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Everything posted by binman

  1. What about the detective and gaff for pick 3?
  2. Gaff, in my view, is precisely the player we need. Given his age i wouldn't give up pick three. But gaff and their first round pick (14?) might get the deal done?
  3. I have no idea and have zero inside info. But I have this funny feeling our pick 3 is a big factor in terms of other clubs wanting/needing it. West coast need something to land Kelly. Would 3 and maybe a pick coming back get gaff? No need then to include Brayshaw in the mix.
  4. We're elite in that stat.
  5. Why not go the whole hog and call us The Gosh's paddocks
  6. A huge factor for goody. make no mistake goody is following the hardwick path in terms of game plan (very similar, though of course not the same) - forward of centre, contest out, get the ball forward at all costs, chaos entries inside 50 etc - and the critical importance of having the the right culture.
  7. Exactly right PSD. Add two elite endurance runners who can provide switching options offensively and gut run defensively to cover opposition switches and tic tac options. Combine with a list that comes back six weeks earlier, has fewer surgeries and players in rehab and gets a high percentage of sessions under their belt and get the miles in the legs. Equals a completely different team able to prevent easy opposition ball movement and transition and run out quarters and games.
  8. He's asking for urine? Strange. Maybe that's we're trading him.
  9. I was thinking yesterday who was the last player I was really excited about recruiting from anorher club. And it was mitch clark. How good was his first few games? Before that? Kelvin Templeton.
  10. Breust or gunston both make sense. Good kicks. Hawks have recent history of moving long term players on. Are rebuilding. And maybe keen in frost. Straight swap?
  11. Excellent summary of his strengths and why we have got him.
  12. And the pies paying overs next year for him.
  13. That is an indictment on the lions. An embarrassment.
  14. This is the reason we want him and why he is an immediate lock. We seriously lack endurance runners. It is why the much maligned anb got a new contract. Modern footy is all about defensive gut running. Listen to Oliver's speech from the bluey for evidence of that.
  15. Fair dinkum I'm just about over this site. Are you being serious. The blues and the saints are competitive environments? Based on what? That both sacked their coach half way through last season because both teams had been rubbish for years? Or that neither have played finals in donkey's years? Or that one has only won one flag and the other not in decades? And we are designed to building through the draft? Did you miss the memo we have locked in Langdon and Tomlinson, chased elliot and no doubt will look to bring in another established player. Fair dinkum. Is a modicum of logic too much to ask?
  16. I presume ds meant the connection is injury causing a drop off. Tranners lost all pace and never got it back.
  17. Unfortunately it's not even close......
  18. I heard an interesting rumor. Can't reveal my source. Apparently in North Korean 'work' camps, as a form of cruel torture, they are forcing all prisoners to listen to every minute of trade radio (including last weeks horror) via the camp PA. When live option not avaiable they are looping the hourly updates. What man will do to each other!
  19. Let me be the first to say he is an over rated injury prone player who would spent more time at the tattoo parlour than roaming our forward line. Dodged a bullet there.
  20. Of course it can. And most likely is. Sure Frost had a good 2019. And yes he finished top 10 (just) in the B&F. But given he was one of a remarkably few players who played every game you'd be shocked if he didn't. In fact if he was as good as what so many are suggesting he should have finished top 5. But have people forgotten he couldn't get in to the team until half way though 2018? An on your point that really only Goody knows the reason they are open to trading him, leaving aside the fact that all in the FD would know, you are by and large correct. It is safe to assume Goody has other information informing the decision - for instance perhaps Frost is not following team rules or as Deanox suggests he is not suited to the zone defence or is too unpredictable to his teammates and so makes defensive systems hard to implement. I was dead against trading Watts. But i said at the time (and since) that i respected Goody's right to make the decision. The club never revealed the full reasoning for that decision but it was an accepted fact on DL that it was to do with cultural reasons and/or he didn't go in hard enough. Who knows if that is true. Which is sort of the point. Whatever the case just as with the Frost scenario they had their own rationale, reasoning and information informing the decision, which fans are not privy to.
  21. The hawks have more average or above average kicks than us so the impact of frost is less for us than them.
  22. I agree, to an extent. I don't have an issue with champion data per se. The issue for me is that all of their data is not available to Joe public and is released in little packages either through say the hun or here and there on tv and footy forums. Data needs to be seen in context of multiple sets of data. Otherwise it us too open to misinterpretation. As I have said before the AFL should pay for the lot and give it all to the public. Champion data would charge a lot because they make money from its exclusivity but so what. We would get good data and the market would open up because clubs would explore other options to get useful data.
  23. I'll try and avoid being a smart [censored]. But in my opinion it is a completely ridiculous assertion that if Elliot cthose lions over us it is in any way an indictment on us. Baghdad bob sums up the reasons why a couple of (his) posts back
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