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Everything posted by binman

  1. By and large it has been the smalls and mediums that have kicked goals on us thus far this season, not the bigs. Buddy will only get 6
  2. Yes, true. Good point. A worry for supposedly one of the best mid fields. I reckon a factor is oppositions have worked out strategies to nullify max. How many center clearances have we had this year. SFA. The 666 was supposed to advantage not hinder us.
  3. Puff piece? Disgraceful article? Spare me. A good article with solid reasoning supporting its central contention that our lack of defensive running from mids 'who have begun to play like millionares' is the cause of our defensive woes. Hard to argue with that contention. Though it won't convince those that see the game in a much less nuanced fashion. You know the 'the opposition is scoring too easily so must be the defenders fault' brigade. Luckily goody is not one of those people.
  4. Source? If Ben Guthrie is it possible he just missed preuss in that second tweet?
  5. That's the problem. I don't go there. Ever. As a fan it should be the very first place i go for a range of information about the club. Instead if i want to know something about club (eg links to pressers, links to radio interviews, links to articles, training times, game information, discussion about training, even blood y photos of training!) i come to Demonland Puff pieces have their place. Ours are rubbish and that's ok. But they are just one thing i want from my clubs website For a start how hard its to say keep a running list of Demon related media, with working links. Or regularly upload photos of training (and more than 6). A work experience kid could do it for pete's sake. A website is a critical communication outward facing tool for any organisation in 2019. Ours is an embarrassment and poor reflection on our club and so called brand.
  6. I don't like the comments from Brayshaw and harmed about players not buying in to the need for 2 way running. And I don't like the media around our so called honesty session. Surely they could have kept that in house . And I don't like the mixed messages from goody. First he says injury and fitness not an issue. Judge us on our performance. Then following a crap performance where our lack of spread and two way running, particularly from our mids, he points out that every mid had been in rehab at some point over summer. Together it all gives a sense of a club, if not in crisis, at the least not rowing in the same direction. Which is crazy after such a terrific, united season last year. At the risk of drawing too long a bow this sort of poor external communication is an extension of our appalling comms to fans though our website and other channels. To be honest I think pert has some questions to answer. Comms is well and truly in his balliwick.
  7. Hogan is a gun. And goals is just one aspect of why he is gun. We sorely miss him and in particular his work rate, abilty to get up sand down the ground, offer an outlet target and rack up posesions . I have a lot of time for Weed but if he is not kicking goals he doesn't impact the game
  8. You'll have to deal with Oscar for a few more seasons. Yay.
  9. Hayward almost just as big for us given his 'speed and goal sense'. Small and medium forwards have been killing us this year.
  10. Spot on. It is huge issue for us. Of our defenders only OMac, Lewis and Salem can be relied on to hit a target. The rest are lucky to go at 50%, which is just diabolical in modern footy. Thoughts of Tmac going back send shivers down my spine given how poor his field kicking is
  11. Absolutely. Cooked right from the first bounce. Not going flat out, taking half steps, allowing the ball to bounce rather than going flat out at it. And to top it off poor body language and complaining to the ump.
  12. I agree with the op red. The issue for us now is we have an unbalanced list. Too much emphasis on contested ball winners. That said where's the rule that such players also have to have terrible skills. Which, with the exception of Oliver, ours do. The hawks are brilliant at trading for players that ensure a balanced list. I watched a bit of their game against the roos and frawley, windgard, impey and Scully were huge for them.
  13. Could not agree more. Remarkably ironic that the sort of personal attacks on this and on other threads come after a round where the club was supporting reach's campaign to stop on line bullying because of the enormous harm it does to young people in our community. You know like Frost and Omac. There has been any number of rubbish and potentially hurtful comments posted in the last few days on DL (and sure players probably don't read DL). And this is a moderated site. Imagine the bile posted on non moderated social media. Beggars belief. As for the article i agree with King. Frost and OMac are not going to be the key defenders in our premiership side. I have said as much myself. Frost will come out of the team when May and Lever are back (and possibly May will replace Frost once back). Frost may come out earlier for Petty, but i doubt it. Omac will stay in the team, even when Lever is back. Much to the distress of some. If you really feel so strongly about Omac's ongoing selection speak to Goodwin. Frosty is average one on one, makes poor decisions (eg when to come off his man) and his disposal is wonky. But to be frank i put Hunt and now Hibberd in that category. I could see Hibberd getting dropped and Frost playing his role if he doesn't get it together. he has been really poor this year. On Omac as RBG notes above he was in good form for much of last year. Which was important because Lever was no better than average up until the last 2-3 games he played before his injury. He hasn't had a great start to 2019 but the most obvious thing to note is that he far from alone in that. He is one of the 12 players who had post season surgeries, so that might be a factor but he seems down on confidence (perhaps related the impact of surgeries). Who knows that lack of confidence might be related to the rubbish he cops on social media. Just a thought. On Friday Frost and Omac were not the problem. Far from it. Omac was on Clarke for most of the night and nullified him (though to be fair Clarke is a limited footballer). Just as was the case against the cats it was their small and medium forwards that did the damage. But again this is the symptom not the cause. Any back line would struggle with the opposition able to move the ball so quickly from their defence into our forward line and deliver it under no real or referred pressure to their forwards. Back to the article, the issue for us is not OMac and Frost. True premiership kryptonite is a side that continually butchers the ball, turns the ball over again and again (making ridiculously hard for defenders because our team has pushed forward to provide attacking options) and makes poor decision after poor decision. I watched a bit of the GWS, tigers game and to see some of the kicking skills from GWS was to fully understand how far off we are in this department. And a team that does not gut run to stop easy uncontested possessions (and chains of such possessions), cannot apply full team defense and pressure won't make finals let alone win a premiership. Brayshaw highlighted this lack of all team pressure with his comment that players are not buying in and running back to get extras into our defence. I am shocked that Brayshaw actually said that but more shocked that in round 3 it can actually be the case. Any team whose 'one wood' is contested ball who can't bring that is shot. And any team with supposedly one of the best mid field and rucks in the league (who are playing pretty well) who can't win center clearance and take advantage of a rule change thatshould advantage them is going nowhere. Sure Lever and May will help our defence. Well perhaps not sure, as i noted Lever was average in his first 6-7 games with us and keep in mind he is average one on one, so the 666 rule change won't help his cause. And May has hardly set the world on fire, what with poor conditioning and lack of discipline (on May i thought it was instructive that against the cats he was the loose man and not given one of their bigs). But lets say they both star for us. As i expect they will. All that will do is put a finger in the dyke. We are nowhere near wining a flag if we don't sort out the issues i highlighted above.
  14. On a treacherous day my best bet is at Morphetville fellas - race 6 no 6, Equal love. Will keep on his winning ways (couldn't find one a caulfield but i do like Flying Krupt and Helloev Street. Not one at Randwick, where i have gone for some very long shots)
  15. Personally i'd consider playing Trac out of the square and make him a leading forward. Tell him his job is to kick goals and give him the license to go for it.
  16. About the same as our match day efficiency
  17. Agree. I thought Corey was pretty unlucky to be dropped. A tough nugget who is not one of those who had an interrupted preseason. I really liked the look of Josh when he first debuted. He fell away- in particular with his kicking - but o still think he has something to offer. As does goody it would seem.
  18. Which is that we were the fittest team in the AFL come finals last year
  19. Cmon Saty, you know i am not one to bag you, but this is utter rubbish. If you honestly believe we are not underdone and a our lack of fitness is not the key issue then i'm sorry i struggle to take your views on where the clubs is at seriously. Your desire to tow some imaginary MFC line is like a footy version of the Stocckholm Syndrome.
  20. Who have they been training with?
  21. The key issue for us is fitness and under done. Too manty players with interrupted pre seasons. I saw a stat that showed we are getting smashed in the second half of quarters. That's a fitness issue. Leaving the fitness issue sside I find it really curious - and not a little concerning - that tom talks about us not looking for open players, blindly kicking it long to a comtest and not bringing team mates into the game. I mean that's not a fitness thing. That's a psychology thing. I mean we finished top 4 last year. Do we get we programmed over summer?
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