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Everything posted by binman

  1. Absolutely. Its beyond ridiculous to suggest that players with such talent wouldn't thrive in today's game, assuming of course they had the drive and desire to do the increased training loads modern players have to do. And how many players of the that ilk do not have the drive and desire to do what is required? In fact if i was to pick four dees players from the time i've followed footy who would thrive in today's game i would struggle to go past Flower, Shwartz, Lyon and Neitz (in that order). Stynes would be in the discussion too, as would Stretch, the Wiz and Lovett. Footy has circled back to needing great wingers and Robbie was the greatest of the modern wingers (apologies to Wood, Shimma and Greig). Flower would be like a Hill or Jetta. But better as he could go forward and be like Fritter. Or even play off the half back if needed (what were you thinking barrassi!) As you say Lyon could play anywhere, including the middle. I reckon he is probably the same height as Bontempelli. Image Lyon streaming out of the centre hitting up a leading forward. But his best position now would be high half forward, with a licence to roam up the ground like Melksham or how we will play Bennell. His frame, build and athleticism (he was terrific runner at school - he was the year above me at Melbourne High) would be perfect for today's footy. And he wouldn't be smashed week in, week out trying to play at CHF. Neita bulked up to play as a key forward but if he played now he wouldn't and would be an out and out star (who none the less would go though periods where he simply couldn't mark!). Hogan would be a good comparison. The Ox. Forget about it. Easily the most talented footballer outside Robbie i have ever seen before he did his first knee injury. If he had remained uninjured he would have rivaled Carey and in fact would be a better fit for the modern game because he was more athletic. Would be the best player in the league right now. The other thing is that if the Ox played now they would have fixed his knee properly after that first injury and he would have a better chance of getting back to his best and certainly have been less likely to do it again. My son plays basketball, as does his and i ran into him in Geelong earlier this year before a game and we had a chat. Top bloke. He played a lot of basketball and he said he was close to pursuing it. We talked about injury and he said he never had a single injury playing basketball. He also said that his first knee surgery screwed him completely and could never move laterally or jump properly after it. The query for Jackovich would be his application to training. But lets say he had that desire he would be a phenomenon now, just as he was when he played. Small forward lines are suddenly in vogue now and he is arguably the best medium forward in the last 40 years. Certainly on goals per game. The modern equivalent would be Stringer at his very, very best and De Goey. The other thing all five players have that elevate them and set them apart in today's game is brilliant kicking skills. Everyone of them elite. And two sided. What i would give to have five players with that skill level in our team at the moment.
  2. This is exactly why there has been the spike. Selfish people who o operate on the can't happen to me principle. Apparently some attended family events with symptoms. Spread it and went then went to work the next day. So now restrictions won't be lifted ans all those restaraunts and hars getting ready to have 50 people in them and getting somewhere close to breaking even have to wait 3 more weeks. Not to mention kids lime my son who is climbing the walls waiting to play bball.
  3. No it's not. All four got it elsewhere. What is remarkable is that more than 2 weeks after the march there has not been a single case of community transmission from that protest. Despite all four of those people being contagious at that point. That protest has been repeated in larger numbers 500 fold in rhe states, which have been going on for almost a month. And there has been no spike (In fact the opposite) in New york, Washington, LA, Seattle or indeed any big city that have seen protests. As I have been saying the issue is indoor not outdoors. And indoors where people share that space for some time. Which us why this upswing in vic is all related to family transmission after the restrictions lifted and families and friends came together in big groups for lunches dinners etc. And then not doing the right with social distancing and hygiene. Which is also why they won't allow people back onto offices any time soon.
  4. See red, you are part of the problem, part of the losing culture that pervades the dees. There is no excuse for players not being ready for battle week in, week out. No mitigating factors. Yes, yes i know that the evidence of this season indicates the very opposite with so many good teams being unable to find the required intensity in empty stadiums and losing to sides they would never lose to in normal times. What's that i hear you say - the cats losing the blues at Kardinia park for the first time since the blues last won a premiership is surely evidence that external factors, like no crowds, can affect sporting performances? Phewy. A bunch of losers. No excuse for not being up for that game.
  5. I agree. We shouldn't be. But i still want to watch us play the bombers. I spoke to my happy Garry Baker avatar and he reckons the more games him and i get to watch this wretched season the better. Lets say we play them on a Wednesday night. Play our next game on a Monday night and then another on the following Sunday. It will be awesome. A Demon fiesta.
  6. Could not be more ironic given the whining from Matthew Lloyd about how unfair it would be for the bombers to have to play this week. particularly given the terrible circumstances they unwittingly found themselves in with all that nasty drug stuff. Poor things. I haven't watched any of the footy shows this year, including FC (i have done previously). Might tonight to watch Matty cry
  7. I agree that it would be fair for us to get the four points. Their player stuffed up. End of story. Could not get a more natural consequence. That said i hope we don't because i want to watch us beat Essendon and build our percentage (note: i reserve the right to revisit this if we lose)
  8. I'm not applying them to the bombers situation specifically. Though only those he trained with directly are at risk of being considered close contacts
  9. Yes. Everyone at the clubs is supposed to be isolating as of Saturday lunchtime (when the positive result came back). Ethan, everyone deemed a close contact by DHHS will have to isolate/quarantine for 14 days. Th issue is who DHHS define as a close contact. On that point there is growing body of evidence that it does not transmit easily outdoors. The BLM marches here in the USA have seen very little transmission so far, though masks apparently might play a big role in this. It has been two weeks since ours and there have been no clusters. In both examples it is possible there still might be an uptick in cases but thus far outdoors look pretty safe. Indoors is an entirely different matter. We wont be returning the office in Victoria any time soon
  10. A test on Saturday would have been of no value if the first day he exposed teammates to it was the Friday (which is assumed but not confirmed) as it takes 2-3 days to incubate and show up in testable levels. So that would be today at the earliest.
  11. Nick del Santo is just a shocking commentator.
  12. We quarantine travellers here because they apply the harm minimization principle of assuming anyone returning has it. However, in Victoria, only people who have been in close contact (not any contact) with someone who has covid have to isolate/quarantine. If someone only had contact with say conner then the principle is that it is very unlikely they will have contracted it. So a test on Tuesday will confirm they are covid free. But any close contact with conner will be isolated EVEN IF the test comes back negative
  13. Again the critical issue (Or one of them) is who he got it from, which they almost certainly will. The most likely scenario (but not the only one of course) is he got on Thursday at the house inspection or when he visited his hodt family (Which by the by is the case it means all of this drama, and the big hole in my afternoon, is caused by that moronic decision).
  14. Yep. And I expect that is exactly what will happen. It will also mean they can better work out tbe west Australian teams retiring to WA and the whole WA hub set up.
  15. Only if after touching his snot they touched their own face (And even then not 100% they would get it)
  16. Correct. Almost. You are missing one critical word - close. As in close contact. In terms of the isolation period it will all depend on which, if any, bombers players are considered close contacts. From what I've read it seems there us a chance he got it Thursday. There was team contact training Friday. He (And other players) were tested after that seeking and results on Sat morning had "irregularities'. Retested with rush job. Positive sat arvo. They apparently have to video all sessions so will be able to see who he had 'close personal contact' with on Friday. The key thing is that DHHS define 'close contact" as: Close contact' means having face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes with someone who has a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) – or alternatively sharing a closed space with them for more than two hours. In an outdoors training session, even one with contact, they may not meet that criteria. They might in the gym but only if they didn't follow the strict protocols. And any team meeting would be short and everyone 2 metres apart. It can be transmiitted by directly sharing mucus or the like. For example so he rubs his snot on his jumper and a player then touches and then touches his own face. The other thing is they are only allowed one session a week where all players train toghether. The rest of the time they have to train in groups of no more than seven. I'm not sure what their Friday session was. So the key thing is DHHS determining who and when he got it (my bet is his hist family on Thursday given that is where most transmission is currently occuring). If they can pinpoint it as Thursday they can work out who at Essendon meets the close personal contact criteria. Any player, coach etc not deemed to have been a close contact who test clear on Tuesday should be fine. Anyone who they define as a close contacts will have a mandatory 14 day isolation period. It is likely that number wont be that high. If it is say only seven players maybe they are right to play this week. One important caveat on all of the above. I would have thought it is very unlikely he caught it at Essendon. If he did and they have a cluster there all bets are off. This is the worst case scenario. It would be likely mean everyone at the club doing isolation for 2 weeks, meaning missing three games in total (they all went into isolation yesterday).
  17. I think demonland has been infected by a virus.
  18. I thought the same thing. The answer it doesn't have anything to do with us. He is an idiot. Drop step indeed.
  19. No it is not alright. I would assume it is in contravention of the AFL rules, which are much stricter than those for the community.
  20. Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. It would seem evident he caught it in the last two to three days.
  21. Perhaps this is an attempted joke. Who knows. But saty your relentless bagging of fellow posters, individually and collectively is becoming exhausting. The great irony is that you bag posters for their supposed negativity. Ironic because it reflects a seeming complete lack of self awareness given how negative you so often are of late. I know I can put you on ignore (I have done so previously). But i'd rather not. I don't put many people on ignore. You are a long term poster that has contributed a lot of good content and positive energy. Your training reports are a good example of that. It would be great, in these somewhat dispiriting times for some more of that positive energy.
  22. False negative can happen of course. As it did with that fella who died in QLD. But as you say uncommon. Tuesday a big day for Essendon, but even more so for the AFL. It would appear he got it in the last 2 days. The big question is how, given the protocol they are supposed to follow. For those minimising the decision by kozzie and spargo to go partying this situation shows how utterly stupid that decision was.
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