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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. Just hope Melbourne are one of those clubs who picks "talls"....

    Would much prefer best available player, if it happens to be a tall great, but always best available with relatively low picks

  2. 5 years ago it was obvious that we were not going to be competitive for a long time and that we were building a team from the ground up. I called for it at the time, and now I'm asking for everyones opinion.s Why didn't we trade Green, Bruce and Yze when they had SUBSTANTIAL trade value. Bruce would have achieved a pick near the top 10 as would Brad Green and Yze would have give us an early second rounder. None of these players are (or were) ever going to be big contributors in 2013 when we are in our prime. Yes, BRad Green is still playing good footy but will he in 3 years?

    Trading johnston for Grimes showed that its worth it so why didn't we do this with all senior players, that hadf trade value? I think it was Brisbane or Sydney that were going to give us a 2nd rounder for Brad Miller. We said no to that I believe.

    Yes, we have stocked up on young talent but we could have, and should have, stocked up on heaps more than we should have. Now we are lamenting the games of BRuce and Miller each week and praising the efforts of Grimes who we obtained from doing the right thing, that is: trading any player with trade value that won't be a contributor in our grand final year.

    Davey, for example, is not worth trading, because i believe he will be played in the forward pocket during our GF and do quite well.

    5 years ago, Bailey wasn't the coach, and we were not in a rebuilding phase. It was still the Daniher era, and at the end of the 05 season we finished 7th, and should have been much better.

    5 years ago, we were not building a team from the ground up, that didn't happen until Bailey arrived.

    The administration we have now running the club and the football department are completely different - and I feel is we had the people in place today back then, we would have made some tougher decisions.

  3. I'm starting to read this as the team looking for leaders to stepup...

    I hope Junior will go around again.

    I highly doubt we are dragging out his injury due to looking to find some other leaders on-field. I too hope Junior goes around again, and on form this year deserves to.

    Just had a closer look at the injury list. There is only 2 players on there who would be automatic inclusions to our best 22 - Junior and Ricky.

    Gysberts obviously another who would push for selection, but the rest are rookies or Gawn, our project ruckman who was never going to play this year anyway.

    There will be some strong competition for spots in the next few weeks which will hopefully make a few pull their head in - or out, depending on which saying you choose!

  4. Any rule that outlaws serial snipers with past records like Baker should be applauded.

    Agree on the inconsistencies of the MRP. I am glad they made a statement on this bloke though.

    Agreed. The inconsistency is a joke - but bloody hell it couldn't have happened to a better person.

  5. Has Junior suffered a re-occurrence ?

    Good to see the likes of Tapscott and Blease now off it.

    It doesn't sound like it from what Connolly says in the article. It might have been worse than they let on in the first place - and his old body just taking a bit longer to recover.

  6. I didn't notice Gys at the boxing camp Ox?

    Thanks for the update..hopefully a problem soon alleviated as these can become troublesome. Surely we've had our share of damn fine players over the last 20 years cut down by injury at one stage or another, the Ox being one, Glen Lovett, Stinger, Jakovich, Lyon...on and on.

    Really think we missed Gys in the middle last week, even being young he is an addition into midfield rotations and a good one at that.

    I am pretty certain I saw him in photos. He is a good clearance player thats for sure. Another one of our boys with a small frame but willing to get to the bottom of packs. It's good to see.

  7. MelbourneFC Update

    Round 13 injury list

    Rhys Healey (hamstring) - 4-5 weeks

    Daniel Hughes (ankle) - test

    Max Gawn (knee) - 1-2 weeks

    Jordan Gysberts (back) - 2 weeks

    James McDonald (hamstring) - 1-2 weeks

    John Meesen (ankle) - indefinite

    Ricky Petterd (shoulder) - season

    In better news for the Demons, youngsters Luke Tapscott and Sam Blease are set to play their first match this season.

    Tapscott, selected at No.18 in last year’s NAB AFL Draft, has missed the year after undergoing hip surgery.

    He is a chance to line up in the Casey seniors, although Blease, who is in his second season, has been mooted for the VFL reserves.

    Bad news regarding Junior, but this bit is great news!

  8. I went to Visy Park today and watched the 2nd Division Under 18's. In the first match,there was one young NT footballer whom seemed to really have it- Steve May. NT beat Q'ld by 15 points. In the other match- decider of the 2nd Division winner,Tasmania belted NSW. Brad Green coached the centreline. One player that took my eye ,a kid by the name of Joshua Green- I do not know if related and another Andrw Phillips-an impressive overage .Nearly 19- 200 cm ruckman/forward.

    Is a player who is nearly 19 allowed to play U/18's? I know it has something to do with the birth date of the player, but I have no idea what exactly.

  9. So a four week injury in essence factoring in the week off and the weekend just gone?

    Glad we heard about that two weeks after the fact. :(

    Nah not really Jack, I doubt it occurred in the Pies game. Gys was at the boxing camp - I am wondering if it happened there.

    It was mentioned pre-game that he had hamstring tightness, obviously back related.

  10. My core strength is rapidly diminishing and I don't think I can handle too many more games like that.

    My grandson must think I'm some sort of crazy man that yells at a television.

    You are Robbie, we all know that. It's about time your grandson does too!

  11. I noticed one particular time Adelaide kicked the ball in and were out of our 50 mtr zone before we had the chance to drop anyone back there to cover the kick in.

    What I would like to know is where were our players?

    Asleep or picking themselves up from slipping over Robbie!

    It has been a concern for a long time, both our kick-ins and our set up during opposition kick ins

  12. This would suggest otherwise.

    Changes will be made: Bailey

    Skipper James McDonald (hamstring) and forward/midfielder Colin Sylvia (toe) are among the contenders, likely to return from injury.

    “I think we have to look at a couple of [changes] or probably some change. I don’t know how many, whether it’s one or two,” Bailey said post-match.

    “The great challenge is for the guys who were poor [against Adelaide] to actually show something next week as well.

  13. In games like yesterdays, when Aaron Davey is completely ineffectual and tagged out the game, I can see no reason why he should not take every single one of our kick ins, unless there is a clear cut quick outlet.

    He has the ability to hit targets 40-50 mts out with regularity every time he does take them, so why not get him to do it more often.

    It is an area we have always struggled in, and when teams put on that tight forward press like the Crows and Hawks do, we tend to crumble and not be able to move the ball forward as we have nobody with foot skills to hit targets with precision like Davey.

    It would also allow him to gain some confidence by getting a feel of the pill and a kick.

    We need to find ways to get Davey into games when he has a hard tag, because along with Jamar and Frawley, I feel he is our most important player, and we can't afford him to have games like he had against Adelaide and Carlton.

    Agreed, but I think he should only take it in the games he is struggling to find the pill himself. On the days he is 'on' his run and carry through half back and wing are vital, which would be eliminated because he doesn't work hard enough after kicking out.

    In games he is struggling in, he really seems to drop his head. He doesn't attack the footy as hard and certainly doesn't chase as hard.

    When he is 'off' we may as well benefit from his kicking ability at kick ins, cause we sure as hell know that we struggle with them as is. The amount of times the kick long to Rivers/Jamar is used is a real concern. Our speed from kick in's is also horrible. The one time we moved it on rapidly we went end to end and kicked a goal.

  14. .....what is he? 60k dripping wet? NOT ONCE did he shirk the issue.

    It's a shame the team didn't play with the same intensity on Sunday.

    Scully is one of the few positives I took out of the game yesterday.

    Whilst his skills were down on usual, his ferocious attack on the footy is amazing for a player with such a small frame. He really doesn't give a stuff about what happens to him, and he has done in more often than just yesterdays game. Nearly every week I have seen him put his body in situations his more seasoned teammates wouldn't dare.

    Couple his ball winning ability with his ability to get up and break away from a pack with ease, he we have a sensational player on our hands - not that we didn't already know it.

  15. Most of our players were able to keep their feet it seems as if Watts, Trengove and Scully fall over several times every week. I understand what Ox said above but why is it only some of the players; is it an age and experience thing? I've lost count of the times I've seen Trengove scrambling along the ground trying to regain his feet and Jack Watts just falling over like he was on an ice rink with leather soled shoes. He in particular has put himself out of the contest so many times and a couple on the weekend cost us a shot on goal.

    I actually yelled at the TV so loud at one stage yesterday I frightened my grand son, it is so frustrating seeing Watts lying prostrate on the ground while the defenders casually run the ball out of defence.

    Robbie it is very much to do with core strength, which younger players haven't really developed.

  16. I'd suggest and argue that it would be just as costly to slip in other places on a heavy ground, as it is in the defensive 50m in today's game, where quick transition and/or run & carry can be just as damaging resulting in a goal.

    Thanks for the input ox.

    I agree with that too HT, just stating what Shaw said.

    It frustrates everybody to see a player slip when they have a good run at the ball, or when trying to turn and avoid an opponent.

    It would not be something regularly considered by players I would suggest, due to the generally good condition of our grounds. It is expected now by players that they will be able to hold their feet as it is what they have become accustomed too. However, with the soaking all over the country on the past weekend, it was very evident in the games on Friday, Saturday and ours on Sunday.

  17. The issue players have with non-molded boots are the comfort factor. They are a bloody horrible boot to wear.

    It was discussed on Saturday Night's coverage of Sydney v Pies. Heath Shaw slipped over probably 6 times and a few at crucial times, because of the boots he was wearing. Sydney had been saturated with rain, and the grass on the ground was a bit longer than usual, yet he wore moulded boots.

    Leigh Colbert was speaking and said in todays game, a midfielder will never wear non-moulded boots. Mainly due to the fact they destroy your feet with the amount of ground a midfielder covers. They are just far too uncomfortable.

    Speaking to Shaw after the game, he said players might wear non-moulded about 2 times a year, and generally it is only the defenders who wear them because a slip in the defensive 50 is more costly than other places on the ground.

    I will accept a few slips during the game if it means being able to run further, harder, for longer, and have no negative effects the following week due to your feet being butchered by a pair of cleats.

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