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Everything posted by binman

  1. I reckon weed is the sort of player who responds well to that sort of positivity. I guess all are to one extent or other - and ultimately intrinsic motivation and drive way more important than extrinsic. But some people need that sort of mentoring input to optimise their talent.
  2. I'll have a word about taking you back out. I've got some pull in tbe bin department
  3. Thanks for the photos DL. A couple of random thoughts on them: I'm no doctor but May, Viney, Brown and Melksham look good to go the photos of Kozzie in the air are a bit deceptive - he is actually 80 feet up not sure why they are allowing hunt to kick salem is gym shy Spallow look like he he is about to sort crying coz i cant get his name right
  4. I've watched the first four episodes. I'm not sure where I land on it to be honest. Great production values, and I really like the parts with Eddie Betts and his family. He seems like a terrific fella. As does Nik Nat for that matter. Hardwick, Cameron and Simpson all come across like nutcases. Dew less so. The cuts to the footy departments is full on in terms of how many staff the clubs involved in the docos had to cut. At one stage Nik Nat walks though basically an empty Eagles office and laments all the staff that have left. And the scene where Brendan Gale has to tell his team that to remain solvent many 'roles' will no longer exist is tough viewing.
  5. Good. Because, without putting too much pressure on the kid, and at the risk of hyperbole, i reckon kozzie is in our top 10 most important players. Without him we are next to hopeless in terms of pressure inside our 50, which is one of the most important/impactful factors in footy.
  6. It was just Sheer's luck she wasn't injured. Let's hope for the Dockers sake they don't have player called Dumb.
  7. Good post. Was just about to make a similar point. Gawn's key strength is his incredible marking. And he has incredible athleticism (for such a tall player) and fitness. The combination of these strengths mean he is a weapon we can use: down forward, for example the goal he set up for Fritter in the dogs game, which came after hard running and creating mismatch in the forward pocket, creating an easy mark as the long option from the kick out - again as we saw against the dogs, a tactic I suspect we will use quite a bit (and were last year, but with extra distance possible from a kick out it becomes more offensive) dropping back inside 50 and either taking an intercept mark or blocking lanes and inside 50 options at throw in, where his rucking is most effective because he can use his strength and his leap is not an issue - and his fitness means he can get to most of them I have noted before that I reckon maxy is the best mark since Teasdale and Dempsey. Iinterestingly both players played a similar role to the dot points above. Of the options you note above i reckon number 5 is the one they will end up employing. Jackson will take more centre bounces, as was the case against the dogs, as he does have the sort of leap Nik Nat does. And rather than bench max, he can go forward, or back, depending on the circumstances. And continue to take throw ins. It is worth noting in this context that it is easy to over rate the importance of centre square clearances. I'm not saying they are not important, but even with the 6 6 6 change, statistically bugger all goals come from them (which to a degree goes to the point about the value of rucks). Territory yes. Goals no. I'm more concerned about the goals we gift from turnovers than our centre square clearances.
  8. I wrote an email to the club this morning and will post their reply. By the by, in my email i acknowledged that there is a review of the game on the Casey page on the MFC website, which is a real positive: https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/879287/casey-makes-amends-from-monday
  9. Funny you should say that. I was just thinking that based on The Test Langer had the same angry, F bomb vibe as an AFL coach
  10. I've watched the first four episodes. And it is non stop f bombs, from everyone, but particularly the coaches. In one short speech/spray (not on game day mind you) he must have said it 10 times in 2 minutes. Hardwick, who just seems angry all the time, uses it a lot too.
  11. Love how she shrugs a tackle. A natural footballer. Great balance.
  12. Good call. That simply has to inspire the men's team. Who would have thought ten years ago a women's dees team would be showing a men's team want getting angry is reallt all about. Go dees
  13. The very definition of a deserved victory.
  14. In 5 years almost every player in the AFLW will have come up through junior footy like bannon, hanks and mcnamara. And the standard will be incredible.
  15. I have reallt enjoyed this season of AFLW. The AFL are on a winner in their war with rugby and soccer. The AFLW will only continue to grow in popularity. Meaning there is footy feb to October.
  16. She was our best last week. And has been awesome again. Great move playing her as a mid in this game. Her ability to win hard balls and get really good distance of both feet has been super important.
  17. There's your home ground frees senor demonland
  18. Too? They were the only ones who provided any updates. And it would be a stretch to say they covered it.
  19. That's a fair question. I have previously (a few years back). Will consider doing so again.
  20. If not then they don't understand their fans. Which is a worry. Even if most don't care, some obviously do and for basically no effort or cost they could have made the effort to at least post some pre game info on the club websites. I don't care about a box at the g but still get that spamming up my email And it wasn't the reserves of the reserves. Was the best team Casey could put out.
  21. Spot on AW. They have no problems promoting their fundraising stuff, like a box at the g. Get emails for that sort of stuff all the time. Again, membership is the clubs most important revenue stream. Not bloody boxes at the g. I though pert was supposed to be business savvy?
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