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Everything posted by binman

  1. Uggh. If it was winner in the first instance i would say AFLX has jumped the shark. At lesat we are the only club who will have won the 'title'
  2. Good post STMJ. I think there is little doubt we will be impacted by the number of players we have who have had interrupted preseasons. History tells us as much. The question is how much (Note: to be clear i'm not suggesting you think otherwise - i'm sure you agree and were just being conciliatory) Of course a mitigating factor will be that most in rehab have been able to keep their fitness levels up, but any disruption hurts to some degree and the issue we have is so many players are having some interruptions. An issue for the dees is the 'Melbourne way' ie goody's way places a huge emphasis on fitness but also high intensity, high impact football that will expose any deficit cause by interrupted preparations. With so few player's rehabbing last year we were able to make a fast start. But one huge positive (and at the risk of jinxing them) is unlike last year Tmac and Viney both seem to have had uninterrupted preseasons thus far. If that continues we will have both ready and raring to go round 1, which will go along way to offset the high impact of the number of players who have had interrupted preseasons
  3. How much bigger is Tom this pre season? Will be a super important year for him in terms of his career. Will likely find it hard to break into the ones if lever fir and raing to go. Which if he isn't might open a window of opportunity for him early in the sason. Goody has shown a willingness to give player their chance. to be honest i don't think they handled his call up well last year. Wrong game and then to drop him after one week was supper tough on him.
  4. Goody clearly rates smith very highly, given the decision to play him round 1 2017 and bring him in for wc. Looks likely they will use him as a defensive forward, which I think is very clever. His kicking is not so exposed up forward, his leap means he can play tall and bring the ball to ground and his athleticism makes him a dangerous match up in his own right. Might see some hangers next season from sos. Might be competing with hannan? Though i think there is room for both.
  5. Wind up warning. Good to see even admin struggle.
  6. My understanding is omac is rehabbing from back pain. From carrying the backline for the last two years.
  7. I disagree. As I have said a number of times the idea would be a bar, restaurant type space that would be a natural spot for dees fans but open to all. Such a set up would make a fortune if done right. Income helps set up the club and contributes to on field success. But such a space would also have the benefit of being a natural meeting spot and hub for the faithful. Even for away games. I would travel in from altona for a great sport with good atmosphere and plenty of other dees fans for interstate games. Think of the ecmc final. I went to Perth but dees mates, after much humming and aching landed on the sporting globe in Richmond. A place I'm not a huge fan off. But a mfc pub would have been the ideal and it would of been having. Think also of the power of seeing the dees crowds grow and the feeling of having so many members. A shared space would fuel that and help build our membership. Create a dees army. All good and tranlatabke to on field success.
  8. Me. The whole finals things took its toll. Just recovering.
  9. Great training report Dr D and much respect for paying up. In the spirit of moving forward and a new season i say your debt has been paid. in full. feel free to change to the avatar of your choice. In any case that avatar is starting to freak me out a bit. I had a crazy thought of a mark neeld training report on DL. It would commence with something like; 'That new bloke, can't remember his name, is a spud. And i told him so. He better man up. Or he can @####@@ off. I don't care if we gave up pick 7 for him. And if i catch Harmes posting pictures himself riding a unicorn again i'm going to force him to sit though an edited highlights package of my pre game pep talks'
  10. I trust the club to make the right call. They have all the information and of course will have assessed all options and then come up with their preferred option. Their call is yara park. Good enough for me.
  11. Makes you wonder then why savvy, switched on operators like Glen Bartlett and Peter Jackson, after presumably considering all of the facts and relevant considerations, decided yara park was their preferred option. Not.
  12. A couple of points. I didn't mention a social club. I said a bar owned by the mfc. In use all the time. Did you ever go to the old Hilton pub (directly opposite jolimont)? Game days it was packed to the rafters before and after demons games. Just as the cricketers arms is on any game day. A decent bar one train station to the city would always do well, particularly in a a practically dry area. Secondly, a purpose built space would include all the bells and whistles and we would make income from the office space. And one oval is enough. As the tigers, pies etch have shown. I'll bet players don't want to drive to outer woop woop eirher.
  13. Why? Because yarra park is a brilliant idea. One oval is fine for Pete's sake (no issue for th Magpies it would seem) and having our gym, medical stuff, recovery, footy department and admin all in one place will be awesome. Not to mention a space for fans and members. A MFC owned bar above jolimont station would make a fortune - and not just from dees fans. It would be packed every time there was any event at the G. A natural meting place. We would also have a place for the demon shop. The Hawks are going to Dingley, which is not all that far from their current base and there is much to play out in terms of the viability of the project. The Bombers facility might be great but it is miles from anywhere and has costed an arm and a leg. it also does nothing in terms of a base for their fans. I got the election call right OD and i reckon i'll be right on Yarra park.It. Will. happen.
  14. So, what you are saying is the Weed will never make it?
  15. A good comparison. Weed will be bigger but like Kennedy he has got long reach. As he gets stronger he, like Kennedy started doing in his mid 20s, will really start clunking his marks. Really it has never been harder for big forwards given the use of zones, mids pushing back hard and out numbers down back. So many marking contest are pack situations, which puts a premium of strength. But like West Coast do we will of course continue to try and transition the ball quickly and provide Tmac and Weed as many one out opportunities as possible. One on one Weed will be as hard, maybe harder, to beat than TMac, with his height, strength and reach. Good times.
  16. I agree PD. He has all the tools - good hands, excellent kicking technique, good marking technique, for a big fella terrific below the needs and quick hands. He is q natural footballer. Also a smart fella who is a learner. I was really impressed with his ability to develop his ruck skills last season. By the end if the year he looked a natural. But what excites me most is I think that he has got scope to get a lot better as he gets bigger. Great to hear he has been hitting the weights and I suspect he will get a bit taller and broader in the next 1-2 years. He will be a really scary threat for opposition defenders. In some ways weeds development trajectory is old school in terms of how, with lists of 50 odd players, bugs used to be given time to find their feet before being rushed into the seniors. Well managed by the dees and the timing of Hogan's departure is perfect in terms of where weed is at developmentally. Unleash the weed.
  17. Our tall forward situation is fine. Maxy will push forward more often next year and with trac, hannan and Melky we have a number of good mid sized marking options. Even with preuss the ruck position worries me much, much more. But just as you cant carry 'spare' gun forwards on a list you cant take list spots for a rockman likely to spend rhe whole year in the maggos. I'm not sure where I stand on the idea of a mid season draft but being able to bring in say a rockman I'd needed has some logic given the list restrictions.
  18. Some good points. Agree about backline being a tough gig. Mistakes are magnified and as you say all defenders make errors. Will be a mighty tough backline to get in and harder still to stay in. Frosty will give it a good crack. All power to him
  19. Don't get me wrong, i have a lot of time for Frosty, love his energy, seems a super hard worker and he was terrific for much of the the last third of the season. But there is a reason he took me to break into the back line this year. His disposal is an obvious one (which he improved) but i think the issue that he was likely advised he needed to address was his defensive positioning and reading of the flight of the ball. He did improve in that regard and year he played well against the Cats. But you might also look at the hawk's game where he made a couple of costly defensive blunders, the most obvious was misjudging the ball and allowing Gunston to take an uncontested mark. As i have posted previously the problem for frosty is he is not competing against Omac. He is competing against Lever, Hibberd, Hunt, Smith and to a lesser extent May. If he gets a game he will have well and truly earned it.
  20. He won't get a game in our back half. Disagree he doesn't have footy smarts. Reads it well. I'd the fe didn't think he was up to it they would have traded him.
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