when discussing trac. Yes he could get to elite levels if fitness. But I reckon his main focus should be getting his game time psychology right. He gets good numbers. Which is really important in terms of a foundation. If he can find a way to consistently get really mentally prepared he will go to another level. I would love for him to get more aggressive and be encouraged to go for goals more. Cage him in the 50 meter arc and tell him to kick 3 goals a game. I am confident we will get the elite player with x factor we all hoped for. He is a gun. And if does go up a level next season that will go a long way to softening the blow of losing Hogan. Which will be important as even with may in the team Hogan is a huge loss.
  13. Agree AFL clubs do an amazing job developing wold class athletes, arguably the (all round) best athletes of any major sporting code. But i don't think it is true to say it is on a shoestring budget. AFL football department budgets spending is in the millions after all. Sure the football department budgets of even the biggest spenders (West Coast, Adelaide and Collingwood?) are a fraction of the equivalent teams in the NBA, NFL, Premier league, Serie A etc etc. But i suspect there is pretty significant diminishing returns for investment for those clubs once they expend what our budgets are (does that make sense).
  14. Yep. Top 4 is pass mark. That said a lot has to go right and not much wrong to achieve it.
  15. Strange isn't it. When we secured lever some on here said that would mean omac going to Casey for his "development' having been 'gifted' games in 2017. What happens? Plays almost every minute of every game in 2018. Including the 8 -9 lever played in. Having played all b as r one the previous season. And frost. Only got a run at it once lever went down and only after he had worked on his weaknesses. Omac is well ahead of frost.
  16. Not sure I agree. We need outside pace and skill.Let's ask josh
  17. Im a bit worried i might have got the track wrong. its been upgraded to a good 3 and the wind has got up and so there is bit of headwind in the home straight. Both factors suit on speed horses with a bit of cover, but he win will make it hard for leaders, Funny actually because i almost always favour on pacers. My one exception today - ie i mainly selected run on horses - is Thinking Big as i figured he is the best stayer. Conditions will help him now
  18. Oh Damn. Lets go with Thinking Big in the derby
  19. My best is Osborne bulls. Race 3 no 1. Its run on rubbish ground in the Everest was huge (cost me the trif - which I thought I had from the vision). Redzel form is primo and ob is a winner. Also suspect track will suit run on horses. Which I hope is right as I have made my selections based on that.
  20. Of course the TV networks have some pull. Like der. I never said they didn't. That pull can be seen this year. 7 would have made it crystal clear they wanted good, evenly matched top teams scheduled in the marquee slots. And no carlton. But having some pull is a long way from the control you have previously suggested on multiple occasions (but seem now to be walking back from) tm7 and fox have.
  21. Got it wrong? Are you still seriously suggesting channel 7 advocated for blues to get Friday night games? Not a single person in the world would have expected them to be competitive last year. Even if you knew zero about football all you would need to do is look at their record and points for and against for the preceding decade to know that. But you think a station that has been covering football for 40 odd years got it wrong. And the television era? Please.
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